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Mission: Death on the Sand

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Attention: Use v4 Only! Blue vs. Red AI

I kept finding problems, so I kept remaking it. Sorry for all who messed with v1-3.

Hey. This mission is short and not too hard, and needs some tweakage. But it can still be fun.



1991 gulf war.

Open desert tank battle. US forces are outnumbered but have superior firepower to take on Saddam's Million Man Army.

Have fun, let me know what you think!


[ November 14, 2007, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

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Beware, this is my firt time making a mission, so everything isn't perfect, as I was just learning to use the editor.

But Thanks for trying it out!

If it's even worth fixing to be a good map, let me know. I might be able to even extend the map a bit.

I have some good ideas now for the next mission, so hopefully that one will be much better.

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Ok, I liked it for what it is, a short and easy mission, plays out like a movie, not much work to do in the positive and in the negative sense.

Firstly I had to rename the file (used v1.1) because the extension was ".1btt" instead of ".btt".

I got a total victory in 20 minutes despite losing 3 Abrams. In my opinion you should give red additional points for M1 kills.

Without revealing too much I first though that it was a too straighforward mission, but you do have a nice little surprise in there.

As you said yourself the action starts immediately. I prefer the setup zones and reinforcements not to be in enemy LOS. The terrain is a little too flat for my taste. I wonder why the Iraqi commander couldn't find a better place to set up his defense.

I took note of the mines from the briefing, did you design the riverbed/mines the way you did on purpose?

The battle is good for a nice little R&R and to watch some fireworks. You could tweak some minor things to make it more challenging, e.g. award extra points to red for kills, change the terrain a little to allow ambushes, give red some artillery if you want (even though the AI doesn't use it very effectively) and maybe do something about the minefield.

Thanks for the scenario, I enjoyed it. Hope you're having fun designing more.

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I meant for the map to be large enough to be out of firing range and for you to have to inch forward into it.

Your right though, it does kinda play out like a movie.

During the 1st Gulf War, we ran some tank units way out hit the Iraqis in the rear of their lines. They had emplacements built but were expecting the attack from Kuwait. So... this was supposed to simulate the Iraqis just repositioning and reinforcing to defend against the american attack. If you keep playing, the infantry will end up in those trenches.

The american reinforcements have been changed. For some reason I couldn't get them to show up in the right spot. Version 1.1 should have eliminated the reinforcements and given them to you at the start.

Thanks for the feedback, I will work on it to be a better mission, rather than just a show.

P.S. Not intended for use as red

I will definitely improve the point values and

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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

You popped your Cherry!!

Congrats on your first scen..

LOL. Thanks, now version 4 is up!


It is much better. I tried to fix several things, including map, AI, entrenchments, etc.. It should play better and allow for much more tactical variation.

Note: Tried to use burning vehicles to simulate oil well fires. The smoke seems only to come in to view when you see the burning vehicle.

Don't forget about your Z and X buttons (zoom)

[ November 14, 2007, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

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