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Movement Dynamic

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In SC1, single mouse click to the desired point of destination, and the unit took the most desirous path to that point.

I am hoping that the movement dynamic in SC2 will be more akin to that of TOAW or Steel Panthers W.A.W, where the user is able to steer the unit along a chosen path, rather than having it already predetermined.

any thoughts...

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As originally posted by Shaka of C:

A case could be made, that at the scale SC represents, we don't have the ability to control the path of the units we have issued orders to.

And, yep, given the time and terrain scale,

A very good case indeed. :cool:

And, given... all the ruts in the road,

And those sign-posts which howitzers X-plode.

About the only things that go DIRECTLY

From one place to the next,

Are... Crows when flying, and

Life forms when dying.


A point-to-point micro-management does not

Allow for any happenstance or initiative

On the part of subordinates.

That sort of EXACT following of orders

Has NEVER even existed has it, really?

By soldiers,

Or workers or robots or drones

Or WW2 GS game players neither.

Better, IMHO, if we have accidental encounters

And the occasional rough-house ambush,

Than merely the time-consuming plotting

Of... quite... particular... way... points. ;)

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The point is, if you want to do nothing than arrive at the destination point; then fine, just click to destination point and go. All I am asking for is the ability for taking a more circuitous path. I don't see this as a micromanagement issue.

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neither do I... one of those accidental bumps! may just cost you the Capitol of your enemy and the game. What? Why do you need fighters, Bombers and other units to scout the obvious to you! In SC that's how it works, if you scout the route, you're safe almost, but still not secondary options and if you don't have scouts, BAM! You'll hit right in the path of something. This is Hex Warfare errr, Tile Warfare, why not add in a plotted path, of course everyone will use them ;) I suppose that shows you that they're superior, cause people don't want to run into accidents they want to plot and plan their wars

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I don't see this as a micromanagement issue.

Fair enough... some would, some wouldn't. ;)

I am one of those who have gnashed my incisor teeth when one of my expensive naval ships takes a route that causes some "accidental surprise contact" that was not desired. :eek:

**[... one good solution... make shorter, less extravagant moves during each phase, so that you sort of "creep up on" the intended target... this will be an even more useful tactic given the much more elaborate "naval warfare game" that we will have in SC2... as with U-boots VS ASW Cruiser groups... :cool: ]

I don't recall much, if any difficulties in ground movement, but, perhaps that is "selective memory" since... I AM in favor of allowing SOME random "movement to contact" which causes some unusual results... "fog of battle" we might call it, and especially in the HUGE sea and ocean expanses where detailed AND reliable dispositions of the enemy are X-tremely difficult to determine.

In any event, this was NOT a feature in SC the Original, and, as of this date,

There will NOT be a special ability to select exact or precise "movement way-points" for SC2, other than for... Convoy routes.

As always, ALL opinions, comments, suggestions and general GS gaming desires are greatly appreciated, and fairly considered. :cool:

[ October 26, 2004, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Idea: for Stationary Units

Much like you can give orders to Air Fleets, how about one for land combat units:

Hidden Posture - Reduces enemy spotting range by 1 for this unit - A Hidden unit can not have moved or attacked that turn, and does not gain an entrenchment level while hidden in a non-city hex.

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In any event, this was NOT a feature in SC the Original, and, as of this date,

There will NOT be a special ability to select exact or precise "movement way-points" for SC2, other than for... Convoy routes.

Hehe... probably to be more precise I would say that (as SC2 exists now) there currently DOES NOT exist the option to select exact movement paths, but this is an idea I have toyed with in the past.

The implementation method I have been leaning towards would be to plot the unit movement with a left click and drag along the desired movement tiles... this would of course be a little tricky simply due to the shape of the tiles so there would have to be some assessment by the engine to guesstimate your intended path but I think it should work... and for all of you crusty old grognds, don't even think about mentioning how much easier it would have been with hexes tongue.gif

Either way I have yet to test it and for now it is located somewhere near the bottom of my list of things to do, or should I say to be done smile.gif . At the very least it could be an interesting option, and we'll have to see what kind of time I have for it and of course all the other devilish enhancements I have in store for you with SC2 ;)


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when you suggest plotted path, is this in some kind of TACOPS sense where you can predetermine movement, potentially many turns in advance? I was thinking along the lines of point as you go. Is this just a case of semantics?

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Desert Dave,

The idea of shorter movement to creep up on intended targets would be fine, just so long as the game did'nt have an end date. ie beyond 1945+

It would be good to know if SC2 wasn't limited by a must finish by date.

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A unit travels 50 mile hexes<1by1>. So when a unit reaches a particular hex there shall be no sign of the enemy at the other end? Hmmmmm... I have a little problem with this, detection capabilities were far better than we give them credit for... Often enemy units were detected ships/aircraft/tanks/men, it's because they were big and good optics, recon, etc... revealed this, SO I suppose you could eliminate some of the requirements of micro-movement if you know what the hell your bumping heads with. Though I would say, what if a Unit reaches a point, senses the enemy unit STOPS, then prompts you for a further movement?

I'll tell you, in WW2 not many times was a General Dumb enough to let his entire Army march into a deathtrap because he didn't do recon a few miles ahead...

That's basically what is short in SC, and will be in SC2 by the sounds of it...

We'll be using Aircraft to ensure that will do not bump heads... I suppose if Bombers are more valuable this may not prove to be such a big issue but for Naval war it will suck, where bumping heads is much more likely<and then speed was the big issue>

Final point is: sometimes you do run into an "ambush", or "surprise attack", or "other deceptions"

Rarely do this happen every time, with good Generals, rarely is almost 'never'

as far as plotting paths over time, I think it to be an interesting concept. I use to do it in Command HeadQuaters 15 years in Multiplayer.. Simplifies your work

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed the new FAQs and immediately was met with a question when the "YES" answer for creating a global war scenario was displayed.

Will there be a provision for importing combat units from one campaign to another while both campaigns are being played?

Of course what I'm thinking about is a linkage from one scenario to another to complete a campaign. I realize of course the editor will allow the transfer/creation of previously used units to a new campaign/scenario, but I'm thinking more in terms of an import/export feature from multiple simultaneously played campaign/scenarios. Perhaps a modification of the OOBs of scenarios when they have been saved to be included at the next start of the campaign/scenario. Yeah, I know this lends itself to cheating, but perhaps it could be secured somehow.

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Good question. YES, all aspects of a campaign can be exported to files so they can then be imported into a new campaign. For example, you may want to reuse the map, combat and terrain values, but want to create different resources and weather zones. No problemo.

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