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One famous allied unit cmbo left out?

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Only about 100 were fielded and they were used almost exclusively indirect. A more glaring missing item are the nearly 5000 US AA halftracks of various models used all over the place. BTS has said they just ran out of time to include them all. Some as LL made it into BB, and some presumably will be in AK.

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

Coding problems?

I think it was the limit on 3D models. They couldn't include everything and decided to leave out the less common stuff. There were long arguments about this in the early days of the board, if anyone can be bothered doing a search. And yes 'If that's the case, why did they include the Puma?' was asked smile.gif .
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They would require lengthy rules, and were rarely if ever used in company or battalion level engagements as seen in CM.

They had the same problem with the original Squad Leader. In the designer's notes, they mention tht one of the questions that arose during playtesting was "I want to attack this enemy squad with my flail tank, using the flails, how is that resolved?" :D

Too many specialized rules for little benefit.

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That's evil. I played SL and then ASL for well over fifteen years, and none of us ever came to think of flailing eachother.

But I guess they would have solved it like any OVR attack right?

ASL has that virtue and curse. Very flexible game, you can do almost anything you want, but it takes hours just checking the rules. Should be possible to keep the virtues while hiding the numbercrunching in a PC game methinks, shouldn't it? Of course, I'm no programmer.



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Originally posted by Dandelion:

Should be possible to keep the virtues while hiding the numbercrunching in a PC game methinks, shouldn't it? Of course, I'm no programmer.



Programming is no problem, it is the researching.

How many accounts have you read about German infantry being attacked by the chains of a flail tank? :D

Translate that into a numerical format and Charles could code it in his sleep, I am sure.

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Originally posted by Dandelion:

That's evil. I played SL and then ASL for well over fifteen years, and none of us ever came to think of flailing eachother.

But I guess they would have solved it like any OVR attack right?



Sure after you DR (or perhaps dr) for each individual flail breaking down?

Of course the German squad would need to pass a "pre flail" dr to remain in the hex, and if the vehicle was using bypass movement ....

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