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I often wonder why we do not have simple commands to build formations. I assume such things are still trained in modern armies; back in my military service we had simple commands like 'form line' and 'row' for our infantry groups.

I guess there are also some to organize vehicel groups, too - just imagine what a simple click on a 'form column' button would do with the traffic jam that is usually the result if you order a group of vehicels to move together on a road. This is something that has been asked since the earliest CMx1 days....

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Infantry do walk in column when using "move". Vehicles must be individually pathed but certainly don't have the "bumper cars" issues of old CM. And thank God for small favors. I have never trusted formation move orders of any game. Most likely that's because my PC Wargaming roots is Steel Panthers. I feel pretty certain it's why I had so little trouble with CMx1 or CMx2 pathing during game play. There are issues...mostly resolved with CMx2. And of course CMx1 is what it is. So for vehicles I just as soon line 'em up myself. Now Infantry is something different.

I would love to see the ability to use "Line Abreast" movement orders...akin to the marvelous Arty line to line fire now in the game. As it is Infantry squads on advance use Overwatch only. An excellent tactic certainly and the most obvious method of moving. But clearing an area of woods or open space would do well with line abreast...and look cool in the process.

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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

Infantry do walk in column when using "move". Vehicles must be individually pathed but certainly don't have the "bumper cars" issues of old CM. And thank God for small favors. ... There are issues...mostly resolved with CMx2. ...

Infantry is indeed not a problem, as long as we talk about only a single squad. But vehicels!? I have no idea what you mean with 'mostly resolved with CMx2'. Would you please be so kind as to explain, since I have to assume that I have missed a very important feature.
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Hi Scipio: Six and Web took my point correctly.

As you recall in any CMx1 version a Line of vehicles going down a road tended to rear end one another creating a pause and often creating more rear end pauses and mishaps. Although speed was set the same the culprit often had to do with variations in experience levels. This would create longer start to move, slower turning, ect. CM:SF seems to function by correcting pathing automatically thus avoiding the bump pause malady of old. Webring has it right, however. Vehicles will still visually overlap at close quarters. I expect it's lonely being an armored vehicle...why deny a bit of affection.

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MarkEzra, I have tested the vehicel column once again and noticed that works much better now. I assume this has been improofed since V1.0, when I did my first test.

However, I still think that commands for formations would be very helpfull.

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Originally posted by Scipio:

MarkEzra, I have tested the vehicel column once again and noticed that works much better now. I assume this has been improofed since V1.0, when I did my first test.

However, I still think that commands for formations would be very helpfull.

Certainly. I think I mentioned that my playing SP made me VERY careful of Group commands. But like you if I could order Vehicles to "follow a road ONLY in Column" it would be a nice touch.
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It's beyond me why developers insist on putting in "features" which actually break the game.

Like "driving skill" equating to different vehicle speeds. What has that to do with driving skill? Any idiot can go FAST, it's the ability to maneuver the vehicle properly that counts. So instead we end up with vehicles going 3-4 different speeds and it's impossible to move them in a group.


And of course, none of those speeds match the movement rate of the infantry...so you can forget formations with embedded armor....

So the whole thing just turns into a cluster**** with units separating all over the map unless you move them in tiny, micro-managed jumps....

And to think it would all be avoidable if just a tiny quotient of common sense and logic were applied......

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