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Anyone tried CMSF using this software on a Intel chipped Mac?

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I'm running Bootcamp on my Mac, I'll give it a shot. I'd imagine it'd run just fine.

As for VMWare, Fusion or no, I've never heard of anyone doing intensive gaming via it (running Windows with it that is) with reproducible success. I haven't seen anything recent about it, though, so I may be wrong.

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The buzz about VMWare on Mac boards seems to be generally very positive, but CW seems to be it's not going to be great for running really hardware intensive games; for that, you'll still need to hard boot into Windows via Bootcamp.

Note this, from the VMWare website:

VMware Fusion offers experimental support for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics in Windows XP virtual machines, making it possible to run DirectX 8.1 applications and play select 3D games on your Mac.
[My emphasis]

So apparently, it's DX support is a bit behind the cutting edge, and the other conditionals I have highlighted don't exactly inspire a lot of confidence, either, at least for me. . .



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You mean Bootcamp? Well, there are now five of us within Battlefront/Beta Tester group using CM:SF on Intel based Macs running Bootcamp. The count is 3 Mac Book Pros and 2 iMacs (or is it 4 Mac Books and 1 iMac? I forget).

The benefit of something like VMware and Parallels is that you can run both on the Mac side without a hard reboot to switch between environments. If CM:SF would run in such an environment it would be the better way to go, but it doesn't so Bootcamp is the only alternative.

There are also some solutions out there that can (sorta) run Windows applications without Windows. That is the optimal solution because you use the Mac's file management and system level parts of the OS to run the machine itself and then run Windows apps as if they are Mac apps. No twin environments, no hitting the hardware to run two OSes, etc. Problem is it doesn't really work except for very specific applications.


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