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my pet peeve about assault move...

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just a little thing... whats the use of splitting your squad into an assault team if that team then cannot use the assault move?

oh and whats the rational about only letting squads use the assault move?

as far as i can tell its just a standard bounding overwatch move and any unit with at least 2 members should be able to do it...

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Well, if you're spliting your squads into assault teams, you do not have to use assault move smile.gif

One team is covering the other one. The cover team may use a fire arc and the assaulting team may use the hunt order.

I use the assault move command only if I want the whole team to get inside a buildind.

And I split them into assault teams if I want one team to cover the other one for a much longer time (when the other one is securing the roofs of a building for example) or if I want specific suppresive fire.

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I think this is a subset of the whole movement order question. To shamelessly self quote

TBH, I'd like the movement commands to be things like:


  • On the double (Direct to the waypoint as fast as possible)</font>
  • Make best speed (To the waypoint with a small deviation to cover)</font>
  • Cautious (In as much cover as possible, route can be circuitous)</font>
  • Move to contact (Skirmish line, small deviation to cover)</font>
  • Assault (Direct to the waypoint in bounds, the lead elements to be seeking the enemy and returning fire on contact, the firebase auto area-firing where the lead element shoots)</font>

I'd also like the route to be highlighted as soon as the waypoint is placed - this alone would save a lot of heartache.

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Originally posted by Law&Order:

I had a SF squad reduced to 2 men (from 6 or something, see scenario punitive expedetion) and they were still able to do the assault move, one "overwatched" the other. So it seems hard coded that a group of 4 cant, and a group of 6 reduced to 2 still can. seems like a bug to me.

That annoys me too. I'm also bothered by the fact that some syrian infantry can assault but can't split into teams. It's really limiting since "assault doesn't do a very good job of covering the movement team sometimes. I also like to be able to pick the spot where my teams stop to switch roles, instead of letting them do it out in the open.
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I haven't tried this since my first few times ended in dissaster. My half squad entered the building and died without returning fire and then the support element followed and died as well, all without returning fire.

The infantry model is killing this game for me. I am sick of my guys getting shot before they seem to be able to fire back. Even in hunt movement I have only rarely seen members of a squad fire before the center of mass of the squad has reached the movement objective. Meanwhile the enemy is blazing away at each man as he enters the door. You shoot as you entere the room, you don't enter the room, wait for the entire squad to come through the door, wait for everyone to spread out, look around, and then fire.

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ive actually had quite alot of instances where a hunt order has been converted to a slow order upon enemy contact (instead of the troops stopping and returning fire)

and its not a case of looking for cover, ive had instances where ive ordered a troop to hunt down a street and when they see an enemy at the end of the street they just start crawling towards the enemy instead of stopping and returning fire or indeed seeking cover in the nearby houses...

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semi-automatic carbine??? what are you smoking? the M4 is fully automatic

and it all depends on the circumstances anyway... if that little 2-3 man team meets a full squad, then yes, their little enfilade wont be enough to keep the enemy down... but if the enemy is a single sniper or maby a 2 man rpg team, then it certainly is...

besides, there is no logic as to why my 6 man HQ unit cannot assault whilst my 6 man engineer squad can... both units were armed with only M4 carbines. tell me where the logic in that is? cos i just cant see it...

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well they sure seem automatic in the game... M4A1 is automatic isnt it? and thats what the army is planning on using as their standard weapon in the future (hence the lack of any M16's in the game?)

anyway... im 100% sure its auto in the game... otherwize all those troops have really twitchy triggerfingers...

EDIT: ok, checked it out and heres the deal:

M4 has semi and 3 round burst capability (wich makes it auto in my book, a trained soldier can definately squeeze off enough 3 round burst in a short time to make that auto)

M4A1 is semi and full auto.

no version of it in military service is semi auto only.

[ October 26, 2007, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Oddball_E8 ]

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My half squad entered the building and died without returning fire and then the support element followed and died as well, all without returning fire.
This is why I don't use assault. My units just zombie since there's no intra-squad communication.

[ October 28, 2007, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: LGMB ]

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