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Imho would it not be better to have the minor country joining the major power come into play at the beginning of that players turn and not the end?This way you atleast have a chance to deploy the troops in question to a better position and have the option of sending in more major power troops.

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I agree imho at the end of turn gives the opposition advantage for a preemptive strike e.g Italy becomes Axis then U.K somehow gets to take advantage by having first strike.....seems like it should be other way round...just a thought!

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Just another instance of the universe conspiring agaist me...lol....played about 15 games so far and have yet to get lucky but thats par for the course!!!

had a thought...i set the turns to simultanus could that be why?

[ June 16, 2008, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Gdtrfb ]

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On getting minors to join. Shouldnt the USSR diplomance not add up with the western allies? So lets say USSR puts 2 chits on Spain, Axis 2+1 chit, and UK+USA 3 chits. Over all they would block each other, after all you cant supply USSR and UK units from the same source.

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Iron Ranger I guess it would depend on what you are using to influence the country in question.If its actual raw material then there is some merit to what you are saying but if its military bases somewhere or secrets through diplomatic channels then maybe all the Allies should add together.It is a good point you bring up.

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I think since we are talking about bland 'pressure' to get minors to join one side or the other we can put it down and poltical pressure and so... West vs East would not add up. So eather you join the fasits, the commies or the 'free' side in the war.

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NORMALLY!!!... since the Russians, Americans & British are supposed to be on the same-side!,...what you say is true...

ORIGINAL QUOTE by arado234:

would it not make sense to have all their political chits addup since they are both fighting the same enemy?
HOWEVER!!!... For the RUSSIAN'S it was a matter of 'NECESSARY-NECESSITY' that they became 'Allies' with the British & American's,...BUT!!!...were very-likely much more interested in achieving thier own-goals & aim's rather than having a concensus-spirit to undo the 'Nazi-Regime!'.

Sooo!!!...in this particular instance,... instead of COMBINING-EFFORTS! ...this effort to swing nation's over to the British & American side or to the Russian side,... would be effort's that would be diametrically-opposed!.

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Retributar I know that the Russian,Western Alliance was just out of necessity but for the sake of Spain joining the Allies or Turkey for the great cause to defeat the Nazi tyranny the Allied Diplo.chits should go together because of the necessity to defeat the Nazis.After the war was won then what you say would for sure come to pass.If Turkey joined our side well then Russia would benefit because of their strategic position in relation to Turkey and if it were Spain then the Western Allies would benefit.

I would also bet that the both Turkey and Spain would also realise what it would mean to join the Allies(especially Turkey because of Russia).Ill bet that Turkey and Spain would have written guarantees(not like it would matter)that after the war was won that they go back to their neutral statis.

As far as Russia being more interested in achieving their own goals then defeating the Nazis,the main thing that stood in their way and threatend their very survival were the Nazis so ill bet for the time being they would do whatever they could to HELP Britain and America in any diplomatic way then AFTER they were in a much better position(towards the end of the war) then start the backstabbing.

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Iron Ranger Turkey entered the war in Feb.45.It would be interesting to find out(I dont have any idea how)how much pressure both sides put on Turkey to join when the war was still in doubt and during that time were the Allies co-operating or trying to backstab eachother.

That is reality this game isnt.I dont know how far you want to go in the diplomatic dept.If the Russians and the Western Allies cancel each other out then that would make it even easier for Germany.You raise some good points though.

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I'm not saying they should 'block' each other. But that they should have seperate rolls, and not add % when checked againt axis diplo %.

And from what I read, Turkey only joined the allies to prevent the USSR from making a grab at there land in the east. Having UK back them made USSR think twice about this, remember they had (USSR and USA) split Iran at the time and while they worked together for lend lease the two 'allies' were doing thier best to make long term deals with the locals to stab each other in the back once the war was over.

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I think you are right IR. Two rolls of the dice at the current odds for each individual diplomatic investment vs Axis, Western Allies and USSR.

Its somewhat of an advantage replicating a rather loose historical entwinement of Allied collusion, yet gives the Axis a chance of neutralizing.

Seems fair and accurate.

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