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Aesopo vs. Arado234 WAW

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Feb 1942

USA 44%

OKW ordered a marginal advance into Russia. Russia is just garrisoning the front line cities and must have built up a defense line nearer moscow.

BTW, they had siberian troop transfer.

Allied destroyers tried to hunt subs down but met with a nasty surprise. One destroyer down to 2 but not sunk. Darn!

Russkies fleet deployed in the baltic hoping to trap transports from Norway. Red sub was hammered by fighters.

Game is not over yet folks despite of my numerous noobs mistakes he-he.

Achtung Panzer!

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As part of his grand strategy, the fuerher wanted to delay the us entry as much as possible. Current german forces are equipped to deal with the soviet front and keep an eye on the Brits.

The way it is going, maybe the US will tip over in 1943.

Brits are being careful not to tip over spain.

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March 1942

USA 48%

Riga fell to a combined arms attack.

Minsk defender was destroyed but not occupied.

We are at the gates of kiev.

Odessa is being surrounded by our axis brethen.

Atlantic naval battle saw the royal navy lose a battleship group.

Red sub pings the baltic convoy.

OKW is drawing up plans to conquer Moscow by summer of 42.

Achtung Panzer!

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Yep, Minty is spot on. This is what Terif meant by a narrow window of opportunity for players, ...maybe.....Terif?

USSR must be attacked by early(OK maybe middle) summer 41, unless somehow Allies make huge mistakes, or have lost UK(Sealion success). USA and UK can now send in massive LL aid assuring USSR survival, from there it is all downhill for Axis.

The timetable is critical.....someone tell me I'm wrong.

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Well, let's challenge convention since allies were acting ahistorical regarding Norway - it did give Germany 7 months on the east and delay US entry for a year.

For the meantime, we occupied ourselves with uberweapons also. Brits and reds are feeling this believe me. You feel me dawg?

We'll see how it plays out.

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That means he may well have a viable force in Egypt. Before embarking upon Sealion it may be prudent to bleed that force to the point of parity. You do have Libya?

Again though, this means subsequent delays in USSR and that is most upsetting to final victory. :(

Get those Axis bombers LR and scout the situation.

Nothing like good intel. ;)

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May 1942

no he has the mideast -

We have taken minsk.

Kiev defender is killed but not occupied.

We are on the outskirts of leningrad.

Odessa completely surrounded.

One of our subs was sinked but he lost a destroyer in return.

red sub pings.

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Hello.The Russians have launched a massive counter attack.Germans take a beating.Judging by the amount of territory he has taken he will be hard pressed to replacc his losses.Ive already built back my Russians.Id say hes out numbered about 7 to 1.

Yes your right the Brits are loading mpps to Russia.

The fact that the Amis.arent in yet isnt all a bad thing because ive got their Ind. and prod. at level 5.When they do join he will see LOTS of airplanes.

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Bock is now in trouble(both Paras attack).Last German tank destroyed.The Reds just keep on coming.His high tech fighters dont have to much effect on my ground troops.My fighters have no hope.Mainly using them for spotting.My A.A.batteries have yet to be challenged.Sure glad I built the extra ones.

England takes Tunisia and makes America mad again.Dont the Amis.realise we are just freeing everyone.

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We are in general retreat from the east. We gotta throw the kitchen sink to try to stop the reds.

Surprise, surprise, an Italian corps disembarks nearby London. London defender being hammered by air power. Brits have limited defenders in UK. The fuehrer ordered this operation in hopes of taking out the brit mainland and focusing on the east.

By a strange twist, USA finally joins.

We are slowly dying but not quite dead yet.

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