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What's with the USA limits on Armies? Gee, can those four,"I'll never be in supply Armies do anything significant"? SC2 screws over the USA. I made the same complaints about SC, never fixed. Is the USA going to be fixed for SC2? Is the USA going to get there due? Obviously, Blashy & the rest of the AntiUSA testers aren't going to promote the USA because of their politics.

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Oh god... is all you do play the game, check the USA out, and then come in here and tell us? tongue.gif

It's pretty easy for me to be able to Launch a strong D-Day in late 1943, with THOSE 4 armies, a paratrooper, a HQ, and another HQ with 2 fighters and a bomber in britian, all with good tech. Rambo, maybe you should have the UK coordinate D-Day with the Americans. Do you even do that? tongue.gif

[ June 17, 2006, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: Fartknock3r ]

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The game is right and wrong (in contrast to Rambo, who is almost always wrong).

The U.S. fielded a small army relative to its size. There was a deliberate decision to create no more than 90 divisions (the Germans had over 300). The U.S. had six armies in Europe by 1945, so the game isn't off by much.

However, SC2 is wrong in that Hubert doesn't understand how the U.S. Army worked. There may not have been a lot of armies, but there a HUGE number of non-divisional assets (tanks, artillery, trucks, etc.) that were kept in a central pool and assigned to the armies as needed. So a U.S. army like Patton's Third should pack a lot more firepower and mobility than a German or Soviet army.

One way to reflect this is to have the U.S. start with IW1 or IW2.


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Why don't we allow the U.S. to have overstrength units eariler and cheaper? Maybe if you made each army say 12-13 Str it would more accuratley simulate what dicedtomato is talking about?

One thing is for certain, the U.S. had a lot more men the SC2 represents. I even think the bombers are under represented since it is such a task to get just 2 bomber fleets with 1 nation, and without atleast 2 you really can't do much damage to anything. In reality we had so many damn planes germany was bombed day and night in coordination with the British.

I simply believe a lot of people in Europe are so ignorant that they would rather the U.S. didn't build an army at all as long as it meant America wouldn't have so much pride in itself. 1 word, eurotrash.

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Rambo you can choose.

Either the US were cowards and even if they had all these super armies they were not joining out of fear or spite of the English.

Or simply they had to build up their troops and this is the reason they started D-DAy in 1944 when everything was already decided anyway.

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Originally posted by Stavka_CCCP:

Also how about tank strength for the US? If i recall the Shermans had a 5+ to 1 advantage to anything the Buntas had.

And this can not happen in SC2? Keep in mind that 75% or more of the German forces were in Russia.

If a player in SC2 decides to lower this to 50% and bring that extra 25% to the Estern front, the Allies will be hurting. Remember that with only 25% of its force Germany still managed to hold the Allies in France for a year. Mind you if Germany had pulled out more troops in Russia, they would have most likely been rolled over.

[ June 17, 2006, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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Its obvious Rambo the USA is hated.

Remember that a lot of wargamers have this fantasy of German Myth being supermen. This of course is what sells. Of course these are the same supermen who got their butts kicked by the so called "Inferior race" as they called it. Every has thise false belief that everything German was superior to the allies. I guess they never heard of a T34 tank, P51 Mustang, Ect.

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Originally posted by Stavka_CCCP:

Its obvious Rambo the USA is hated.

Remember that a lot of wargamers have this fantasy of German Myth being supermen. This of course is what sells. Of course these are the same supermen who got their butts kicked by the so called "Inferior race" as they called it. Every has thise false belief that everything German was superior to the allies. I guess they never heard of a T34 tank, P51 Mustang, Ect.

Anyone who thinks that is uninformed, just like anyone who thinks the war was won by anyone else but the Russians is uninformed. Give those Ruskies credit, they had the Germans on the Run while we the Allies were landing in Africa.

Germany had a lot going for it, but their political doctrine was to be their downfall from the start.

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