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I am playing WaW 1.02 as the Allies against the computer. I have checked the diplomacy standing almost every turn. On one turn, Spain was unchanged at 40% Axis. The Axis had conquered France and the U.S. did not sail, so there was no event. In the next turn, Spain joined the Axis. I had thought this had happened before with both Spain and Turkey, but I could not swear I had looked at the diplomacy chart in the prior turn. This time I can affirm that Spain went from 40% to joining the Axis in one turn.

I thought you could keep an eye on the opponents diplomatic activities by watching the diplomacy table. Is this not true? If not, what is the value of the table in the first place. On the other hand, is this a bug where I could not see the Axis diplomatic efforts? I know I could never get Spain to side with me in one turn, regardless of how many MPPs I spent.

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It's an Axis AI script that triggers 10% of the time. You can read the script in the campaign folder, scripts, events, war_entry.

Here's the script:

; Spain


#NAME= Spain Joins The Axis (10% - Axis AI)

#POPUP= Spain Joins The Axis



#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 0

#AI= 1


;Set war entry



#DATE= 1941/01/01

;Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0]


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Thank's Captain Andrew, that would explain it because there was no warning, no suggestion of Axis success in diplomacy. Just one day Spain was at 40% and then the next it was at war. Is there a similar script for Turkey?

I guess I will finally have to learn how to edit scripts, because I do have difficulty accepting this occurrence as historical (maybe hysterical). I will presume that the script only occurs when the Axis is AI because I never had it occur for me.

Another question based on declaration of war for the USA. Previously, it seemed that the US either entered the war either the same turn or the next turn after Pearl Harbor (or Germany declared war on the US). Now, when playing the Allied side, it seems that the US stays neutral for months after Pearl Harbor (I do not spend any chits on the US). Has there been a change in the US's willingness to declare war on the Axis after Pearl Harbor?

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I've never messed with them much, but I believe there are a bunch of script settings you can turn on or off before you start a game so that the game plays out very historically (such as having countries like the US join on the historical date). No need to go into the editor at all.

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Yes, there is one for Turkey (and Sweden). The scripts are not that difficult to read when you look at the comments, examples, and explanation notes that Hubert writes at the beginning of every script.

Franco was, at times, pretty "cozy" with the Germans during WW2. Having a 1 in 10 chance that Spain joins the Axis is not outside the realm of possibility. Besides, it gives a bigger challenge against the AI, right?! smile.gif

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Big Dog,

As Andrew and others have pointed out this these additions are just to add some variety from game to game (AI only) and usually at very low or applicable percentages.

Also as described above there is no need to adjust these via the Editor, simply go to OPTIONS->ADVANCED->SCRIPTS to disable the desired events when starting up a game.

Hope this helps,


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