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Fall Weiss Historical Production Mod is up.

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Only 10 changes. The main goal was to make production for the Allied side historical, meaning USA.

But I also made the battle of the Atlantic more viable with only one change (thoroughly tested)

And I made a few standard units more appealing:

Available on www.cmmods.com

The changes are:

IMHO the Axis MAJOR victory should be to still have both countries in the war by Aug 31st 1945 (the new end game I have set). At which time the Axis can achieve victory through a peace settlement or armistice (that being a MINOR victory). The date was chosen because any longer and the Axis would never win but if the Axis player does not make crucial errors (a la Hitler) then the possibility to achieve victory is possible.

So the changes are (comments in Italic)

Changes made to this mod:

1- Game now ends August 31, 1945.

Victory scripts changed due to change of end date.

; Axis Major Victory


#NAME= Axis Major Victory (Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Prague, Munich)

#POPUP= AXIS MAJOR VICTORY, Allies agree to peace treaty to end the bloodshed.

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Axis control -> Berlin, Prague, Munich, Warsaw, Rome







; Axis Minor Victory


#NAME= Axis Minor Victory (Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Munich)

#POPUP= AXIS MINOR VICTORY, Germany successfully achieves armistice with the Allies.

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Axis control -> Berlin, Prague, Munich, Warsaw






; Allied Major Victory


#NAME= Allied Major Victory (Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.)

#POPUP= ALLIED MAJOR VICTORY, unconditional surrender from the Axis powers.

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1939/09/03

; Allies control -> Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.









; Allied Minor Victory


#NAME= Allied Minor Victory (Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.)


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1



#DATE= 1945/08/31

; Allies control -> Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C.








The current game has it that Germany can actually conquer Russia and beat the Allies, that is simply a historical impossibility, manpower issues would have prevented Germany from pushing past the Urals and so USSR would have remained either neutral or simply rebuilt far away. USSR and USA were heavily outproducing Germany, as well as UK itself in 1940. With the changes I've made Germany should have to go on the defensive eventually and so the victory conditions and time had to change to give the possibility at achieving victory for the Axis, in a different manner

2- Urals are rebuilt once any resource other than the first four Eastern most cities are taken (Riga, Minsk, Kiev, Odessa).

Urals were rebuilt with materials used from the eastern industries. If the Axis do not take more than the first four cities, the Urals will not be rebuilt

3- Max chits per category has been reduced to 1 chit for L3 or less and 3 chits for L5 or less techs.

The curve on getting tech advancements is more progressive overall it also makes Intelligence tech more attractive

4- Rockets are a nice unit but the problem is they are only usefull at level 2 or above. To make them more appealing I've made the starting combat data equal to tech level 2 for everyone. Maximum tech is now 3 with a cost of 125mpps. Russia and German initial chit in Rockets is now removed.

5- Paratroopers/Engineer/Rockets now have the same cost as armies.

Those units are now the same price as Armies but overall attack, defense or movement is lower than armies but this is compensated by each of their own special abilities. They do tend to make more of an appearance in the game

6- India, NZ, HQ and South African unit arrive at end of October 1941 unless triggered to arrive earlier, The 8th Army was formed around October (with India, NZ and SA) and saw action in Novermber 41 as a unit. The Australian unit is the same as the default campaign since they went back to Australian in December of 1941 to defend versus Japan.

7- Siberian transfer is now only 1 corps, 1 army, 1 tank, 1 rocket and 1 airfleet all of which are at strength of 1 and they arrive once any of the following cities are taken; Archangel,Vologda, Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Karhkov or Rostov.

This is the more realistic approach, the transfer of troops was very minimum and was not what saved Russia (Zhukov's memoirs attest to that) Total troops in Siberia was very low, the biggest battle vs. Japan was with less than 60 000 troops and the Siberian Elites were transfered from withinthose troops. Battle:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Halhin_Gol. Russia outproducing Germany is what saved them, due in part to lend lease providing them with 75% of all its logistical support equipement.

8- USA's industrial increments are now 80% instead of 20% BUT starting industry modifier is now 0% instead of 80%. This means until USA receives its first IT hit, it will make 0 mpps. At maximum USA will make 720mpps.

USA outproduced Germany/Italy by 50+% (even with taking into account production that went to the PTO. At maximum (L5 IT) USA will produce 720mpps. That is 50% more than what Germany/Italy produced if it only had the historical expansion, obviously in the game players do better with hindsight so it is not exactly 50%, closer to 25-30%.

9- Germany has FULL scorched earth and max occupational efficiency of 50%

Simply simulating the mass destruction of infrastructure by the Allies or by Germany itself.

10- Submarine cost has been reduced to 100mpp from 200.

It makes the naval conflict very active and very real for both sides.

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I can only speak for the default games but in reference to the UK Corps attacking the sub are you sure it is not the case of the Amphibious Transport running into the Sub under FoW and the Sub subsequently attacking the Transport automatically?

If not and if you can I would suggest using the F1 key once you are in game. You will notice that it will show 'DEBUGSAVE' in the top left hand corner of the screen letting you know it is properly activated. What this does is create a DEBUGSAVE directory within the original SAVE directory and keep track of each turn played by both you and the AI. Then next time you see what might appear to be odd behaviour simply send me the turn in question and I can take a look to confirm.

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Blashy i dont agree with you that germany couldnt have defeated russia.Remember this game doesnt factor in the fact that when germany attacked russia the germans were treated as liberators & if germany had used that to their atvantage from all the books ive read on this subject(ive read many)russia would have gone into a revolt just like in ww1.Germany wouldnt have hardly to fire a shot.Now germany would have about 3million men to use somewhere else.Goodbye africa.Now germany seizes the mideast oil fields(remember the people of the mideast were tired of british rule & were going to help germany if the germans managed to sieze suez).Different war.This would all happen before america comes in to the war.I agree with you though that americas industrial output should go up alot as the war progresses.Just my 2cents worth.

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How would you amend the Allied fleet script to reflect a reduced Allied Blockade or patrol radius?

The current scripts allow the blockade to stretch into Norweigan coastal waters and also into the Gulf of Norway.

Goal position for 'North Sea Blockade 1939'

63,11 68,8 72,10

This is totally ahistorical - The Allies did not want to upset the Norweigans and did NOT enter its waters with the exception of the Altmark incident!

What are your thoughts on this crucial element?

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Arado, you can have 3 extra million men, that is all fine, it is still WAY less than what Russia had.

And Germany could simply not produce the way Russia was producing. All those eastern Russian industries were dismantled and taken to the URALS.

Russia was outproducing Germany in EVERY area by over 3 to 1 by 1942.

So, your enemy has easily more manpower and it is outproducing you 3 to 1 in everything (air, tanks, artillery, etc...) .

With USA/UK lend lease providing them with 75% of their logistical equipment, they used all their resources to build weaponry.

And even if they had managed to push further, they never would have had the manpower to go to the URALS.

Germany could have defeated Russia if UK/USA had not given them lend lease, without extra manpower.

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Originally posted by Leedsunited40:

How would you amend the Allied fleet script to reflect a reduced Allied Blockade or patrol radius?

The current scripts allow the blockade to stretch into Norweigan coastal waters and also into the Gulf of Norway.

Goal position for 'North Sea Blockade 1939'

63,11 68,8 72,10

This is totally ahistorical - The Allies did not want to upset the Norweigans and did NOT enter its waters with the exception of the Altmark incident!

What are your thoughts on this crucial element?

I would have Noway increase towards Axis if the Allies are within 2 tiles of Norwegian land.

Good point by the way.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Arado, you can have 3 extra million men, that is all fine, it is still WAY less than what Russia had.

And Germany could simply not produce the way Russia was producing. All those eastern Russian industries were dismantled and taken to the URALS.

Russia was outproducing Germany in EVERY area by over 3 to 1 by 1942.

So, your enemy has easily more manpower and it is outproducing you 3 to 1 in everything (air, tanks, artillery, etc...) .

With USA/UK lend lease providing them with 75% of their logistical equipment, they used all their resources to build weaponry.

And even if they had managed to push further, they never would have had the manpower to go to the URALS.

Germany could have defeated Russia if UK/USA had not given them lend lease, without extra manpower.

That was only the number of troops in the front line armies, Blashy. Germany had many millions more trained troops to draw on.

At one point during the war German occupied territories had a greater population than the United States!

The nazi mistake was in not properly utilizing the people of the countries they'd conquered. That's what happens when you've got morons sending special squads around to seize all the food and other squads going about openly killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

-- If they'd even just treated the subject people fairly Germany would have had huge manpower and resources to draw on, and a much smaller partisan problem.

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A question on your mod - and changes made therein.

Originally you had Railheads on - but now no?

Originally Home builds were on but are no off?

Oil wells were originally raised from 3 to 5 - what is current rate?

Mines were raised from 2 to 3, but now no reference!

Lastly, were are the Siberian Transfers, Urals rebuilding, India, NZ, SAfrican arrivals scripts?


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All of that information is in the readme.

When Hubert allowed to increased Industry Tech to go higher than 25% it permitted me to eliminate alot of stuff to give extra mpps to the allies, the higher value of mines and oil wells. Now it is simply based on USA's huge war machine.

Home builds were turned off simply because of the turn length. You build a unit, get it off the queue and since a turn is a week to a month it makes sense you would have time to place those units outside of the homeland.

Railheads don't work well at the scale of the map. It is as if you only had railways starting in cities, France has 4 cities in the game... but France has alot more and A LOT more railways.

The scripts are in the same location as the originals except they have been modified as stated in the readme.

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