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With Respect To Bugs WAW

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I'm thinking from what I have been reading to hold

off until WAW is patched before I purchase. I say this in a tone of utmost respect for Hubert and

the work he's done with the "SC" series. It's just

that my friends and I get into our pbems pretty serious and to have a game breaking bug derail the

battle,as opposed to my own ****ty tactics :D would

be a shame. I'm I off track on this thought?

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Originally posted by Timskorn:

I don't know, which "game breaking" bugs are you referring to? I've seen some bugs listed but from what I can see they are either a rare occurance or only minor issues.

greetings, adding to said i must say that there seems that not have no one multiplayer error, most of issues or minor bugs is with playing versus the AI, the computer opponent, multiplayer issues or hotseat the game can be played, at least, as far as i know at his best,

best regards,


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Played this weekend, trying a bunch of different scenarios. I never encountered anything I would consider more than a minor glitch. No game stoppers, no crashes, no problems.

How many games these days can say that they run right, straight out of the gate?

Buy it now!

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I have not seen any game breaking bugs yet and find the game's AI much improved at a tactical level.

The few bug related posts I have read referred to 1) running a game designed on PCs on an iMac and 2) items that are really game design issues, not bugs.

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