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I Love My Cigar, But Even the Peng Challenge Takes It Out of Its Mouth Now and Then..

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

*delicately tossing a rubber gnome, pointy hat downwards, into a hastily crafted, makeshift Justalandfill Coventry sprout bed*

By the gods, I like that...

What was it I heard the other day?

One goes to Heaven for the climate. One goes to Hell for the company...

In Hell, we'll all be friends again.

Except for the Aussies. They'll have to bring beer.

Really, really great beer...

Good thing for them they aren't French...

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Sometimes I wonder,

the point, of which is it?

To spew and throw hate,

or to inanely visit?

The Justicar GRRrr's,

who gives a damp whit?

The fire as softened,

let's all blow on it.

Make it grow to roaring,

like Ol' Yuletide's roar.

A primal reflection,

of gleeful hate's core.

Wow. That's...


Dalem, feel free to versify.



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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Seanachai you half-wit drunk, you going to email me, or not?

Eventually. It's the Holidays (at least, for the Christians, gods bless 'em).

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Even Berli managed to stumble his way into Facebook and find my name.

Grasp this about the World, Grog Dorosh: Berli doesn't 'stumble' into any place. He 'manifests'.

You and I, we need pomposity and panoply. We're like churchmen. Or dogs. Doesn't matter if it's 'good attention' or 'bad attention'. You desire reverence. I like the frisbee. We're the same creature, but I can wag my tail...

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Stop hovering over your niece - which I have to admit is getting creepier by the day - and tend to my amusement like a good scary uncle, there's my man.

What the hell are you on about? Do you mean Small Emma?

I'm not even remotely related to Small Emma. She's my bestest small friend. And I'm her Minion.

Like Boo is to myself, but I can sing.

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I don't think that was Cabron66, incidentally. He actually recognized he needed help.

Ah! Thank you! I couldn't remember the bugger's name. When, like myself, you're hated plentifully, it's an effort to keep them all straight.

It must be so much easier for yourself. Just pull up the little spreadsheet you've made, and do a sort on the criteria of disapproval.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:


Oh, Foul, foul, foul... ah nevermind, The Bard suspended regulations for this incarnation so I guess talking todgers is allowed. Way to stoop (squat?) to the lowest of the low, Emrys. What next? links to lolcats?

And this is precisely why regulations are so important and why it was a travesty, a TRAVESTY I say, when they were suspended.

Bottom line ... you can't trust Seanachai to keep the best interests of the CessPool in mind at all times ... actually you can't trust Seanachai to keep much of anything in mind for any extended period of time.

Without RULES we are RULELESS ... and we'll RUE the day, mark my words.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


By the infernal right of the Olde Ones to misuse power, I do hereby grant Egbert the title of Serf With Shoes.

Off you go now. Celebrate your good fortune in rush hour traffic like a good lad

Oh very well, if you insist, but those shoes are coming out of the Olde One's budget.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Paul AU:

It's been years since we had a banned arsewipe show up here to pursue some geeky foirm of vendetta!

I assure you I am an un-banned aresewipe (So far). But I take offence to that term, really.

I’ve never considered myself as such… in fact I’m more the paper, than the poo (that’d be you) (Not to rhyme or anything)

But I assure you, I’ve just me, not anyone else. My first time in your cess. And, what a pleasant surprise it’s not been.

(That was an ‘honor’ thing. I assume you have a dictionary?)


You speak in riddles...does this have something to do with falling down a White Rabbit hole?

You know it does. I just feel sorry for the rabbit.

One pill makes you larger...and one pill makes you small

Either that was very astute, or very not.

Evil, Nazi-Style, Mob-Controlling Abuse-Lord, said:

“... addresses the majority of his attacks to me... seemingly reads what I say to him only to look for something to hook his continued objections to, while showing no understanding of what I've actually said to him..”

That’s true. Seemingly.

But of course we know better. (Well, I do).

Pretends in every post that he has absolutely no knowledge of who I am… Also pretends to never having been here before…

It’s creepy that you think I should know “who you are”. I haven’t a clue. Just as you don’t know who I am.

I don’t know who you are (except as illuminated by your abuse posts), and I have never ‘been’ here, except – where I’ve been here.

Honour, you see? Of course you don’t

You’re some kind of “Jack” on the island of the Lord of the Flies.

I think… you should kill the pig,

(Well, try harder, like).

Oh fer Chrissake. Let's see...the Holidays coming up (for the Usual Suspects), we've been exchanging insults, I've accused you of being a Revenant, you've denied it, you've been snotty to me, I to you, etc. etc. etc.


Christ, you're dull. You're looking for a fight, but you don't bring anything to the dueling ground. It's probably the venue. Right now, reading an insulting post from you is like being pounced on by a deformed kitten. You just keep pissing about.

Let's retire to a 'neutral' ground. You regard this as 'my' ground, and I won't deny the concept. Obviously we need to go somewhere to at least establish the basis of our hatred.

I'm going over to the GF to post our 'Challenge'. We can piss on each other until they decide to shut it down, or ban us.

Here's some tips: Avoid bad language, and make every 'personal' attack somewhat 'indirect'.

You'll probably get away with being fairly 'direct' in your attacks against me, because I'm a swine, and fairly well known as such. But we need to get you out of here, because your 'attacks' are increasingly taking on the aspect of 'I know you are, but what am I?', which is just fecking annoying.

So, I'm going over to the GF and posting a thread inviting you to despise me. You get any heavy repercussions from BFC, tell them to come over and piss on me. They know I'm a fool, and they will. You won't be blamed for whatever you do. I'll answer for you.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Joe, you keep misspelling Sioux.

Why is that?

Probably because it's a 'questionable' term. Dakota, Lakota, or Yankton are more appropriate, depending on which portion of the nation you're talking about.

Of course, in Ohio, you people have already sucked the bones clean, and don't even remember the Indians that lived there...

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The other night, I called my friend Jen, the Mom of Small Emma, on the phone, and asked her how she was doing. She told me: 'Tired!', and she laughed.

'Well', I told her, 'You sound in good spirits', and she told me 'Well, tonight when I picked up the girls from Daycare, Emma told me "Mommy, I was very good at school today. Can we call Grandma Steve up and ask him to come over and play with me?"

So you see, I've become a Reward. Just like here in the Peng Challenge Thread.

My Small Friend is bright-eyed and the best girl ever.

Her Mom had her French TA over for dinner the other night, and I was invited over to add some local color. She'd bought a whole platter of desserts for the adults, and she'd bought a 'special dessert' for Emma, so she wouldn't feel left out.

It was a sugar cookie, as big as a spread-fingered hand, frosted with a blue/white/sprinkle icing, shaped like a snowflake. Emma had been waiting for it all night. When the adults were all drinking wine, talking and cleaning up the kitchen, she said to me:

C'mon, Grandma Steve!

We sat at the breakfast nook table, side by side. She ate some of her cookie, and after a few minutes, she broke off about a third of her cookie and gave it to me.

'That's for you, Grandma Steve'.

I took it, and figured my portion would become a lot more important when the rest of the cookie ran out. So I broke it into a two thirds/one third portion.

I nibbled a bit of the smaller portion. She drank her milk, ate her cookie, and when it began to run out, I told her: 'Emma, I have too much cookie here. You should take this back.'

And she took part of it, and ate it. But when that part ran out, I tried to give her more of the cookie, and she told me, bright-eyed little moppet that she is, 'No, Grandma Steve! That's your part! Eat it up!'

So I ate the final bit while she watched me with a big smile.

She doesn't get 'special desserts' all that often. She loves them as much for the wonder of them as for how good they taste.

She shared her special cookie with me. What a very good little person.

Not like you lot of canker sores. If I could make my way to your homes and beat you with an axe handle, I would.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

By the gods, I like that...


[staring at the little rubber effigy]

Oh, fer Cheesecake, a sodding Philip Pullman daemon in a sodding parallel paddock... orrrfff to yer other world.

[and with one effortless movement plucks at the little pointy hat and tosses it a mighty distance into the nearest water trough]

[ December 23, 2007, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Small Emma is such a sweet child. It really is sad that she suffers from the delusion that you, Seanachai, are not a worthless swine that should be beaten to death.

Maybe she's going to pounce when he leasts expect it? When she finally lulls him into a sense of peace?

Well that's how I'd do it.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Joe, you keep misspelling Sioux.

Why is that?

Probably because it's a 'questionable' term. Dakota, Lakota, or Yankton are more appropriate, depending on which portion of the nation you're talking about.


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