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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Official Trailer at YouTube


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Man, I need to jump in here.

I am normally very critical, actually bordering on being a troll, however I must say the video was great !!!

What on earth is the criticism about ?

Good on you Moon, great video. It will certainly bring the gameboys on board aswell as the grogs.

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Despite what most are saying, I think most of what is upsetting people is the fact that they did not create a brand new vid for the Western release.

The tone of Battlefront's earlier promotional statements implied without stating outright that TOW's improvements over the original Russian verion, warrant considering it a whole game. Using the original trailer kind of contradicts that, and I fear that some here may have taken that as a slap in the face.

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Why not use some actual in game footage? What's the point of all that Hollywood from a marketing perspective? There's some awesome in game footage out there that would make for a far better ad tool, and would be much more representative of the actual game.

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DOW first intro ...

Best. intro. ever. No, seriously no other intro to any other computer game has ever hyped me up so much to play the actual game. Everying was just nailed in that intro; story, characters, graphics, physics (you can feel the weight of impact of the ork ammo hitting the sarge at the end sequence), sound & music. If those guys ever did a full movie in the WH40K universe I would be waiting in line now ...

In terms of the TOW intro ...

Eck, given the target audience (any audience), I just don't see why? No intro is better than a crappy one. It insults the grogs (presumably the target owner population) and I can't imagine would do anything for the gamerz class of 2007.

I see this a lot with all the new wave russian games. The game itself is ok to good, but the intros are almost all hopeless (execept the Space Rangers 2 intro which was so bad it was vaguely humourous)

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As a long time ToW follower (all the way back from WW2 RTS, Battlefield Command, Wartime Command, WW2 RTS and finally ToW) I must say that I would had expected something different from the trailer.

That they took parts of the old trailer from 2004 (I am not totally sure about the year, could be 2003 too) and have reused it, is in general ok with me. I am a bit scared that this is an indication of 1C working on ToW only with very limited resources - hopefully I am wrong and they have all their resources on the last touches of ToW and therefore the trailer got less effort.

The use of rendered material instead of ingame footage is annoying, but it seems to be (more or less) the standard nowadays. So why should ToW be any different if they want to get some attraction out there.

The use of tactical bombers, urban fighting and paratroopers (assuming here that they are not included in the game) in the trailer is outright misleading about the real tactical possibilities of ToW (the ToW possibilities I can absolutely live with - I see room for improvement, but it is ok for now).

All this to say that I hope not too many people are ordering ToW SOLELY based on this trailer. That would leave room for quite some disappointement. Maybe from a marketing point of view it is acceptable to have a certain ratio of unsatisfied customers - I was just under the impression that Battlefront tried everything to keep this group of unsatisfied customers smaller than other companys out there in the computer game business...

As a last word: I just have to wait for the game or at least the demo to have the direct comparison between the atmosphere and feel of the trailer compared to the actual gameplay. Than I can fairly judge this trailer right! So far it is only based on my EXPECTATIONS of the game and what the trailer delievers.


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As I have said before, I am in agreement with many out there that this trailer is inappropriate for TOW. Simply put, it was a poor judgement call. If you want to sell screwdrivers, then why would you advertise wrenches?

Be that as it may, I feel that it is less significant than some here seem to think. I cannot imagnine anyone buying any game based solely on a trialer. If they do, they are fools. Secondly, let us also remember that Battlefront did not design this game, nor did they produce this trailer. Thus their say in the matter was probably limited.

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After watching it for the second time, I'm still speachless. . . I don't know if that's something I would want to release prior to shipping in hopes of boosting sales. Dated graphics (and no, I don't think graphics make a game) and almost comical music make for a rather painful intro.

As someone stated earlier, sometimes it's OK to not have an intro.

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Fourtunately, as this is not a mainstream game, I strongly suspect that the vast majority of those who likely to purchase this game, already know about it and are following it right here on this forum. While the trailer itself will not likely attract many newcomers, I do not think it will scare them away either as pretty detailed info is openly available.

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If I'm not mistaken, Uwe, this IS the old E3 trailer from '03 or '04, isn't it?

I agree with both sides here - fun in some ways, highly misrepresentative in others...

Edit: Yup, had it copied over onto the new hard drive, I had named it "B-Command E-3 vid" dated 05/03.

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Bah - so what if the Stukas seemed to have their infamous dive sirens off, or that a Sherman got flipped over like it was made of papermache. ;)

I'm sure we all watch a game's opening trailer what once - maybe twice?

After that, the novelty has worn off and it's a scramble to hit your "escape" key, or anything else that gets the intro movie and other advertisements to go away, just so we can get in the game already!! tongue.gif

I think the only game I've ever conciously let the opening movie play out, was for Silent Hunter III. And even that was no more than a dozen times at best.

Who cares if the opening movie doesn't win an oscar - it's the game its self we care about! ;)

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Originally posted by Little_Black_Devil:

Who cares if the opening movie doesn't win an oscar - it's the game its self we care about! ;)

Normally I would agree with your sentiment. However, by releasing the intro prior to release, it's like saying, "Hey, everyone, look at me!"

And let's face it. It's not that special. If it's special for anything it's for how dated it looks and sounds. This is not the first impression I would want to make for a game that definetly has a LOT going for it.

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LMAO! Perfect video. Feed this to IGN and Gamespot and reel in all those BF2, Blitzkreig, and CoH worshipping unwashed masses with dollar bills in their fists. Bring em in by the boatload I say. Lord knows I have burned many dollar bills buying crappy WWII "strategy/resource management" games, now its their turn!

Screw the whiney grogs....full steam ahead!

Here here for a brilliant marketing tactic......drinks all round.

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Originally posted by Valgua:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RabidRabbit:

So what? If I wanted a war movie I'd buy "Saving private Ryan" on DVD. I want the game. Many of the very best games I own don't even have an intro movie.

Filippo </font>

I think you are missing the point. I agree intros don't mean anything in relation to how good or bad a game is. I just can't see why a company would want to release an outdated and subpar intro as part of marketing leading up to launch.
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