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I made a MOD I call a Mini Patch MOD

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I like it. I always felt subs should cost less to reflect their wide-spread use IRL. Bombing should do more damage, however the arguement could be made that in reallity it DID cost the allies more then they gained, however they kept going because they could afford more losses compared to the Germans. Rockets never really worked in SC1 or SC2 and it always bothered me.

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Yeah if you look at Rockets in terms of their range, it is unrealistic. But they add another dimension to the game.

You are spot on about bombers, but in this game the Allies don't make their historical $$$ so increasing their damage was the best option. I could have lowered their cost even more but that would just be too low.

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Originally posted by Night:

I like it. I always felt subs should cost less to reflect their wide-spread use IRL. Bombing should do more damage, however the arguement could be made that in reallity it DID cost the allies more then they gained, however they kept going because they could afford more losses compared to the Germans. Rockets never really worked in SC1 or SC2 and it always bothered me.

I agree that Bombing probably cost more, but the problem with the default scenario is it's FAR from giving accurate historical MPPs to the Allies, because the goal is to make the game 50-50 in terms of which side can win. So with that in mind, you have to eliminate this loss to make it attractive as a possible option.

Rockets work in SC2 with my changes, and right from the get go they have a possible tactical option.

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For me a good strategy game allows players to have many choices to achieve their goals, while attempting to remain as historically accurate as possible. It's nice playing with this patch because it makes otherwise "non" options viable ways to attack your opponent.

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Finished my first game as Allies, Exp. +1 in September of 1945, which ended in a Stalemate. I had just taken Berlin with the Russians, and had become bogged down in a dumb attempt to liberate Greece with the US North African forces, so Italy remained untouched.

Russia was fun, as I didn't actually make consistent headway until the summer of 1944. 1941 found me on the defensive, with the Nazi's making it to Kharkov and outside Moscow. For the next three years that's pretty much where the lines were drawn. I'd go on the offensive, beat 'em up and then run out of steam by winter, allowing them to regroup. Unfortunately they themselves never mounted a serious offensive.

Landed at Casablanca with US forces and forced my way eastward to help the British. By 1943 Alexandria was captured, but just as the US had reached the outskirts of the city. I had left Egypt fairly defenseless though.

All in all it was enjoyable. I used bombers and rockets throughout the game and felt they were better utilized. Rockets did seem a little overpowered though, but I suppose that comes from their ability to quickly gain 4 bars of experience.

Next game I'll try the Axis, good mod!

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Originally posted by Armuss:

My proposal with Your (Blashy) mod:

- cancelled +2TA with USA Engineers

- reduced cost Battleship to 300 & Carrier to 350

I did the changes to the ship costs as suggested.

My goal is to always make all units a consideration and I find that with 300 and 350 actually purchasing one of these is now a possibility and the lesser cost for repairs can mean a prolonged naval campaign between both sides.

You can now imagine an Axis carrier!

MOD updated at cmmods.

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