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Excellent Game, unreal it only cost $45

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Many thanks to Hubert and his gang of merry Beta testers.

Hubert, you have built an amazing game. I was on the fence about the tiles at first. I have played AH board games since late 70's, always hexes. This was an an excellent decision. It made the game more offensive. Let's be honest, WW2 was all about offense. Patton said it best "best defense is offense." There were very few defensive successes in WW2. Most all of them were due to good use of counter attacks, which in my book is offense.

I would list the things I like best about your game, but it would pretty much be everything...

Moon and MadMatt, you guys handled the E-mail/download issues with much class and a tremendous about of patience. My thanks to you guys, I am no computer wizard and appreciate all the help as well as the download/CD/manual for early pre-order customers.

All beta testers thanks for helping develope this great game, I especially like how Blashy and PnzGd are watching and commenting...

Battle Front rocks, Hubert once again thank you and continue what you do, I am a BFer for as long as you guys are around.

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I was on the fence about the tiles at first. I have played AH board games since late 70's, always hexes. This was an an excellent decision. It made the game more offensive.
I hate the tiles. I mean I REALLY hate the tiles. Maybe I don't really hate the tiles but I DEFINATELY REALLY hate the tile/isometric view combination. :D

Konig if you have been playing wargames from the 70's you know there are countless other options to put in a game to make it more "offensive" than using tiles.

Also, I don't understand saying "I can't beleive it's only 45$" Some other people here have made similiar comments. What does that mean? You want to pay more? If thats what that means I don't understand the logic there.

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The map is indeed very weird because of the tiles in some places.

I almost puked when I saw the Maginot line in the demo : it runs waaaay more east-west then I saw it in any other game (and I've seen a few).

Brest is also unreal : in real the peninsula (sp?) is only 30km with Brest laying on the south shore of it, yes in the game you can attack it with two full-blown armies.

All other things aside, the hexes surely make the game less realistic.

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SC2 compared to SC1 is much more tilted toward offense. That is more realistic and representative of WW2. If you want a defensive battle, use editor take away tanks, give yourself a some useless calvary and have at it. Oh yeah, thats right, a programer gave us full access to his ability to change the game instead of milking us for more money in later releases etc...

JJR- not for sure why you call me son, must be some confidence problem with yourself, but including the $8 still a good deal. There are many people, who will develope many different scenarios and campaigns, from many different eras, name another game with that ability.

If there were so many different ways to get back to offense, I have not heard any, just complaints about the tiles.

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My friend who "NEVER" plays any WW2 type games...had NO-Issues or problems playing SC2!.

Of course i instructed him and guided him at first on how to play the game...the menu, moving units, upgrades, research,etc.

This WW2 Wargamer 'Green-Horn'...has 'no-problem' or difficulty with playing SC2!...Isometric's and 3-D Units included!.

The only problem or abberation we encountered was...that he landed a'Paratrooper' unit on the South-Eastern Corner of Norway and then was Unable to Move it out of that postion for the rest of the game so far!.

This Paratrooper unit will not move over Mountains...and we have no way to get it out of there!.

An 'HQ' unit is with-in range,...so supply is not the problem here!.

Nuff Said!...'I LOVE THE GAME AS WELL'...I will be playing it for year's to come!.

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rleete!!! ...thankyou for your reply!, yes, we tried that...but, had no way to access the Motorization Upgrade!,...even though we thought that the HQ unit was close enough to allow us to do that!.

Our solution was to make the Fallshirmjaeger and HQ unit move as close together as possible,...then,we FINALLY!!! had access to the Upgrades listed below!.

Long Range Aircraft 2(2)

Infantry Weapons 2(2)

Antitank Weapons 1(1)

After doing the Upgrades, somehow we had access to 'TRANSPORT'...so at the cost of 32 MPP's we were able to move (Teleport) the 'Paratroop' Unit out of the Mountain Bottleneck to right up against the Norwegian Capital City!!!

...'End of Problem'!!!.

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Units with supply 5 or less have - 1 action point (AP). So the Paratrooper had only 1 AP, but would have needed 2 to enter a mountain hex.

To free it:

- either move a HQ close to it (in mountains i.e. only 1 hex away) so it gets supply 6 and therefore 2 APs again.

- or wait to get motorization and upgrade it

In southern Norway there is no place you can´t free it with a HQ since you can move it close enough at every spot and it is still supplied by one of the 3 cities (= provides supply of 8).

Nevertheless, the best way is simply to avoid getting lost in the mountains since rescue messures are pretty expensive and/or time consuming... :D .

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I think $45 even with $8 shipping is quite reasonable. Many computer games (at least on initial offer) easily go $49 to $69 in the stores. Also if a game is not "mass-market" you have to charge enough just to get a reasonable profit chance.

I can't comment on how good the game is yet, alas my dial-up won't reasonably handle the download and I will have to await the mail, even though I was among the first to pre-order.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Yogi, Lars and I had success with our D-up. Do it overnight, only took me 6 1/2 hours.

Thanks SeaMonkey. I started the downlaod and when it reached estimated time remaining of 14 hours I quit. One, don't like to tie up the line that long, but mainly it is highly unlikely I could have maintained the connection. My internet provider joined Nationwide Internet and service went greatly down hill. I often get dropped connections and am lucky to keep it going for 20 minutes to an hour, much less 12 or 14.
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I do not think Paratroops can get motorization. I could not do it the one game a got to complete. It was Sep 44 and motorization was at level 2. I had them at lvl 3 LR, AT and IW.

I agree with Yogi, lot of games are not worth the money and then I have to sell them back at 1/4 of price if I am lucky...

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