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Originally posted by stone75:

I would imagine he chose his name for a unit he admired in combat.

He was in combat with the Leibstandarte? And admired them for it? Sounds twisted.

Really, it's an idiotic, puerile nickname and drags the perceived collective IQ of the forum down to the level of the State Remedial Kindergarten Math Exams for West Virginia. At least we get to keep our shoes on while we're reading his posts, but please...give us all a break.

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Originally posted by franz:

what on earth is wrong with his nickname ?

All you idiots who compain about things like that need to reassess your lives.

If you are so sensitive to be offended by someone using an SS nickname then why are you playing wargames in the first place. Why are you extracting pleasure from reenacting the slaughter and carnage of millions of fellow humans ? Perhaps you should be out picking daisies and chanting peace mantras with your local green party cronies.

We are historical, factual wargamers and history buffs, not members of left-wing, politically correct protest groups.

If we want to call ourselves Patton, Montgomery or Sepp Dietrich then we will - and we will watch you joy when you apparently become "offended".

Next thing will be that we are coined "nazis" because we choose to play the German side of a WW2 game !!!

franz, not to often we agree, but this time is one of them.


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Hey, if we are going to be extracting pleasure from reenacting the slaughter and carnage of millions of fellow humans... Then at least we should be able to engage infantry with AA.

Turn-about is fair play. tongue.gif

Even if there is no hand to hand.... bayonets should be affixed upon assaulting a trench line. At least that. Yeah C'mon!!!!

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michael, your obviously a man with some inteligence.....quote:


Originally posted by stone75:

I would imagine he chose his name for a unit he admired in combat.


He was in combat with the Leibstandarte? And admired them for it? Sounds twisted.

He was in combat with them ???? i only meant he maybe read about them, christ man do you find the smallest mistakes in peoples grammer and flame them ?? is that what makes you tick ? sad. I try on here to make topics that will draw useful comments but all too often they just end up a flaming mess. I think ill take my leave and wish BFC all the best, because your forum has seriously gone down the pan.

Nice to have talked with some of you, pity the few spoil for the many.


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

the perceived collective IQ of the forum

lol...I'm intrigued. Perhaps we need this dynamically displayed at the top of the forum?

"Today the perceived collective IQ of the forum has dropped two points. The outlook is poor, although infrequent sunny interludes can be expected."

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As always when I take a look at this forum I just see peoples posting about things they don't have a clue about what SS was.

SS was originally just a bodyguard but grew to the largest organization in the Nazi Germany.

To just point a finger on SS and say: "SS was a warcrime organization, they made soap of jeews, etc." is in mho not right.

SS consisted of different headbranches and did everything from slaughtering people in the concentration camps to try to find out if there was a german tribe hiden in the tibet mountains (Yes it's true).

What 1st SS Liebstandarde stands for is Waffen-SS, and if I say that they didn't do anything wrong, then thousands of murdered peoples on the Eastfront will probably rise from the graves and point a accusing finger on me for lying.

The oposite would render in the same accusing finger, If I say that the russians did nothing wrong.

The organization was convicted as a warcrime organization after the war, but those who fought in the Waffen-SS, those who went to tibet to find the lost german tribe, etc. can't even today understand why they was convicted as warcriminals.

And if the trial against SS had been done today Waffen-SS and other branches would probably not been convicted as a war criminal organization.

There will always be peoples that just flame a post as soon as someone say SS and it will also always be peoples that say "SS didn't do anything wrong" just because they don't really understand what type of organization SS was. Even today it's really hard to understand how big SS was and what every branch of the organization realy did.

But flaming someone for his nick just by saying "Hey that name has SS in it" is BS.

Cause then you don't understand the historical facts about SS and it's branches.

Anyway I will probably also be flamed just for posting this and someone will probably say that Im a nazi or something like that, but they can't be more wrong.

All I wan't is a forum without flaming. A good example of that is this thread, He has some questions and get's no answers but the flaming start directly.

And to Patrocles: Wehrmacht and SS are sure not the same thing.

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Originally posted by Carolus X:

As always when I take a look at this forum I just see peoples posting about things they don't have a clue about what SS was.

SS was originally just a bodyguard but grew to the largest organization in the Nazi Germany.

To just point a finger on SS and say: "SS was a warcrime organization, they made soap of jeews, etc." is in mho not right.

SS consisted of different headbranches and did everything from slaughtering people in the concentration camps to try to find out if there was a german tribe hiden in the tibet mountains (Yes it's true).

What 1st SS Liebstandarde stands for is Waffen-SS, and if I say that they didn't do anything wrong, then thousands of murdered peoples on the Eastfront will probably rise from the graves and point a accusing finger on me for lying.

The oposite would render in the same accusing finger, If I say that the russians did nothing wrong.

The organization was convicted as a warcrime organization after the war, but those who fought in the Waffen-SS, those who went to tibet to find the lost german tribe, etc. can't even today understand why they was convicted as warcriminals.

And if the trial against SS had been done today Waffen-SS and other branches would probably not been convicted as a war criminal organization.

There will always be peoples that just flame a post as soon as someone say SS and it will also always be peoples that say "SS didn't do anything wrong" just because they don't really understand what type of organization SS was. Even today it's really hard to understand how big SS was and what every branch of the organization realy did.

But flaming someone for his nick just by saying "Hey that name has SS in it" is BS.

Cause then you don't understand the historical facts about SS and it's branches.

Anyway I will probably also be flamed just for posting this and someone will probably say that Im a nazi or something like that, but they can't be more wrong.

All I wan't is a forum without flaming. A good example of that is this thread, He has some questions and get's no answers but the flaming start directly.

And to Patrocles: Wehrmacht and SS are sure not the same thing.

good post! thanks for the info.

However, my question/observation still hasn't been answered on why I see many people adopting so many German WW2 military names compared to say, British, Russian, American, Japanese WW2 military nicknames. It could just be my limited exposure to the 'internets' and perhaps I need to use 'the google' to acquire more info.

in a rush now, but i will start a separate thread on this theme tonight.


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I objected to the notion that SS were lemonade makers, when we all know they were up to their eye balls in the holocaust, directly involved in the mechanized organized extermination, Genocide. I mean if you want to say they also performed well in such and such battle, had great field kitchens - made swell lemonade, and had spiffy uniforms, well OK, but let's not kid ourselves about the SS.

Generalities aside, we are talking about a specific unit Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH). This is the correct unit, yes? 1.SS Leibstandarte was Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH)? Because my recollection is this unit was a bit different than some of the other waffen SS formations. Very uber Aryan fellows, and that sort of mob?

If my memory serves the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH) history goes back to the formation of the NAZI party, it was Hitler's Praetorian Guard. The Leibstandarte was involved in Rohm's arrest and execution, the "Night of the Long Knives" where the were broken up into flying squads and performed many summary executions. Was'nt this unit also mixed up in the Warsaw Ghetto thing, and involved in some unpleasantness with partisans or civilians or something in Italy?

As for a list of what the game lacks / missing / needs... it lacks coupons for free Hacker-Pschorr, it is missing the hoppy bite of a good IPA, and needs to refresh like a fine Pilsner.

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To answer the OP as best I can.

1. Buildings cannot be entered by infantry, although they apparently can be reduced to rubble and used for hull down positions.

2. No on-board mortars, but apparently there is the possibility that they could be put back in. See the latest blog entry.

3. It appears that this is real-time only. Although you may not consider that a flaw.

4. No PBEM (since it's RTS only)

5. Not sure what else until we see the game. I'm sure there will be some style of tanks missing, maybe the AI will be whacky, maybe issues with offboard arty (is that even in the game, I think so) being too responsive-too accurate-not responsive enough-not accurate enough. You know, typical grog complaints from those who think they know everything.

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WTF!?!?! What is wrong with you people??? Where is the admin in this situatioN??

It's really hard for me to understand how the internet emboldens and twists the human psyche so much, but this forum is the biggest proof of it. Of the self righteous flamers here unfortunately most are acne-ridden self-confidence lacking geeks who all of a sudden develop a new spine with a vengeance over the internet and vow themselves to ruin the lives of all who post ANYTHING here. If I had to name some names....Michael Dorosh....I don't know what collective IQ you take pride in in this forum, but I won't go into that, maybe ya'll really are intelligent. But your collective EQ is so pathetic that I feel like I've walked into a kindergarten for down-syndromed children.

I hope I'm not getting banned for this, "Steve", as I don't think I could "legally" be found guilty of anything, but while we're talking about you, let's mention your absence from this thread while the opposite equivalent of nazism was going on. You are involved in making a WW2 RTS!!! Half the battles in your game involve Nazi Germany and the army of Nazi Germany, despite how twisted their leadership was, is probably the most admired/respected army in the world because of their kill ratios, their ability to win in almost desparate circumstances etc. I don't really give a s*it about the Germans or any of them, but when I want to play a WW2 RTS I prefer to choose a nick that somehow fits in the timeperiod with a military combat unit that has performed well. SO, YOU CAN'T BAN PEOPLE WHO SAY GERMANS ARE COOL BUT NOT BAN PEOPLE WHO WILL TRY TO DIGITALLY EXECUTE ANYONE WHO SAYS SO! You are supposed to run this kindergarten, please do so like an adult. I started off peacefully asking about the game and now everyone's worked me up to the point of getting angry at the admin, thx people, ya'll are great!

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Originally posted by 1stSSLeibstandarte:

It's really hard for me to understand how the internet emboldens and twists the human psyche so much, but this forum is the biggest proof of it.

Thank you for participation.

I'm really starting to think that you're just a troll.

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Hmmmmm.....I first thought Carolus X=Sigrun.....but this 1stSS wannabe is now in the lead.

Of the self righteous flamers here unfortunately most are acne-ridden self-confidence lacking geeks who all of a sudden develop a new spine with a vengeance over the internet and vow themselves to ruin the lives of all who post ANYTHING here.
I'm bored here at the office so I'll bite.

Name the time and place sparky. I can guarantee you won't meet with a zit covered, cowardly nerd.

I hope I'm not getting banned for this, "Steve", as I don't think I could "legally" be found guilty of anything,
You are correct in that you are not thinking. This is a private site and "Steve" or any of the other BFC staff could send you on your merry way for any reason whatsoever. No "legal" rights here tough guy.

Nice logic. And you are scoring major points with the staff here with your kudos.

This is fun! ;)tongue.gif

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Originally posted by 1stSSLeibstandarte:

what's a troll?

That's the first thing a troll says, usually. Not saying you are, because I don't think so. Just that it has been my experience. A troll is someone who provokes (sometimes in stunningly subtle ways) a heated discussion. not for the discussion part, but the heated part. Yeah, weird, huh?

Anyway. Despite this thread veering off course wildly (sorry, I do hope you understand that wasn't my intention) with the whole SS thing you haven't been flamed yet, so I wouldn't get your nickers in a twist just yet. Believe you me, If I or any of the other regulars disliked you, they'd be less then shy about making their feelings known. So pull up a chair and make yourself comfy, I welcome the fresh blood into this community.

It's really hard for me to understand how the internet emboldens and twists the human psyche so much, but this forum is the biggest proof of it.
Ah, but turn about is fair play and all that. Would you go about the streets dressed as an SS soldier? I think not, because besides risking a thrashing by an enraged member of the public, you would think it poor taste. But that is what you are more or less doing so on this forum, by your nick. Not saying you don't have the right to that nick, but expecting us not to comment or form an opinion based on that knick is unrealistic and dare I say unfair towards us. Your right to your nick doesn't deprive us of the right to find it distasteful. There are many German units who fought at least equally well and with bravery but got their hands a hell of a lot less dirty then the WSS.


The game is supposed to be closer to Close Combat then Combat Mission in gameplay style, but with the 3D and realism it should please fans of both series. Keep our fingers crossed that it can deliver the goods and rank amongst such wargaming greats. I also remembered another thing it hasn't got. It hasn't got a seperate US and UK campaign. Instead it has a Western Allies campaign where you could command British in one mission and Americans in the next. A bizarre thing to do, IMHO. Ohwell!

*edited cuz I is thick*

[ November 02, 2006, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]

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Damn me for eating a meal and typing slowly.

People, could we not rush to conclusions, please? Maybe I'm naive but I think we have very little grounds to accuse Leib here of anything more then a somewhat poor taste/judgment in picking his nickname.

If he is a troll, that will surface later. We need not hassle him now, the evidence isn't there to do so. I, for one no not think he is a troll.

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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

Damn me for eating a meal and typing slowly.

People, could we not rush to conclusions, please? Maybe I'm naive but I think we have very little grounds to accuse Leib here of anything more then a somewhat poor taste/judgment in picking his nickname.

If he is a troll, that will surface later. We need not hassle him now, the evidence isn't there to do so. I, for one no not think he is a troll.

Naaaah. The below following quote by the individual in question is a dead giveaway. How can someone with enough internet savvy use terms like "flamers" and not know what is a 'troll'?

It's really hard for me to understand how the internet emboldens and twists the human psyche so much, but this forum is the biggest proof of it. Of the self righteous flamers here unfortunately most are acne-ridden self-confidence lacking geeks who all of a sudden develop a new spine with a vengeance over the internet and vow themselves to ruin the lives of all who post ANYTHING here.

It's Sigrun as Dirtweasle noted. He really must like everyone here and enjoy being piled on as he keeps returning.

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