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Sheesh, a complete lack of proper rules means that the MBT could be posted upon by a SSN such as myself. Never before had I seen such disregard for the what the Mutha Beautiful Thread stands for, stands sideways for .. or just stands on top of. Well that is except for BOO'S last incarnation of the MBT but what else can you expect from him.

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I'm currently listening to Holiday Podcast for the Peng thread.

I cannot type...words just fail me.

nope, they don't after all

Nidan1 is really James Earl Jones (in Conan the Librarian)

Leoo...amen, brother.

StickyPixie is really inspector Cleaseau

[ January 08, 2007, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by wamphyri:

Sheesh, a complete lack of proper rules means that the MBT could be posted upon by a SSN such as myself. Never before had I seen such disregard for the what the Mutha Beautiful Thread stands for, stands sideways for .. or just stands on top of. Well that is except for BOO'S last incarnation of the MBT but what else can you expect from him.

For ONCE an SSN sees the light ... well not of DAY one presumes given your name and all.

But the rules DID suck (oh my, that could be taken the wrong way couldn't it) and reflect (opps, sorry, no offense lad) poorly upon Hiram Sedai but then everything pretty much does.

So Hiram what are you doing these days lad, find something you can sink your teeth (damn, sorry again, sorry) into? Or are you still flying blind as a bat ... (Oh geeze, sorry, my fault). I mean, Hiram we thought you were dead and buried (Crap, there I go again) and gone.

Well, nice to have you back lad, after all you have a pretty large stake in (Uh ... that is, well, you know) this place too.


p.s. Those rules though man, they stink the place up like garlic ... (DAMN)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Damn. I feel bad about the fact that I've attempted to super-cede this incarnation.

I didn't set out to do so.

But I'm a shameless whore. Hiram! Surrender your hockey hair, and post in my Thread!

Too true Seanachai, but needs must when ... uh ... needs ... well just that mostly.

Get thee HENCE for the PROPER Mutha Beautiful Thread ... THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!


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At's a bit like a schism. Ah remaimber at were Hiram tha' followed tha' mad bastarrd Meeks aintae tha void, all those lang year ago. Tha ainly wun as waill.

An' all tha lang syne Ah didnae wunce starrt an incarnation o' tha MBT, an' tha worrrld as poorer fer at.

Ah lak postin' ain Hiram's thraid. At maks mae feel funny inside. Noo, tha's tha Lagavulin. Mah mistake.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Di ye ken, three current Peng Thraids open at wunce!

I know, it's ... it's like the heavens opened up and ... and ... projectile vomited ... or somefink.

OGSF you mad Scot bastiche, you owe me a Podcast Interview so you do.



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