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Badgers?! We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers In the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Bauhaus, you annoying deformity. That is not your email address. Correct it, or I will tell the Justicar.

yeah I know, for some reason the bloody thing won't let me. I've tried and I'll try again. It keeps telling me somebody has already registered with my email. But who? Someone help me or somefink. I've fallen and I can't change my profile.

I'm using my wife's email for the time being because I can't put mine into my profile.

[ July 30, 2006, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I TOO want to be universally despised and have my name automatically bring up feelings of loathing and contempt ...

I believe you have the contempt thing down cold and are pretty far along on the loathing. In order to generate true hatred though, you need significance, and I fear that is to be eternally beyond your grasp.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

This is everything, Joe. This is the Center of the Universe. What do you see?

Hang on a minute. I'm at the centre of the universe and I can't see squat.

Oh wait, *looks out window*, traffic congestion on Lonsdale Street. I'd give that a miss if I was you.

k? </font>

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Today I was on my knee’s, a torn black bag by my feet, trying to scoop up molten media from the car park floor as the heavens poured down… and in my abject misery one thought crossed my mind.

“****ing Emrys”

Ah, good. I see my blessings have begun to arrive. Suffering is good for the soul, my boy, and I plan for you to develop a LOT of soul before the year is out and even more before the decade is over.

I'll let you in on a little secret: I plan to rachet it up slowly. That way, just when you think you have mastered your situation and finally have everything well in hand, suddenly everything will get much worse. This will go on, and on, and on for year after year as you slowly grow older and your appetite for life is ground down and obliterated. You will realize that your entire existence has been one buggered waste of time. Thus you will achieve enlightenment.

I hope I'm not depressing you, am I?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

I’d be most concerned if even someone of Sturmsebbers (admittedly pitiful) calibre weren’t BETTER than those soddin jackasses!


Sturmy is a pitiful, shat upon Serf. He's a great big Belgian Homosexual. But that bastard is one of Us. He was granted Knight status ages before you were done checking to see if you remembered your password to post on the BFC Board!

But the fecking Justicar, may he never suffer more than is just from the painful, burning itch of hemorrhoids, declared that Sturmsebber simply could not be raised to Knight status. Despite being so raised by the acceptance of all three of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. And the Gentle Approval of our Queen, Emma.

But the Peng Challenge Thread is not simply a Compilation of Rules. We are more than merely an Hierarchy of the Powerful. We are neither the 'by the numbers' idiocy of the Bureaucracy, nor are we the 'the Law is What I Say it Is' brutality of the Olde Ones.

The Peng Challenge Thread is both more, and less, than that. It is what 'WE' say it is.

It is 'Why We Post'. It is 'What We Post'. The only thing that 'Others' can define for us is 'Where We Post'.

And by the gods, Sir 37mm, I'm not above making a post that makes it seem like you were pissing on Sturmsebber for being Homosexual if that's what it takes for me to be able to make a post about your need to accept him as though he was your very own brother.

You big, big fecking limey homophobe.

How do you live with yourself? I mean, as far as all the other nations of the World are concerned, all you English are Homosexuals.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

English Sport Even Better Than Cricket

And it was cancelled!!!

The practice, known as conger cuddling, is the annual highlight in the small coastal town about 155 miles southwest of London. The object of the game is to knock the opposing team off the platform by swinging a 25-pound eel at them.
Friends, this is what can happen to you when you live on an island in the middle of the North Sea for thousands of years. God only knows what they do that even English tabloids are too ashamed to print.


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Anyway, it seems i'm the talk of the town.. again . It is good to be the king!

Now let's commence Operation please sir 37mm :

GIVE me more Love, or more Disdain;

The Torrid, or the Frozen Zone

Bring equall ease unto my paine;

The Temperate affords me none:

Either extreme, of Love, or Hate,

Is sweeter than a calme estate.

Give me a storme; if it be Love,

Like Danae in that golden showre

I swim in pleasure; if it prove

Disdain, that Torrent will devour

My Vulture-hopes; and he's possest

Of Heaven, that's but from Hell releast:

Then crown my joyes, or cure my pain;

Give me more Love, or more Disdain.

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From Gotham: A History of New York City to 1908 by Burrows & Wallace:

From when NYC was still a dollop of a few hundred Dutch West India Company men and their families:

"In 1663... Another traditional bit of Shrove Tuesday fun, likewise resurrected in New Netherland, was Pulling the Goose. In this rough country sport, a live bird, its neck smeared with oil or soap, was tied by a rope between two poles: contestants on horseback then rode at full gallop toward the tethered goose and tried to yank off its head."

And Seanachai, you mad bugger, I offered you AC last night and you saw fit to cavort with others. Your resultant heat stroke is therefore your own fault, as I was bathed in asses milk and rubbed with rose petals by lissome and delightfully filthy wenches all night long.
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Originally posted by dalem:

...I was bathed in asses milk and rubbed with rose petals by lissome and delightfully filthy wenches all night long.

Oh, dalem, you mad hedonist you! You're trying to put Sturmy to shame aren't you?

BTW, did you ever read The Waterworks? Incredibly good book about turn of the century New York.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I hope I'm not depressing you, am I?

No more than you usually do… actually perhaps a little less than you usually do.

I have a little saying you see, it goes…

“I’m not, nor was nor will ever be... Emrys”

… and posts like yours just help reinforce the uplifting nature of that thought.

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

I'm still waiting for my turn! Was your head pulled off too?

You wretched git... I last sent you turn 14

I HAVE NOT received a turn 15!

Personally, I reckon you're just frightened by all my nasty Australians whose sole purpose is to cross the shell & bullet strewn no-mans land AND EAT your men!

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

I'm still waiting for my turn! Was your head pulled off too?

You wretched git... I last sent you turn 14

I HAVE NOT received a turn 15!

Personally, I reckon you're just frightened by all my nasty Australians whose sole purpose is to cross the shell & bullet strewn no-mans land AND EAT your men! </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It could be that. Or, if he's playing the same scenario against you that I'm playing against you, that perfectly horrible WW1 allied attack on that butt-ugly cratered, lunar plain map you created, then perhaps he just needs a little "time out" between turns.

Yeah I imagine it has been 'perfectly horrible' for you... what with your pedestrian, slow-motion quasi-attack still stuck out there in no-mans land whilst my four machine guns hammer into your men.
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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It could be that. Or, if he's playing the same scenario against you that I'm playing against you, that perfectly horrible WW1 allied attack on that butt-ugly cratered, lunar plain map you created, then perhaps he just needs a little "time out" between turns.

Yeah I imagine it has been 'perfectly horrible' for you... what with your pedestrian, slow-motion quasi-attack still stuck out there in no-mans land whilst my four machine guns hammer into your men. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Right, because green troops have always been known for their ability to charge straight into enemy guns with no problems at all.

And while we're at it, let's talk a little bit about who's men are running off of their end of the map. Is it my troops who are scurrying for the rear, arms pumping like mad, emitting high pitched yipping noises like the poodles they are?

No. That would be YOUR men.

My men, on the other hand, are gamely inching their way forward. One platoon running forward while the others lay down their withering cover fire in a CLASSIC leap-frogging advance, you great, grinning baboon of a Brit-git!!!

Yes, true they are green troops… green troops with a +2 morale boost you drool licking picker-ninny!

As for the fact that some of my men have ‘advanced to the rear’… what of it?

My trenches could be occupied by drunken, overweight squirrels & you’d still find a way to piss yourself with fright!

Truth is I’ve more than enough men remaining to do the job… and ammo, let’s not forget the ammo.

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