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A Pengly Pastafarian Challenges The Notion of Spaghetti Monster Side Salads

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

I wanna know more about these insurgent IUD teams.

You mean inserted IUD teams? </font>
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Who could have known that my casual reply would have stirred up such a controversey.

Now I know that Joe is a bit daft and prone to fits of verbal diarrhea, but you all know me to be quite reserved and hestiant to say a whole lot.

You all go on with your evening...I'll just sit back and watch the goings on.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Who could have known that my casual reply would have stirred up such a controversey.

Now I know that Joe is a bit daft and prone to fits of verbal diarrhea, but you all know me to be quite reserved and hestiant to say a whole lot.

You all go on with your evening...I'll just sit back and watch the goings on.

You pathetic excuse for a human being. First you sound off like Tom Hanks in "Big" ... "I don't get it." you whine, then, when I go so far as to post a link that actually EXPLAINS my point for the benefit of slower among us (YOU), you duck into the weeds, wait for the firestorm of righteous indignation to pass and THEN and ONLY then you pop your head back up and attempt to pass it off as "a casual reply."

At LEAST you could stand up on your hind legs and ATTEMPT to miminize my crushing response but you're too craven to do that.

OH and as far as, let me get this right ...

Grand Inquisitor, Spell Checker, and Grammar Grog of the Mutha Beautiful Thread
... a title that was never GIVEN to you, unlike my own titles and honors, but merely TAKEN by you, as if any of us who KNOW you would agree, it's yet MORE evidence of your inability to do even that which YOU yourself claim as your forte, in other words ...

You mispelled "controversy."

Idiot I said, Idiot I meant.


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OK so here I am in Pittsburgh, PA, city of steel in the Land of Giants{(!) where no good deed goes unpunished}.

I am staying at the Hilton at Priceline prices for to work on my parent company's ERP conversion project. Our accountants/consultants are right across the square at the Gateway center and they are a pack of complete bastards who buy me lunch and dinner and make fun of my incompetant frackhead of a boss. I must say it all sucks pretty badly, except for the Belgian Draft Beer...

Oh! and I watched The Life Aquatic for about the 40th time. Gawd help me but I love that film, from the crayon seahorse to the three legged pirate dog and back to the Portuguese versions of Bowie songs woven throughout, it just grabs my gnuts in so many little details I can't not watch it. I can't call it a great film because it isn't but I just love the hell out of it anyway.

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We have met the Enemy, and He is Us.


I came home tonight through the darkness across a stark, white landscape of blowing wind, bare trees, ice and snow.

It was as if I was watching a video Podcast from inside the brains of most of you lot. Except I had a CD in the stereo, so the music was better than the cacophony of commercial jingles, theme songs and badly hummed Boy George songs that make up the sound-track running along the edge of your internal mental emptiness.

And I realized that, yes, once again it was Winter.

For most of you, of course, Winter is just a season. Most of you are weak, effeminate, and so committed to a regimen of genital self-examination as to result in dehydration, were it not for the constant influx of beer.

Most of you are not Minnesotans.

In fact, almost none of you are Minnesotans. Which is to say: Almost none of you will ever amount to a good goddamn.

All that aside, where's our Mr. Hotmail Address Name fella that was so after telling people to 'shut the hell up'? Posting not as much fun when 'Hitler Rules' don't apply?

By the gods, I remember when I was young, and if you didn't agree with someone, you weren't relegated to simply telling them 'it isn't a joke or a game', and you could have the bastards drug out onto the local Patriot Bitch Pitch and have the neighbourhood children use box knives to disembowel them.

My gods, how we used to laugh, as we watched them try to get a hold on the aluminum grips, slippery with blood, so that they could draw the blades all the way from breast-bone to groin! Do you know, some of them would actually burst into tears as the blood made them lose their grips?

What can I say, as I stand championing the cause of 'Inappropriate Humour'?

Well, just this: Was that the whole point of dumping on people? Inappropriate humour? Christ on a crutch, sitting in a rose pink Cadillac. It's either laugh, or cry.

Ho, Boo Radley, my Annoyingly Mentally Apt Henchman! Fetch me my especially strong ale!

Okay, look. I know I've been cutting Boo some serious slack, lately. But you lot weren't there, at 2 a.m., when I was traumatized by my sister's death, the loss of my father, and how wrong everything's gone in my life, and I called my ex-college roommate on the phone, and shouted "JESUS BLOODY HELL, I NEVER REALIZED THAT ALL YOU GODDAMN OHIOANS WERE LIKE A PACK OF MENTALLY RETARDED CARE-BEARS."

Ya' see, my ex-college roommate is an Ohioan. Also, another of my best friends is an Ohioan.

They're completely goddamn useless, vile and horrible. But what can you do? At least they're not Texans.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

OK so here I am in Pittsburgh, PA, city of steel in the Land of Giants{(!) where no good deed goes unpunished}.

What the hell have you done lately to advance the cause of 'Intelligent Design', you half-wit feck?! Will I have to send Troopers to your house to force you to agree to raise your daughters outside the Bounds of Science?!


But that's not how we're going to handle it, are we, Peng? Oh, no. We're going to settle this like gentlemen. I'm going to propose a toast, and you're going to second it. Aren't you, Peng?

Ladies and Gentlemen! A Toast!

I give you:

Three figures sitting on fallen logs, around a fire that swirls, flickers and fades with every gust of wind from the Wasteland.

The bottle is almost empty.

The Thread will never be.

Originally posted by MrPeng:

Oh! and I watched The Life Aquatic for about the 40th time. Gawd help me but I love that film, from the crayon seahorse to the three legged pirate dog and back to the Portuguese versions of Bowie songs woven throughout, it just grabs my gnuts in so many little details I can't not watch it. I can't call it a great film because it isn't but I just love the hell out of it anyway.

A Testimonial, dear friends!

A bit more stupid than simply daft, I'm after thinking.

Peng, fella. Go out and get the DVD of 'Boondock Saints' Now there's a good, Irisher movie...

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

It's not pretty when Midwesterners go off the rails. It is, however, irresistably entertaining. Like watching a massacre at MacDonald's. Or a mass tent meeting. Jesus halleluia!


Remember that scene in Fargo where they stuffed the bodies in the wood chipper?

It's all true.

And it's snowing again.

Be afraid.

Be very afraid…

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Who could have known that my casual reply would have stirred up such a controversey.

Now I know that Joe is a bit daft and prone to fits of verbal diarrhea, but you all know me to be quite reserved and hestiant to say a whole lot.

You all go on with your evening...I'll just sit back and watch the goings on.

This may not have been pointed out, but I just thought I'd jump on the band wagon and tell you that you spelled "hesitant" wrong too.

And since you've taken the title of resident spell checker, why not take the title of resident illiterate nimrod.

It's a bit closer to the mark.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Who could have known that my casual reply would have stirred up such a controversey.

Now I know that Joe is a bit daft and prone to fits of verbal diarrhea, but you all know me to be quite reserved and hestiant to say a whole lot.

You all go on with your evening...I'll just sit back and watch the goings on.

This may not have been pointed out, but I just thought I'd jump on the band wagon and tell you that you spelled "hesitant" wrong too.

And since you've taken the title of resident spell checker, why not take the title of resident illiterate nimrod.

It's a bit closer to the mark. </font>

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