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Wish List!


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Well...It looks like we are not going to get everything we would like to see in the release of ToW. What would you like to see in game updates/upgrades? Here is my wish list.

1. Building entry for infantry. You guys got to make it happen! :D

2. Fire spreading to differant terain (Fields,woods, houses). This I feel will give the battlefield more life to it. Many a real battle have been affected by fire speading to woods,fields and buildings.

3. Glider landings! I think this looks like this might be do-able with the IL2 engine. It was a flight sim for gosh sake! ;) Paratrooper falling from the sky might be alittle harder. I'll forgive Battlefront/2C for not making that happen.

4. More unit/vehicle/weapon types. Say no more.

5. Scenario & map design by the players. I got a ton of old ASL scenarios/maps I would like to mess with. This would give ToW a never ending supply of player made battles! :cool:

Thats all for now from me. I'm sure you all out there have some good ideas. I love the looks of this game. I think there is alot of room to grow!

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Ooooh, glider landings! Definitely would be some "cool" points there to bring in some younger folks.

There were gliders in IL-2. At least the "Gigant" was in there. Nothing like the Horsa though. There was even the He-111Z "Zwilling" to tow it.

The only thing is this game models the actual battlefield. The scope of this game would not allow gliders to fit. It would be along the lines of not allowing the infantry to ride on tanks. But then again there is Pegasus bridge where they pretty much landed right next door.

Back to the entering buildings thing...AGAIN. (Yes, I know, dead horse and all) But what exactly is the problem with entering buildings? Its never been explained in detail other than UI problems or camera problems. If its a problem with cameras couldnt that be solved with just not having the capabilty to look over their shoulder or be at eye level of the infantry while in the building? Only make it possible while outside. And while said infantry are in the building it will be hard to see them, so make it possible to see the infantry by just showing an outline of their silhouette.

For the patch, of course... No delays. smile.gif

But I digress. smile.gif

I would like to see space lobsters of doom.

Other than that, I second the rest.

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Yes...entering into building should be #1 on the "To DO List". Along with riding tanks.

Here is another to add to my wish list..

6. Small entrenchments (Foxholes and the like).

I don't have a problem with not allowing units to dig in during the game. I have not seen any small entrenchments in the game sofar. Trenchs of-course were used in positions that were well preped for defense over many hours if not a few days but I think foxholes need to be added as they were used as much if not more then trenches.

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Definately infantry entering buildings.

I still think the omission of this feature is rather odd, given the ability to damage and destroy buildings. Why would you want to bother, if there is nothing inside, apart from the "cool" factor? If this game is going to grow (or should I say grow-up?) this feature will be an essential component IMO.

Now that combat ranges have been increased (to realistic levels?), on-board mortars should have a look in. Very much a feature at this level of combat; more so than large offboard arty.

Again, given the very small scale of these battles, foxholes and their like would be far more common than large scale entrenchments. And if you can have foxholes you can presumably have shell holes, hopefully caused by arty strikes in game.

Some modicom of C&C would be nice


It was and is, after all, the single most important factor in a battle and is the most ignored in pretty much every tactical-level game. So much for realism; mustn't get in the way of fun too much :(

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Wish list:

1 MG's (are these in?)

2 C&C

3 Scenario editor

4 Mortars

5 Entering buildings

6 Tank riding

7 Map FOW re emplacements

8 Ammo re-supply in game

Actually the whole FOW issue is unclear to me (*cough*) will we have less info for partially spotted units etc? I'll have to do a search.

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1. Useable buildings.

2. Map & Scenario making tools.

3. Trench systems for static defense scenarios where defender would have had enough time to build them, foxholes used otherwise.

I'll wait for the demo before suggesting any more.

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Originally posted by Copper:

3. Glider landings! I think this looks like this might be do-able with the IL2 engine. It was a flight sim for gosh sake! ;) Paratrooper falling from the sky might be alittle harder. I'll forgive Battlefront/2C for not making that happen.

where'd you get that idea from?

discovery/history channel?

you want gliders to land away from a battle, not on the battlefield.

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I'm glad someone else started a "wishlist" topic again, I started one on day one of this forum, but maybe now the time is better as we draw closer to 0-hour...it would actually be nice to start having a few STICKIES and not quite so many banal spam threads, but hey..a few topics have been pretty damn funny, most just a waste of byte space and the balance have been the chosen few making sure that everyone knows that even though this is a new game (for Battlefront) with a new forum, everyone not a vet with a battlefront post count in the 100's or higher is probably 18 and under and needs to be taught not to secretly play codename panzers whilst sucking their thumb and using l33t speak (all in good humor).

+ I hope the trench systems become more realistic over time / in future versions. Early war and very open terrain may have seen trench systems as presented but even then were often tied into the terrain, even if it was just dead space or reverse slopes. More bunkers, either tied into such systems or (yep, again) built into surrounding structures and features. More 2 man fighting positions.

+ I for one want air strikes at this tactical level to be very infrequent or gone...just takes me right out of immersion if that happens every battle sans logic. Henkels and no integral mortars...come on, this will continue to be brought up by many ad nauseum after the demo release until it's fixed.

+ Dynamic campaign, do we realy want some twitch game to be the first to try and do a WW2 game in the style of RTW, TOW begs to at least end up having the justice of a Close Combat abstracted grand campaign. I will withhold judgement on the linear objective pop-ups until I see them in demo.

Still, I say that TOW couldn't have ended up in better hands than Battlefront and 1c. Lookin' forward to it. Now back to my lurking OP...

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After reading many posts regarding this game here are some things on my wish list:

- Entering buildings

- FoxHoles or Trenches

- Smoke Dischargers & Smoke Mortars

- Vehicle Riders

- limited Airpower

- Intergrated Platoon or Company Mortars

- No use of enemy equipment during the battle, its usually giving to a higher HQ for testing or storage.

- Use of friendly equipment when your own becomes lose due to combat, with a penalty if the equipment is not of the same type.

[ August 26, 2006, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: JoMc67 ]

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Well for me personally i hope

1.The game can beModded.No1. priority)

2. Realisticpenetration stats

3. The idea of Airbourne Unitsis interesting and would be good option.

( for some expertise on the use of Airborne -

tactic here is an interesting article)


4. Riding on tanks and occupying buildings is a must, cmon guys other games can do it e.g Faces of war and the old SHOWW2 .why cant this game.

5. Multiplayer Campaign option[/b.I know its not gonna happen soon but maybe an expansion back just for multiplayer.

6. I agree that a tank crew capturing an enemy tank should have penalties.attached eg Less acurate, a chance of stalling or even impaired vision, but as for small arms fire i think its reasonable to use enemy pistols or rifles.

7. I would like to see more realistic infantry penetration stats as well. If a soldier gets hit he should out of action.. No Hitpoints. You either stay were you are if you are wounded or you are dead.Maybe introduce a medic to tend to the wounded. If we have a multiplayer campaign this would be an important feature.

8. Radiomenlets bring that into combat plz. It was such a huge factor for artillery, airsrikes and re-inforcements and other combat issues I believe its relevant.

Well thats my say for now. Im looking forward gentlemen to seeing you in the field of combat.


The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victims.

Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

There's no smoke or mortars in the game and you guys are talking about gliders...

well thats influx of RTS gamers for you.

on the bright side, with the new board demographics anybody that can tell a Panther A from a Panther D is now considered a grog.

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Originally posted by Sammy_Davis_Jnr:

6. I agree that a tank crew capturing an enemy tank should have penalties.attached eg Less acurate, a chance of stalling or even impaired vision, but as for small arms fire i think its reasonable to use enemy pistols or rifles.

yet it will be only the big items that you get to tag along, not the small arms.

7. I would like to see more realistic infantry penetration stats as well. If a soldier gets hit he should out of action.. No Hitpoints.

where'd you get THAT idea?

8. Radiomenlets bring that into combat plz. It was such a huge factor for artillery, airsrikes and re-inforcements and other combat issues I believe its relevant.

and I believe you should be hit on the head repeatedly with a Nerf ball that has your statement above scribbled onto it.


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Originally posted by Other Means:

[QB] Wish list:

1 MG's (are these in?)

Now you're scaring me. HMGs are in, according to Moon.

2 C&C

3 Scenario editor

4 Mortars

Assuming the FOW isn't worse than I assume or the XML simpler, that's my list.

My biggest concern at the moment is how well the game plays without tons-o-tanks.

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Hahahaha Radiomenlets (miniatures)

My point was this topic being a wish list...

*The idea of Infantry having health bars is ridiculous...ok i dont know if this will (TOW) will, but c'mon the idea of seeing that little green bar going to red until the man dies is laughable. I hope thats not the case for any of the units in this game. Unless your a Fan of codename panzer ..hey lets have tanks with health bars as well. tongue.gif

*The idea of a Radioman is a sound suggestion, is anyone here really think they were not essential to a fighting force..c'mon Hofbauer you must be smarter then that.

Do you suggest things happened through ESP



"The battle is going very heavily against us. We're being crushed by the enemy weight...We are facing very difficult days, perhaps the most difficult that a man can undergo."

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel - 3rd November 1942

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Originally posted by Sammy_Davis_Jnr:

*The idea of a Radioman is a sound suggestion, is anyone here really think they were not essential to a fighting force..c'mon Hofbauer you must be smarter then that.

Do you suggest things happened through ESP

what I suggest is that you have a skewed perception of the role and character of radio use in "WW II" .
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Hofbaurer explain what you mean by skewed?

I would like you to tell all those radiomen who fought in ww2 what you mean by this.

Quote: what I suggest is that you have a skewed perception of the role and character of radio use in "WW II" .


You have probably heard of the famous Rangers achievement of taking Pointe du Hoc.

Quote: Afterward, the signalman was supposed to radio officers commanding the battle from a ship in the channel. But the radio, having been soaked during the crossing, would not work. Neither would a carrier pigeon that "decided war was dangerous and wouldn't fly," Neighborgall said. So the radio man decided to use the semaphore signaling flags, conveying a less-than-reassuring message: "Send help."

Now These guys were instrumental in conveying important messages and believe that was a day which they needed it. Also note you dont get more close the front line then trying to capture Pointe du Hoc.



"Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely"

General Dwight Eisenhower - 6th June 1944

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your latest post not only reaffirms my perception that you have a flawed understanding about the use of radios in WW II, but it deepens my concern about your historical awareness.

what I mean is that the example you bring up is a crack unit of the US Army performing a special key mission in June 1944.

ironically, even in your example the radio was eventually actually not used, but that is beside the issue.

what I would like you to cite instead would be more examples where radiomen in line infantry platoons (or combat units of ToW size and composition) in the Polish Army of 1939 or - take your pick - Red Army of 1941 played a "huge factor for artillery, airsrikes and re-inforcements and other combat issues".

I am looking forward to those examples.

n.b.: dont get me wrong. Ive been to Omaha and stood in the bunkers of Pte. du Hoc, and Ive seen copies of the original radio transcripts of the 1st ID landing on Omaha.

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I am looking forward to those examples.

I can't fit your time and place conditions, but you might find the quote below of interest:

"We were only one minute from the landing area when we noticed the Germans below us. It looked like a company, with what I first thought were tanks but turned out to be half tracks. I could see them looking up at us and pointing.

Thinking fast, our radio-man pushed his way to the doorway, kicked it open. No hesitation, he dropped his radio out of the glider. It landed square on one of the half tracks and crushed it instantly. All around me I could see radiomen in other gliders doing the same thing. Below us half tracks and those cute little mini-car things, Kubels or whatever, burst into flame and exploded as the radios rained down.

From Market Garden: An Opium Fiend's Story (Amazon.com link.)
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AAhhh Hofbauer we getting desperate are we ... relying on name calling and still you cant explain what you mean by skewed or what roll you thought they played. You want to dismiss other people but you cant back up what you say. why????

I guess the answer is YOU GOT NOTHING CHAMP

The example i gave you was to highlight the fact that radiomen were in the frontline, also that were important. Whether using the radio or the semaphores.

Hofbauer quotes:

what I would like you to cite instead would be more examples where radiomen in line infantry platoons (or combat units of ToW size and composition) in the Polish Army of 1939 or - take your pick - Red Army of 1941 played a "huge factor for artillery, airsrikes and re-inforcements and other combat issues".

I am looking forward to those examples.

Well you asked for it so i shall enlighten

for the slow learner in the class.

My Grandfather was in the Battle of the Bulge around the town of Malmedy. He was sent on a patrol to find the enemy troop movements. As he and his buddies came over a convoy of German troops they began to take fire. He and the radio man were the last of 10 men. They called for an artillery strike on they position. Running low on ammo for his BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) he and his buddy waited for the shells to hit. When they finnaly hit, what was left of the convoy retreated.

Jan Torgrimsen Sr

North Plainfield, NJ United States

99th Infantry Battalion

United States Army

This story was contributed by Christopher Torgrimsen



While Radioman John Gallagher (upper left) was sending critical shore-to-ship messages for Commander Carusi from the Fox Green sector of Omaha Beach, a vicious German artillery attack commenced. Dr. Davey reported, on D+1, Gallagher "had a 3-cm piece of shrapnel enter his face just below the eye, which passed thru the upper part of the maxillary sinus, entered the orbit to sever the optic nerve, and lodged in the petrous part of the temporal bone."


oh and there is more ;)

Shell Hits Foxhole

"Murph landed an hour after H-hour," he said. "He was carrying a tommygun. He was a radioman second class and in charge of communications for his platoon. He soon had the ship-to-shore radio working so the officers could direct the movement of troops and materials ashore.

By Ensign, W.N. Turner, USNR


Well hofbauer you been to Normandy..so what! so have i...oh thats right you got original transripts of that day..dont make me laugh :D

Do you honestly think you have every piece of data recorded on that day..You are kidding not only me but yourself buddy.

For some homework hofbauer you could read the book 'The Jedburgs' I'll give you the test later :D


This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Winston Churchill (November 10, 1942)

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