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For Peng's sake, give us a screen shot already!

J Ruddy

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Did someone mention MrPeng?

I've been in Ohello... Well actually aside from the four hours of naked drunken stupor on my hotel room floor, I spent more time driving to and from Ohello than I spent IN Ohello. What's going on in here? Is this the new MBT? Kind of early ain't it? No rules posted at the front... pathetic. I like it.

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OH! Almost forgot... I picked up a swell and nifty and FREE Chimay glass at The Sharp Edge Creekhouse Belgian Beer place last night. There was a Chimay tasting and the consultant that I am working with on my little Project insisted we go get hammered on Belgian Beer and stuff our faces with grilled meats. All on HIS expense account. Which is nice.

Good buzz on some fine beers... the drunken stupor didn't happen until I actually got to Stupidville and saw my Hideous Inn room and smelled it - non-smoking my fat hairy white arse - It reeked of ciggy smoke. So I went to the Damons they have on the premisis, where the best beer I could find was bloody Sam effing Adams so I had to swill a few of them down just to make staying in that awful room tolerable.... then I got my beer goggles on and this beast at the bar actually started to look appetizing... So I drank more and staggered to my room alone thank gawds and woke up on the floor without any clothes on and the TV blaring and the book I am reading over my face. Dunno if I fell out of bed or why no PJs on and didn't remember reading a single sentence of the book. How or why it was over my face is a bit of a mystery. Why naked is I assume just plain lazy because my clothes were all over the floor and my bag was unopened. I know I was actually in the bed at one point because the spread was turned down and the sheet and blanket had a slept in look. Fortunately I had an hour drive to Bo-Town in order to swill down plenty of coffee and generic ibuprophen with lots of bottled water so I was presentable at the HQ. Very tired tonight though. Drunken Stupor sleep has none of the refreshing qualities of real sleep, and 8 hours of driving after 7 hours of driving yesterday just sort of put me over the edge of hating the entire universe. I am having a nice Smithwick's though to settle my nerves after the drive, and to make me able to focus enough to put together the line-up for tomorrow's footie match. Madge is getting a starting spot at mid instead of in goal this time, and so I don't get bloody accused of favoritism, Nat will be sitting the first quarter this game. Other than that I have no idea who will be where or when. We are re-playing the first team we played, whom I think we soundly defeated, which means I have to give the "just becuase we beat them once doesn't mean they can't turn around and wallop us this time" pep talk... man, I gotta shut up and get some sleep.

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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

Do you like my party hat?

My big brudder got if for me as an xmas present one year. It came stuffed with an assortment of things he found in a chinese grocery- the best were a cello bag full of tiny dried fishies - heads and all. I never did figure out how to cook anything with them so I used em as cat treats.

My big brudder is a funny fellow.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Barrold:

Ack! We have a serious loss of Peng containment!!!

I warned 'em!!!


So says you.

I say we have a plethora of Pengy. A PengFest. A Peng-o-Rama. A serious Gain in Peng Slopage.

Neener neener neener. </font>

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OK - I've had a day off work, consumed one Stella, one Grolsch and a shot o' belvedere.

(Not quite John Lee Hooker / George Thorogood material is it..?)

In short, I'm feeling much more agreeable this evening... I may even convert to sesspoolism, who knows?

in fact i'm feeling soooo agreeable that you can keep yer damned screen shot, I'm headed back to the freezer to uncork that belvedere for another round or two...


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OH! Almost forgot... There was a Chimay tasting and the consultant that I am working with on my little Project insisted we go get hammered on Belgian Beer and stuff our faces with grilled meats. .... Good buzz on some fine beers..... the drunken stupor... So I went to the Damons they have on the premisis, where the best beer I could find was bloody Sam effing Adams so I had to swill a few of them down just to make staying in that awful room tolerable.... then I got my beer goggles on and this beast at the bar actually started to look appetizing... So I drank more and staggered to my room ...... woke up on the floor without any clothes on and the TV blaring and the book I am reading over my face...... How or why it was over my face is a bit of a mystery. Why naked .... I know I was actually in the bed at one point because the spread was turned down and the sheet and blanket had a slept in look. .... Drunken Stupor sleep has none of the refreshing qualities of real sleep, .
Where you really sleeping?

I could offer various explanations for these events but it might make the younger cesspoolers blush. That and I would not want to offend any certain unnamed lady and goat.

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Mr. Peng enjoys one of the finest beers on the face of the Earth, and doesn't spit it out with follow up comments like "where's my Colt-45! I need to wash this f'n French* stuff out of my mouth!"

* = note I would not expect someone who hates smilies to know the difference between Belgium and France.

Oh... and you might like to know that the brewmaster from Chimay is the one that helped start up Unibroue. Which explains why those beers are a definite cut above MGD, which was the other beer I pictured Mr. Peng consuming in large quantities.

Hey, who can blame me for not knowing of Mr. Peng's sophistication and style? (note I did not dare put "class" in the same sentence!). Learn something new every day!


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Mr. Peng enjoys one of the finest beers on the face of the Earth, and doesn't spit it out with follow up comments like "where's my Colt-45! I need to wash this f'n French* stuff out of my mouth!"

* = note I would not expect someone who hates smilies to know the difference between Belgium and France.

Oh... and you might like to know that the brewmaster from Chimay is the one that helped start up Unibroue. Which explains why those beers are a definite cut above MGD, which was the other beer I pictured Mr. Peng consuming in large quantities.

Hey, who can blame me for not knowing of Mr. Peng's sophistication and style? (note I did not dare put "class" in the same sentence!). Learn something new every day!


Arse beats class, any day.


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The photo circulating of me with the silly hat, Wild Turkey and (gah!) Budinabottle, is 20 years old. I was young and foolish and did not have the budget (or consultant's budgets) to enjoy the finer things in life. Oh, I knew about them alright. My dear old mum saw to that: Single malt scotch being her preferred tipple, but since I was fresh out of college and had no actual job skills of which to speak (and was prolly living on Elvis' couch at that point), funds for the finer things were scarce. So, we made do with what our wallet could afford - there are, I am sure, plenty of piccies with the old Carling Black label, and Schmidts cans and whatever cheap swill would provide the required buzz for the morning floating around too.

Now that I'm all growed up and make actual money and there is some left over not spent on the kids I can treat myself to good Belgian brews in a fine pub and feast like a goddam lord.

Unfortunately the silly hat met its demise some time ago when the basement flooded and the hat and all the other stuff in the box that hat was in were destroyed.

Berli will disagree with me on this, but I find a nice bourbon - like Knob Creek or Blantons - to be a fine way to sip into the evening. As good as - but surely different from - a Single Malt from the highlands.

When something is well made, and used at the appropriate time in the proper place (criteria which are always shifting, of course), then there is no limit to the enjoyment one can derive from it. A Corona after mowing the lawn on a hot July Sunday has as much merit as a Draft Guiness on a cold night in January in your favorite pub.

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But of course, yet the prospect of being weighed on the Balance of Wit only to be found lacking in comparison to the twinkling intellects found within the Cess leaves me cowering.

Then there are the rules that I just can't get my head around and my Tourette's-fueled torrents of testicle talk...holey moley I'd be in trouble all the time.

Plus the forms...gawd I hate filling out forms and your such sticklers for having every detail right.

So you're right, I was going to take a shower anyway and used this thread as a pretense.


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Closing this thread up because the thought of any of you Fourm guys naked makes me feel rather ill. I've tried to get the thought of a naked and drunk Peng out of my head for a day now, and yet somehow it keeps coming in just as I am about to drink a great beer. Unless Mr. Peng is really a Ms. Peng, and a runner up in beauty contest of some sort (or a newly retired Russian FEMALE tenis player - emphasis on something I forgot to note in another thread), such thoughts really take the joy out of my beer drinking. In an effort to heal my shattered mental state, I am closing this thread up. If it were paper I'd burn it too, but in this case I don't see how lighting fire to my flat panel screen would help me.


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