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Marine Corps: Get Some!


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Actually, it was 2000 when I posted my last response. I can't spend all day online guys. I decided to watch the new movie Waiting, and then after that I played some Counter-Strike Source before bed. I try not to stay up to late.

Once again, instead of being adults about this you have to make accusations.

Sanatchi (or whatever your name is) there are a lot of civilians on here, as well as guys who arn't Marines. When I told my dad what my job was he didn't really know what it was, because the army doesn't have an exact copy of my job. He did finally say I sounded like something, but I can't remember the nomenclature.

I said logistics Marine because I don't feel that a lot the guys on here would understand, nor even care what I did. Even most Marines have no clue what I did, because in each batallion there are only 2 or 3 of us, so it's not a huge MOS.

My MOS was 0411/MIMMS, Marine Corps Intergrated Maintenance Management Systems. My job was boring, and I didn't enjoy it most of the time so why the hell would I go to google to pick it out. I used the UM 4700 to do what I did among other Pubs that I can't remember anymore. Do you know what pubs are? When I graduated MIMMS school on Camp Johnson in Febuary of 2002, I was attached to 3/6 at Camp Lejeune who was deployed to Afghanistan; actually, they were on their way back. They had to stop to do a wash down somewhere, and didn't make it back till the beginning of May. So for 3 months I came to work and did nothing but clean and PT and get the barracks ready for thier return with the help of other Marines who were injured from the war. It was only about 5 others though, so we had our hands full.

So anyways, when they returned they decided to start the duty roster going again and I had duty every 3rd night, because everyone else was on leave... so it was me and some new SSGTs that joined after the deployment. But after a month of that we finally started the old rutines again, and I was given my duties. For some strange reason they decided to make me the MMC (Maintenance Management Chief) which was crazy because not only was I fresh out of school, but we had a Cpl 0411 in Comm. So I said, ok I can do this; and started working with the outgoing MMC who by the way didn't tell me that everything I learned in school about MIMMS should be flushed down the toilet because we were using a new system called ATLASSII+. He pretty much just had me sit around for two weeks reading pubs that I had already read in school, and everytime I asked a question he'd kind of blow me off. It was a really bad turn over and thus I had a hard time doing my job. After he left, my MMO (Maintenance Management Officer) which was 1st Lt Hermosa (don't know if he's still around) left shortly after, and they replaced him with another MMO but this guy wasn't a logistics officer. He was a tank officer, and had no clue what he was doing. I don't know why he was there but he said he came from 2nd Tanks and was just attached to 3/6 H&S to help out. As you can see, my first few months in the Corps were strange.

To make it even more strange, time were a changen as they say, because I left for Boot Camp on July 31, 2001... so that means that I was on the rifle range durring September 11. Talk about crazy stuff happening. We had no idea what the hell to think, all we know is our Drill Instructor came out 4 different times while we were snapping in. The first time he said terrorist crashed into one of the towers. Then he came out later saying they hit another tower. Then he came out later saying they hit the pentagon. Then the last time he came out he said... and I quote... "They're all gone." Then he said, "get ready, cause you bitches are going."

The remainder of the day and the following day were the quietest days of Boot Camp... it was very erie.

Anyways, back onto my very exciting job, when I left for Iraq, guess what they told me. They said after about 2 and a half years of learing the ATLASSII+ Program and doing my job one way, that in Iraq, I will have to use MIMMS again because ATLASS requires a constant internet connection with all units and is non deployable... GREAT! So, thus after forgetting MIMMS, I had to relearn it in about 3 months before shipping out, but hey, I'm a Marine, I adapt and overcome. Then after I learned MIMMS again I finally got some good news, they said that Camp Lejeune had decided to go back to MIMMS and drop ATLASS. I was so excited because actually I feel MIMMS is a lot easier to deal with.

Whith ATLASS things are done without really communicating with people, but with MIMMS you've gotta get down in there and talk to the Mechanics and the Armorers, and Optics guys, and Comm Techs. It's much more personal and I like it.

As for what I did? Well, thier is this report that is generated by the MIMMS program called a DPR, or Daily Processing Report. The whole idea behind MIMMS is that "I", the MMC can have an eyes on of every pieice of combat gear we have in the maintenance cycle, as well as everyone else involed with it, like the Motor-T chief. Anyways, I would print out this report and "scrub it." That means I would look at it and pick off all the errors. You see, every item in the Marine Corps has differnt names, or actually, codes, and the DPR would pretty much be giberish to untrained eyes. Such as a Hummvee (sp) would be a D1158, D1159, or some other "TAMS" as we call them. D stands for Motor-T, and the following numbers determine what it is, such as, does it have back seats and a gun mount, or does it have a tow... you get the idea. A would be Comm gear, and forgive me but I can't remember any Comm items. A2070 is something, but I don't remember what. B would be engineer items such as generators or trams. C would be either Engineers or NBC items, but we don't deal with a lot of that in the infantry. Actually a little bit of info, the NBC used to give us our NBC gear but now civilians have taken over the role, I don't know why, look it up if you are intrested. Next we have E which are the weapons, this is a very important tam of course. An example would be my favorite weapon, the .50 cal sniper rifle we call the SASR. It's the E1475. It's actually not designed for human targets, but for equipment. That's pretty much all I dealt with, there are other Tams but they are less important.

Anyways, as I said everything is in a code format, including what is wrong with the weapon. I really can't remember the defect codes, but there is a lot of them. I'm getting really bored of typing so I'm going to shorten this up. The bottom line is, I take the DPR and I find errors on it, because with errors on the DPR it slows down the maintenanence cyle thus if you are in combat, men can die because they don't have the combat gear they need. I also inspect each section, armory, motor-t, and comm to make sure thier records are correct and they arn't trying to hide stuff from me. In Iraq I was down there every day, but my fellow Marines were usually honest, and when they weren't, I knew about it, and it and they were dishonest only to help out our fellow infantry Marines by making sure a bad vehicle or weapon didn't get out into combat. Sometimes the higher ups don't understand stuff, but that's why you've got a salty SSgt or GnySgt in motor-t or what not.

Let's see, I'd also talk directly to the guys fixing the gear to make sure I get the whole story, and I'd prepare reports based on all this data that I gather, as to why something is broken and how it's being fixed and how long it'll take and how much it'll cost... cost is a big issue too, but I won't go into that; and I would report this stuff with the help of my MMO to the Battalion Commander via a nice power point pressentation. As you can see, I dealt with PFCs to Colonels on occasion.

Of course my job was boring sometimes, but it was needed to make sure things ran smoothly in the maintenance cycle. I hated it sometimes, and sometimes I had fun, but one fact remains, I hate to explain it to people. So forgive me if I didn't put all this out there before, I didn't think you'd care about a non combat MOS.

Now, you might not have understood everything I said above, and I did that on purpose, beacause I hate being called a lyer, and I was trying to be nice by not coming in here with a lot of military termonology so that not only will civilians be able to read my post but also those that don't know my job can read it. Do you think the average infantryman knows what the MCBUL 3000 is? Of course not, because he doesn't need to worry about it, that's my job. So, why don't you go find out what it is and tell the class about it since you want to be a dick for no reason but to make your e-penis larger.

[ February 14, 2006, 08:04 AM: Message edited by: GasMask ]

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A friend of mine did a similar job in our regular force up here in Canada for a few years - I forgot his MOC (Military Occupation Code) - but mine has changed so often I don't even know my own. His trade was called Supply Technician, however, and he wore the Logistics cap badge - as I do. I work in clothing stores for a reserve regiment and don't even have a computer...nor a list of NSNs or anything. I wish I had two computer programs to have to choose from, that would be sweet...

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So you are in the Canadian Army? That's cool, how simular are you guys to the U.S. forces?

Anyways, it is strange that you have no programs. Do you mean you do everything by hand? MIMMS was invented in the 70s and I'm suprised you guys don't have something like it.

So do you guys have to look up NSNs in a huge book? Usually we just have to type it in and our computers find it. But that is a supply program and I not a MIMMS type thing.

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Originally posted by mun13f:

What's the purpose behind such baseless insults?

I insulted no one, an insult can only be taken. I am merely trying to discover whether GasMask is who he says he is. While civdiv may think this fellow is a former Marine, I am not convinced, and only time will tell as far as I am concerned.

There are just too many similarities in the posting style and content between GasMask and others. You have not been around here long enough to see them, and civdiv,while he joined up quite early in the life of the forum has not been here regularly within the last couple of years to know what I am talking about.

I will reserve my judgement, if what I think is true, the self-destructing of GasMask will not be long in coming.If I am totally wrong, then I will apologize and welcome him into the community.

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Originally posted by GasMask:

So you are in the Canadian Army? That's cool, how simular are you guys to the U.S. forces?

Anyways, it is strange that you have no programs. Do you mean you do everything by hand? MIMMS was invented in the 70s and I'm suprised you guys don't have something like it.

So do you guys have to look up NSNs in a huge book? Usually we just have to type it in and our computers find it. But that is a supply program and I not a MIMMS type thing.

The Regimental Quartermaster has access to that stuff - I am a lowly clothing storesman who hands out just regimental clothing - kilts, headdress, insignia - I order through him. But everything I issue gets recorded by hand on cardstock issue cards and filed manually. If I need anything for stock, I go through him and I presume he does it by computer. I am a bit of a jack of all trades - it is a reserve infantry unit, so very small, and in the field I usually get tasked as a storesman but often get other duties, such as driver or signaller or on rare occasions rifleman.
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"I insulted no one, an insult can only be taken."

I feel insulted, but hey, it's cool, I understand. My mother beat me as a child too but I have learned to deal with it. All though my experience was not sexual, yours might have been and for that I am sorry and I offer you my friendship so that we may walk this path to recovery together.

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"and in the field I usually get tasked as a storesman but often get other duties, such as driver or signaller or on rare occasions rifleman."

Same thing here. When I went to the field before the war they would just make me a rifle men, then someone decided I needed more fire power and they issued me a SAW... a fricken SAW! lol

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Originally posted by GasMask:

"I insulted no one, an insult can only be taken."

I feel insulted, but hey, it's cool, I understand. My mother beat me as a child too but I have learned to deal with it. All though my experience was not sexual, yours might have been and for that I am sorry and I offer you my friendship so that we may walk this path to recovery together.

See it's happening already! :D
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With all that hunting terrorist talk and Gung ho best of the best crap, I figured you would be a trigger puller.

I apologize for flipping out on you. There was no need for name calling, I just get pissed when people talk out of their ass and make military personnel look like boastful, self-righteous jerks. So, my bad. Well good luck with the civie world.

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I thought it was pretty funny, but anyways. Why don't you describe the simularities between me and others? Do you mean, that we both use keyboards to type or that we both captilize our letters at the beginning of each sentance... maybe the fact that we use puncuation might stir your suspicion. Oh your're good, you're really good. You should become a detective instead of working with telicomunications.

Damn, you must read Nancy Drew all day. I'm scared now, you might figure me out, then I'll have to hide in shame of being the "Typing Doppleganger." That is what the papers will call me right?

You need to get a life buddy, stop watching Murder She Wrote with a box of tissues and baby oil and take your conspiracy theories some where else. You are very wrong here and I don't think I deserve this treatment.

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Originally posted by GasMask:

I thought it was pretty funny, but anyways. Why don't you describe the simularities between me and others? Do you mean, that we both use keyboards to type or that we both captilize our letters at the beginning of each sentance... maybe the fact that we use puncuation might stir your suspicion. Oh your're good, you're really good. You should become a detective instead of working with telicomunications.

Damn, you must read Nancy Drew all day. I'm scared now, you might figure me out, then I'll have to hide in shame of being the "Typing Doppleganger." That is what the papers will call me right?

You need to get a life buddy, stop watching Murder She Wrote with a box of tissues and baby oil and take your conspiracy theories some where else. You are very wrong here and I don't think I deserve this treatment.

Check the repeating pattern...the near perfect grammar and spelling now...the name calling...the self righteous indignation... the references to lack of manhood, etc etc., it's happening sooner than I thought. ;)
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I think you just try to do this to new guys on the forums, but if you don't stop I will report you for being malicious. I'm a very laid back guy, but hiding behind a computer and talking down to me tics me off after while.

As I explained earlier, I type well during the day but I misspell a lot at nigth because I am sleepy and I just don't care.

I'm serious, if you can't just be adult like about this and allow me to chat with people without accusations then I'll see about having the guys at the web site to tell you to shut up.

Sure I've said some things but I didn't start this and I will show that many times I have asked for an ending to this.

As you can see in my profile, one of my loves is comedy, and I've been trying to be funny about this to difuse the situation, but that's just not working, so now I have to get serious about it. It's very unfortunate.

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All other things aside, try to care about spelling. The "I have better things to do," or "I care more about manly things," or simply "I just don't give a damn" excuses don't impress, and certainly don't sound like an attitude towards life forged by the Corps.

It really goes a long way in civil discussion.

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So because I miss spell here means I didn't do a very good job in the Corps? Let me tell you something, when it matters I put my life into something man. I checked, double checked, and chcked my work again to make sure it was accurate. I'm just saying that it's a forum and not a job interview or a job. So I correct the type-os and the spelling errors when I see them but I'm not proof reading a whole lot, yeah I do proof read before I post and I even edit, but if something gets through, it's not like it matters.

If this was really a civil discussion then you wouldn't be picking out my errors would you, you'd concentrate on the topic at hand.

So your "I'm better then you cause I spell well" attitude doesn't impress and certainly doesn't sound like the attitude of a life forged in NOT being an asshole.

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I'm going to play some video games and then spend time with my kids. I might not reply and if you don't like it, tough.

Oh, and when did I ever try to make you guys impressed? If anything, I've humbled my self.

I think I'm going to pull out of this topic because apparently all you guys want to do is down play my service to this nation and destroy my reputation, and to think that this was my first post... you guys are malicious cowards. I can only hope you find some way to deal with your short comings in life one day so that you won't be attacking strangers anymore. Good day.

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Originally posted by GasMask:

"...when it matters I put my life into something man"


"it's not like it matters"

Yet you seem to be demanding respect from others here. Anyways, you need to read closer. I didn't say your spelling issues fail to impress, I said that saying that "it doesn't matter" does not impress.

It does matter. If you can't see that, then I'm sorry. The Marine Corps demanded that you conduct communication in a particular way. There were protocols for how to communicate and for what constituted respectful communication. When those protocols were followed, communication went well and "the matter at hand" was addressed.

There are protocols for communication in other parts of life also.

[ February 14, 2006, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: akd ]

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No ones running away, but none of you would want to fist fight me, you'd rather attack with words, and like women you'll always win because I'm not that great with words. You know, you guys bitch and complain more then my wife.

I'm not running away, because there is nothing to run away from, just a bunch of morons and non-military types telling me I'm not a Marine, why don't you look at the accusations before you speak you jerk off. Wouldn't you be upset if someone kept telling everyone that your service to this nation wasn't real?

I'm leaving this topic and I hope that the next subject I try to discuss doesn't become so hostile like this.

This has nothing to do with anyone saying I'm wrong. I admitted I was wrong a while ago but this has to do with the accusations that I'm not a Marine. Like I said, before you speak, know what you are talking about.

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