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Some things I would like the editor to do.

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This are some things I would like the editor to do:

1. Allow us to tweak with the internal characteristics of a type of unit. For example, could I increase the soft attack stregth of a Tank Group? Could I reduce the AP's of an Infantry Corps?

2. Allow us to tweak with the basic cost of a unit type. Say I want to make tank's more expensive... but I just want to make tanks more expensive while leaving infantry as is. (If I want to make everything more expensive I might as well reduce the production capacity of a country. What I am asking for is to alter the relative cost of unit types viz a viz each other).

3. Create two types of tank units: corps vs. army following the infantry corps vs. army distinction. Could I do that?

4. Have a type of "unconnected terrain" to represent terrain with no infrastructure. Supply into or through unconnected terrain should be more difficult.

5. Allow more types of air units, and allow us to tweak with their relative combat aspects so some of them specialize in air superiority, others in naval combat, others in strategic bomber (already exists), and still others in tactical land support. I know these are meant to be huge fleets... do as you wish in the main scenarios, but, it would be niece if the editor allowed for this kind of specialized units.

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Based on comments spread about, I think that most of what you want can be done...While you may not be able to add additional unit types to the pre-existing SC2 force pool, you'll be able to modify any of those that do exist...the trick will be to make the appropriate unit counters... I doubt an "unconnected terrain" will be present as it will probably not be part of the SC2 framework..I asked about creating an unpassable tile and Bill mentioned that you could use the depression tile for that purpose...I'm sure someone will chime in to correct anything that I mentioned...I think all of us need to weigh what is more important, SC2 the game or SC2 the editor...I think as long as it is part of SC2, then it will be available to tweak with the editor, but expecting Hubert to have an editor that goes way beyond the scope and design of SC2, might be asking and expecting too much..

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ev, I doubt 3 and 5 will be available, but use your imagination, you may be able to accomplish something similar. For instance, since there will be a few new units in our armed force mix(paras, engineers, naval bombers?) take them and mod the icon, then change the parameters governing their characteristics, disallowing their unique actions and viola, you have a new unit. I believe this may be possible with the editor? Bill? Dave?

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Can we take certain units out of the force pool? For example if I wanted to make a WWI scen. could I remove paratroopers and strat. bombers all together since they were not part of that war?

Also, what about new technology in terms of the actual units being invented and not improved. Countries in the beginning of WWI did not really have tanks, but surely enough by the end they had started building and using plenty, will there be a way to simulate this?

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[Orig. Post]'J P Wagner' - "Based on comments spread about, I think that most of what you want can be done...While you may not be able to add additional unit types to the pre-existing SC2 force pool, you'll be able to modify any of those that do exist."


Question...i was thinking i would like to make a Campaign or Scenario on a lesser scale than ARMIES or CORPS(I prefer Divisions and Regiments or Smaller in this instance),... so i would like to 'DESIGN MY OWN UNIT TYPES' for that purpose...as i would expand say for example 'Italy & Sicily' to probably 3 to 4 times or so the present size as it appears in the regular game.

Any chance of a 'Graphic-Unit-Editor'???...if not now...then an add-on for later?. If its not me that wants it...someone else well eventually...as mods are made for this game. For WW1 & WW2(Europe & Pacific), WW3(Present Day) as well as perhaps Fantasy!.

I have no idea how difficult this would be to introduce into the game...so im just stabbing in the dark on this one!.


Another thing...'Reinforcement Schedules and Withdrawls',...again...any possibility of this feature being in the 'Unit or Campaign Editor' as well?.

[ May 22, 2004, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Any chance of a 'Graphic-Unit-Editor'???...
All the graphics are simple bitmap files that can be edited with a paint program.

i would like to 'DESIGN MY OWN UNIT TYPES'
Check out the combat.jpg screenshot in the announcement. You will be able to customize unit values. Give infantry units air attack values for ADA, or give tanks a strike range greater than 1 tile. Whatever. You probably will not be able to add any new unit types beyond those provided with the game, but hopefully we'll be able to edit unit type names somehow, like renaming Tank Groups as Cavalry and changing the icons to horses. Then corps and armies could become regiments and divisions. If you use some imagination, you can probably come up with all sorts of interesting stuff.
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Originally posted by Retributar:

[Orig. Post]'J P Wagner' - "Based on comments spread about, I think that most of what you want can be done...While you may not be able to add additional unit types to the pre-existing SC2 force pool, you'll be able to modify any of those that do exist."

I think you'll be able to create any size unit you want....you would just work out the numbers of the unit in relationship to the scale you have on the map... if you think about it, calling a unit a brigade, regiment, division, corp, or army really does not matter gameplay wise as long as you are consistent for both sides.. you would already have the necessary military symbols for a North African Campaign because they are part of SC2...if there was a particular unit you wanted represented that is not part of the game, then you might have to sacrifice one of the existing units in order to create it, changing the numbers accordingly..perhaps using paint or some other program, you might be able to create the unit symbol...again, I cull these thoughts from so many editor questions that have been asked, but only those really in the know will be able to provide you with a definitive answer, and it may be too early in the design to do that properly yet...

EDIT:...due to my snail paced typing skills, Bill has answered better than I....

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It wouldn't hurt to be able to save new sets of unit templates to avoid having to sacrifice any of the ones needed for the main game...then simply select which template you wish to use for whichever set of scenarios or campaigns...and do the switch-over!.

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Will the editor be able to change the time scale so that we may fit more turns in a year? The time scale is related to summer and winter weather...

Say you want make a game that focuses more on Central Europe but have tiles represent 25 miles and the time scale half of the original scenario. Can you do that?

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Yes the time scale will be flexible, with the currently planned option of also including concurrent or synchronous turns.

For example if you chose weekly turns then it can also be set that a week will pass for each players turn or a week will pass after both players play their turn etc.

[ June 01, 2004, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

Yes the time scale will be flexible, with the currently planned option of also including concurrent or synchronous turns.

For example if you chose weekly turns then it can also be set that a week will pass for each players turn or a week will pass after both players play their turn etc.

Wow, this is truly great.

First, thansk for answering my question Hubert. Second, thanks for making time scale flexible. ...third, this is great, I really would like to have synchronous turns.

By the way, do you realize synchronous turns make motorization much more valuable. Speed becomes more important since your plan may unravel if the other player gets there first. When you have alternating turns, you do not have to worry about the other guy getting there first and screwing up your line of defense. In synchronous turns, the first one there takes everything.

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Originally posted by ev:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

Yes the time scale will be flexible, with the currently planned option of also including concurrent or synchronous turns.

For example if you chose weekly turns then it can also be set that a week will pass for each players turn or a week will pass after both players play their turn etc.

Wow, this is truly great.

First, thansk for answering my question Hubert. Second, thanks for making time scale flexible. ...third, this is great, I really would like to have synchronous turns.

By the way, do you realize synchronous turns make motorization much more valuable. Speed becomes more important since your plan may unravel if the other player gets there first. When you have alternating turns, you do not have to worry about the other guy getting there first and screwing up your line of defense. In synchronous turns, the first one there takes everything. </font>

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...got you. Thanks for the clarification.

Nevertheless, I am very glad the time scale will be flexible. There are a couple of ideas for scenarios I already want to try.

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