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A-10 Gun Run

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Originally posted by Splinty:

After 3 tours in Iraq, I have yet to personally have seen or heard about Coalition Forces torture or deliberately try to harm anyone who wasn't trying to kill them. THAT's the difference between us and the terrorists/insurgents. If you can't figure that out Lethaface, KHunt etc., maybe you need to rethink your ethics.

You, with all the firepower and gizmos, can afford to abide by your own military standard of conduct most of the time. The other side who fight for what they believe don't have such luxury. For them if killing, maiming and torturing their enemies (be it foreigners or fellow countrymen) gave them leverage in the fight, so be it. It's the basic of asymmetrical warfare. They don't fight the way you want them to. They fight the way they see best how to fight you.
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A couple videos showing A-10's firing. The first is an Air Force promo video, but where they got some of the sound from I don't know, but it's worth it to see what the happens when the A-10 strafes a tank. The second is a video showing A-10's training in Korea, nice clear pictures and great sound.

And also some more great air strike videos. :) And, as a bonus, a pretty unique video showing what I'm pretty sure is an M1 tank fring into a building where terrorists are hiding. This video shows with more clarity than I've ever seen before what happens when the bad guys get hit by an M1 while in a building. Let's just say, if they wanted to die, it looks like they got their wish. hehe :)

Of note is a video that apparently shows a maverick missle taking out some terrorist target in Iraq. You don't see maverick hits on video all that often, it seems. Probably fired by an A-10 or maybe an F-16. Also, look at the explosion when a U.S. jet takes out a terrorist car bomb factory! :)




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Well, seeing as how BTS is a U.S. game company and our friends and relatives over there in Europe are allies of ours, even if they all aren't dropping bombs at this minute in Afghanistan or Iraq, I think the "our" applies quite nicely to the vast majority, either directly or in spirit. :)

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Lee wrote:

I think the "our" applies quite nicely to the vast majority, either directly or in spirit.

Well, I protest :)

It aren't our soldiers in Iraq (anymore)!

Our soldiers are in Afghanistan though.

However, some, even on this forum, may be less enthusiastic about the 'our' soldiers you are mentioning. Some, like me, are not really content with all of the foreign politics of the U.S..

So, I can be interested in a A-10 Warthog gun run which might have killed some insurgents. Thats what its built for, aint it? And I dont have any frowning over 'that was a HELL of a shooting, etc etc'. However, the moment someone on this forum mentions how nice some 'terrorists' (still people) were blown up combined with 'Take that you (arab) terrorist scum', that's the moment where the 'OUR' halts (not that you posted that).

To be honest, in the last posts you kept it quite neutral :) . I think it would be good to keep the discussion neutral, without subjective terminology. US is US, insurgents are insurgents. BLUE is just BLUE, Red is just RED. Thats all and thats that.

Hell, it are 'mine' RED troopers ingame getting busted by your 'our' troops ;)

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