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Seperating Unit Morale and Skill

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I am looking very much forward to this game. One suggestion that I wish was incorporated into the CMX1 series..... Unit morale and skill should be seperated. In CMX1 units are rated as conscript, green, regular, veteran, crack, or elite. Their morale and skill are tied together and represented by their experience level (exceptions are made for fanatic units I know).

It would be cool to break these apart. When fighting Jihadists, you might find that they lack combat experience/skill, but are very brave (i.e., conscript or green in skill, veteran or crack in morale).

Conversely, Syrian army units might show some skill, but might the lack courage required to take on M1A2 tanks (i.e., green or regular in skill, conscript in morale).


[ February 08, 2006, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Nemesis Lead ]

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I agree with Nemisis Lead.

I'd also liek to add that often green troops are, according to historical sources, often more willing to do stupid things, which translates into higher morale.

Veteran troops are often not ones improved by experience, but the distilled essence of the ones who were good to start with. They survived by not getting killed. Doing stupid things falls into this.

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So true--a great example is green US Army units in WW2. They were often very aggressive in their first battles and got decimated (e.g., tank commanders in North Africa). Veterans were actually more likely to how more caution.

Having said that skill comes into play, so the vets would be more effective with shorter command delays, more effective firepower, better use of cover and concealment. Green troops would bunch up more and take correspondingly higher losses, they had worse noise and light discipline, they had poor fire discipline (would be cool if green troops ignored their cover arcs some times), etc..

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In CMBO these are the main unit stats:




In CMBB and CMAK these are the main unit stats:





In CM:SF these are the main unit stats:







Additionally, vehicle crews can now become fatigued.

That should keep you guys happy :D


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On the issue of fitness and condition,

Firstly can you clarify whta exactly the differences will be between them ( same as CMAK or different).

Secondly, how (if at all) will you deal with the fact that US troops tend to carry heavier loads ( ammo, armour, electronics etc) that others like the Iraqi's or probably the Syrians, especially militia.

In addition there is the issue of adapting to the heat or general climate, which probably was less of a feature in previous wars.

Will US troops move slower or tire quicker than the Syrians.


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Condition and Fitness remain the same as CMBB/AK. However, individual soldiers have "burden" factored in. What this does is affect Condition modified by Fitness. So a soldier with 30 pound load who is reasonably fit will tire far less quickly than one with a 100 pound load that is equally fit.

The way I see climate being factored in is with the fitness rating. A unit that is fresh to the area in the summer could have its fitness rating reduced by, say, one level. But a unit that has already been there for a while should not be penalized, nor should a fresh unit coming in (say) the winter. Meaning, there will be no "national modifier" at work. The scenario designer makes the call.


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In CM:SF these are the main unit stats:







Now we will have many a thread over what stats are being left out and arguments for why those stats are needed to make the game more realistic.

For example, where is the intoxication level stat? How can I create a blue on blue National Guard training exercise that end up going horribly horribly wrong do to the unapproved kegger afterwards without it?

Oh well, guess I will just have to live without it. Excellent news to hear though.

A serious question btw. What do you mean by "Main Stats?" Are there more non-main stats?

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