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Why the Balkans?


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So we have Bosnian Serb Army T 72. All these things did in the Balkans was belch plumes of black smoke and shell schools. There were no pitched tank battles, Just mobile T72 artillery platforms at the most.

What the heck do you plan on simulating with this? Maybe running over civilians in Bihac?

You can't make a T-72 simulator for the Balkans. Its Ludicrous. Certainly redundant as tank action was unbalanced to say the least. Yeah sure the Muslim factions may have had a T-34s but these were shuffled by flat car rail and barely ran.

This has got to be a joke right? If not then you better include Canadian TUV Tow missle launchers as these killed as many T-55s as the HVO did.

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You might want to look at the webpages again and note that this isn't a high fidelity simulator of the Balkans conflict, but is a Russian tank sim that is set in that region.

Your trolling comments aside, you might have a bit of a point, but if you designed a sim with the T-34, T-55 and T-72, what would you pick for a setting? It's as plausible a region as anything else I can think of right now.

Suspension of disbelief is necessary for all games (remember, this is a game after all), and this one is no different. Simply tell yourself this is a battle of separatists in Quebec vs BC lumberjacks in Russian equipment bought from the Alberta army if it helps you enjoy the gaming experience more.

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gundolf, as Harv pointed out, the game isn't (and doesn't try to be) historical. Realistic in combat modelling, yes, but not historical; neither the backstory nor any of the missions included are based in historical events. This game has been originally made for a different, more main-stream audience, keep that in mind.

And you're absolutely right that the unit selection available to both sides isn't realistic, either. I doubt that you'd have seen T72s fighting Leo's and T-55s over an oil storage facility in real life. The game manual lists a number of additional differences. If this reduces your enjoyment of the game, then I'm sorry to hear that, but I would hazard a guess that once you're in the turret of a T72 in the demo we're going to provide, you'll forget that. Especially in multiplayer.

However, perhaps we can add a few historic custom made missions for our release, we'll have to see. With the editor, you'll be able to make yours if you wanted in any case (and if you are willing to go through some trouble to learn how to use it; it's not as user-friendly as the CM editor because it's not been intended for public release)


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Harv, the description below from the faq clearly states you are playing the part of a BSA mercenary in the Krajinja. Yeah its just a game with a stretch in story lines to mesh it together. We don't flinch 60 years later playing WW2 games. Viet Nam games are starting to become popular now. Not my intent to troll.

....Smack in the middle between units of the former Yugoslav People’s Army, Serb militia forces, Croat Catholics and Bosnian Moslems in a civil war that knows no right and wrong, the RDO takes on a multitude of tasks and missions throughout the game’s campaign.

Beginning with the discovery of an intact T-34-85 tank left behind by the Croats, and after quickly scrounging ammo and some volunteers, the 18 campaign missions take the player into the Serb Krajina hills and mountains, defending Serbian villages and supply lines, protecting river crossings or a power plant, assaulting an enemy artillery battery or enemy supply convoys, or even rescuing Serb commando teams conducting operations behind enemy lines....

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And I hardly think this is mainstream yet. Besides, there is a tank sim shaped hole in the gaming industry, why shouldn't they fill it? Realistic tactical shooters weren't mainstream but they are now. Mainstream made them mainstream. More power to BFC for making this move.

And the hints that this is the first step in a series only makes me happier that what I truely wish for (realistic WW2 tanksim) is in the pipeline.

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I for one cant wait to play this game.

I grabed the demo and had a total blast.

Awsom textures for the tanks to...altho im having some problems with the sounds not showing up somyimes but all and all this looks like a fab game. To bad i cant speek russian or i could mess around with the settings a bit.

Enyone know were i can find an english version ov the demo or will they be making one?

I f enyone knows were i can find the Eng version or a translation of the demo it would greatly be apreaciated. Tanks you!

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Originally posted by {Akuma}:

Enyone know were i can find an english version ov the demo or will they be making one?

The demo you played was the Russian beta demo. BFC will publish a demo once the time comes (2nd quarter 2005 they say). The game will give you a choice of Russian or English-spoken-funnily.
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I am fighting in that war Sergei and i good know what have a Serb Krajina Army , i wish to game be so

realistic ! Some that is not realistic !

And at least somebody like Serbs !

we are fighting for mather land , a 15 years is BIG

LIE to we fighting for GREAT SEBIA !!!! CROATS occupy ours country ! at 4 avgust 1995 a operation "FLAS" and "STORM" .........

Sergei visit our virtual county and at least LEARN


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Originally posted by ratnik:

I am fighting in that war Sergei and i good know what have a Serb Krajina Army , i wish to game be so

realistic ! Some that is not realistic !

And at least somebody like Serbs !

we are fighting for mather land , a 15 years is BIG

LIE to we fighting for GREAT SEBIA !!!! CROATS occupy ours country ! at 4 avgust 1995 a operation "FLAS" and "STORM" .........

Sergei visit our virtual county and at least LEARN


Ok, that one was just over the limit. I'm 37 years old, married with a little daugther, and Ive seen my share of this world in my life to satisfy almost anyone.

Somebody give this guy a VALIUM and send him back to his rubber wall room.

You know your post there is just about as stupid as those few insane Germans(no offence to the rest of germany) that claims that the hollocaust never took place.

(to ratnik)We all saw the mass graves m8te. Don't be a fool trying to justify your actions during the war m8te.

And no....Im not saying you were the only bad guys.


I worked for the Red Cross during that period and I went there and saw the horrors you guys did with my own eyes, so I know what Im talking about.


[ April 04, 2005, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Canaria ]

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ratnik, T72 uses the Balkans war as a backdrop for a pretty good simulation of tactical tank combat, but no attempt has been made to realistically portray the historical events. Or align with one side over the other. While the main campaign is scripted from the Serb side, the game allows you to play from both sides, up to the point that players are able to make their own user missions (and with some skill, even campaigns).

The missions, forces and terrain are all fictional. If you would like to play this game because you think that somebody can learn the truth about the conflict, or learn to like Serbs, you'll be very much disappointed. If you would like to play the game because it's a very good simulation of modern tank combat, then it might be something for you.

In any case however, I have to ask you to keep your opinions about the political background to the Balkans conflict to yourself. It has nothing to do with the game, and has no place in this forum.


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