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Yogi and Rambo going on holiday together

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Come upto God's country of the Northwest, lunch & drinks on the Legend.

Been meaning to get up thatta way

Long time now.

Keep hearin wonderful tales, though,

That alone may be

Good and sufficient reason not to go?

Yep, I'll take you up on that offer,

They got enny con queso or carne ardavada

Up there in the rain forest?

Far as the drinks, it'll have to be Ale.

"Ginger" I mean.

That other fire-water stuff, yeah boy,

Loved that jump juice... too much, it damn near

Did me in X-tra early.

I don't give advice much, but,

Ennybody out there drinkin'

MORE than a couple shots

A sitting, I'd say,

Give it up, man. :eek:

Comes the day - oh, about 749

Things commence to go awful wrong

With yer body.

Mind too,

So some have told me, anyway.

What the hey,

Bang the gong - we'll invite

Kuni and his ol' pal Loki along.

You on one side, him on the other,

Me the lilly-livered referee. ;)

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If you are young you should always invest in the market there is no other way for people to make real money. You can work all your life but it will only make you a living.

No other way to make REAL money?


You bite into the flippin' disc

And it ain't no wooden nickel

After all?

It's actually... fool's gold?

Some 49er one time lost

Out in Death Valley?

Like that?


"Money for nothing

And yer Chicks for free?"

Who sung that, any idea T?

Research CLEARLY establishes

That those who WORK - manual,

With their hands,

Live longest.

NO doubt about it.

The peon, the fellaheen,

The fisher man,

The tender of beans, yep,

The lettuce selector,

His hands are green,

Them kind live the longest, oh,

Over 100 yrs in some cases. smile.gif

Type-A Dude?

Got to shout and scurry about

And run the rat-race maze

Day after day after day?


Don't need no research

To know - they don't do nuthin'

But - make loads of dough!

For the Widow!

The YOUNG babe, since the old lady

Was discarded somewheres

Along the way.

LOL! ;)

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@Desert Dave --- Yes, put not strong drink before thy neighbor...that Devil Juice will cause nothing but trouble.

@Tim --- Very true about dough. If you're not putting any money into hard assets such as land, stock, or just saving plan old cash...then you're just renting away. The big things such as salvation, marriage, buying a home, etc...are rather critical. A bad move into any of those, can cost dearly. Alot of people make TERRIBLE choices in these categories. Not getting saved, eternal diaster. Marrying the wrong chick or gender, diaster. Paying too much for a house, you'll be broke forever regardless of how good of a job.

You got questions, I got answers.

I talk the talk, and walk the walk.

I am the American Dream,


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Well Tims 28 is not old. You have plenty of time.

I had taken 10% of my income most of my life and saved it. I bought mutual funds and savings.

On Oct 19, 1987 the second biggest stock market crash happened. That is also my birthday. I took it as a sign to invest.

I told my wife it was time. She said okay. She still had her 401K which was about 12K and we had about 35K in investments. We kept her 401k in BP stock since it was doing good and she worked for BP. I took 5K and bought Harley Davidson stock since that was where I was working at the time.

I held the stock from Oct 87 until Jun 95. Stock split 6 times. I had started with 16000 shares. I now had 96000 shares at about 45 a share. This gave me a very tidy profit for my 5k in the amount of 4300k. I retired and have been retired since.

I still dabble in the market and did more investing during that 8 years but that one stock made my life extremely easy.

Many things have gone wrong since then which cost me many dollars but I firmly believe only way to make money is the stock market.

So 28 is nothing just look at what you know. If you think the company is good and want to own it buy it and hold it. It will produce many fold your investment.

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I cannot recommend the gambling plan of Rambo's. I think long run pick good solid companies buy them and hold them until you are ready to retire will make you much more then trying to outguess the market or how well someone will play a ball game tonight.

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Speculation has its place in any portfolio. That place is usually no more than 5%, and I emphasize discipline.

Diversify into different sectors, buy good companies, but continue to monitor their business models diligently.

The internet can provide you the tools to do that.

I recommend Yahoo Finance.

Always maintain a cash reserve and ease into and out of your various positions.

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Yep it does. I remember not too long ago when KMart declared Bankruptcy stock dropped to below 50 cents.

I was talking to my middle son about it and told him I thought that was an excellant buy for speculation. I personnally had no available funds at the time. He took my advice and bought 4000 shares. More then I would have but he is young I am old. Me I would have only bought a thousand.

Now that Kmart has bought Sears and it went over $100 a share I told him to sell. He said it was too early and finally sold at $155 a share.

I am still kicking myself for not having spent the $500 I thought of spending. Worse still I didnt tell my wife and she said had I she would have bought 10000 shares. So I am rocketing myself to the poor house.

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We would be sorely remiss

If we didn't turn our attention to:

Lottery tickets!

This is how the VAST under-class

(... yeah, "class-warfare" is officially

OVER and, as expected, the middle & upper

has trounced & trashed the ever-growing, huddled

muddling-along masses - are in constant

hassles - of their OWN making! The Elites

will tell us, over and over

and over and over... down near the gone

utter rotten bottom,

LOLOL! ;) )

Gets their chance, their one big shot!

At the (... alas, half-clever rigged) game

We call - the American Dream!

Disguised taxes, actually, but,

Who cares if the working stiffs

Get kicked around some?

(... they can pretend they are a foot-ball!

Take some jolly solace in that!)

Not many out there giv a good gd, anymore,

At's fer enduring sure! :D

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@targul --- You have no idea what you're talking about. Repeat, you have no idea what you're talking about. Your middle son didn't make jack on K-Mart, because they were pink sheeted at .50/share! The stock was worthless, THAN the reorganization. How do I know? I threw $300 at it total, when the stock was .10/share. Were you actually trying to tell us that your middle son made $618,000, didn't happen on K-Mart. Now granted, I do buy pink sheeted companies all the time. 99% of the time, they go down the toilet & reorg. REORG = Bye-bye cash.

@SeaMonkey --- Yahoo finance is very average at best for information. The graphs suck, the message boards are even worse. I will say their "news" for stocks is good, but too late in most cases. Buy on rumor, sell on news.

Far as today's sport's line. Roger Federer will beat James Blake, no problem. Federer is a 5 to 1 favorite, so you'll have to figure out your position. Only way he loses, if he sprains an ankle.

Saved, & being the American Dream,


[ August 19, 2007, 05:36 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Speculation has its place in any portfolio. That place is usually no more than 5%, and I emphasize discipline.

Diversify into different sectors, buy good companies, but continue to monitor their business models diligently.

The internet can provide you the tools to do that.

I recommend Yahoo Finance.

Always maintain a cash reserve and ease into and out of your various positions.

Now - THIS!

Is such superior advice,

I'm gonna relate it to that old Black Cat

I know.

Very well.

Lives under a free-way over-pass

Down here to Desert City.

He can ramble & roam all over!

And collect aluminum cans,

(... he REFUSES to accept

ANY hand-outs, gee - another! Myth

X-posed! On a "reality show" no less!

About them there exponentially increasing!

number of homeless who have deliberately!

CHOSEN their sorry-*ss lot in life!)

And then!

Become a member of the Investor Class! :cool:

UN-fettered, DE-regulated Capitalism

Is the -> ONLY way to go! smile.gif


Caveat: There ARE some unfortunates, IE,

Have HARD-wired deficiencies in the BRAIN, IE,

NO control over their mental disturbances, IE,

schizophrenia, addiction, bi-polar disorder

and the like.

They were "dumped," uh huh,

Like a sack of garbage,

Onto the streets, commencing back, oh,

About 30-odd yrs ago.

It's yet another!

Scintillate example of how our

Philosopher Kings

Do things! LOL!

Now, yer everyday average "socio-path?"

That's a whole 'nother smoke, Jamokes.

Throw 'em in the tombs, the dungeon.

Toss away the skeleton key.

Say la vie, fine be me.

Ah, shoot!

Trouble being... AT LEAST half of 'em

Work in Government or the private

Sector only nobody knows - it's so!

Ipso, them kind are pro-tected

By the good-ol-boys sort of "system."

Etc, and, yah yeah... etc. :rolleyes:

[ August 19, 2007, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@targul --- You have no idea what you're talking about. Repeat, you have no idea what you're talking about. Your middle son didn't make jack on K-Mart, because they were pink sheeted at .50/share! The stock was worthless, THAN the reorganization. How do I know? I threw $300 at it total, when the stock was .10/share. Were you actually trying to tell us that your middle son made $618,000, didn't happen on K-Mart. Now granted, I do buy pink sheeted companies all the time. 99% of the time, they go down the toilet & reorg. REORG = Bye-bye cash.

@SeaMonkey --- Yahoo finance is very average at best for information. The graphs suck, the message boards are even worse. I will say their "news" for stocks is good, but too late in most cases. Buy on rumor, sell on news.

Far as today's sport's line. Roger Federer will beat James Blake, no problem. Federer is a 5 to 1 favorite, so you'll have to figure out your position. Only way he loses, if he sprains an ankle.

Saved, & being the American Dream,


Guess I will have to tell him to return the money cus Rambo said so. Does he need to give back the house he bought with the money also?
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Now I know you know everything Rambo you have told us so many times how great you are and how you live in poverty but now you are also a Warren Buffet of investments also.

Your concept of gambling to make money and investing for 15 minutes for long term profit just havent worked in the history of the market.

Long term solid companies is how the people in the market have always made real long lasting money. Dont think you will find a day trader billionaire. Not even sure if there is a millionare who did day trading to get there and then lasted 10 years.

I retired at age 46 from my investments and have been retired for 13 years now on that money.

While I am no longer wealthy due to factors not related to investing. Family illnesses and legal expenses verses IRS and partners in business. My first tax bill for over a million was in 93 and they went up until I retired in 95. I am not talking the total earned in 93 I am talking paid in taxes. These personal income taxes are from investments both stocks and companies.

So when you give your "sound" investment advice and your observations on how money is made please give us a basis for your conclusions because I find them lacking. Also when you call me a liar you should have a firm basis not some strange speculation. If you bought prior to the bankruptcy of course you lost your $300. All did as they always will but once the bankruptcy is accepted it is safe to buy again and you benefit from the reorganization and there keeping assests without having to pay for them.

You just need to study more closely the laws to be sure exactly when you invest so you dont go down the toilet with the bankruptcy.

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@targul --- It's this simple...

Yes or No: Did your middle son buy Kmart stock at .50 then sell at $150? If so, you're a liar.

Choice number #2 for you: If he bought at the IPO price of the reorganization, I believe it was $15/share, then he could have done a x10 on his money. That, I do believe, because the first is impossible.

Repeat, it's that simple. Buying at $15/share or .50/share. Answer the question. Dollman, it's not about "your talk" or other BS. Unlike your doll, things are black & white.

Come clean dollman, or face the smack. Yes, he could have made Billions, Trillions, Zillions on a x10 bought an entire neighborhood full of houses. But he did not pay .50 per share, because KMT went bankrupt.

The symbol is SHLD for Sears Holding, Dollman. Go look it up before you open your government piehole.

-The American Dream

-The Legend

-The Crowd Favorite

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Be advised you know not what you talk about. I recommended he sell at $100 he sold at $155 since he tries to top I do not. As to exactly which version he bought I never asked him. He knows how to buy bankrupty stock as I do.

Your personal attacks have gone to far. You are a rude obnoxious person who I will not discuss anything with nor justify anything to. You and your religious fevor have now gone too far. I warned you once before to stop that sort of talk about my religion. I have not once said anything deragetory about yours and you have constantly called mine a doll. You are a complete and utter idiot who talks like a teenager.

As to bankruptcies you need to check with Mr Thrump he has had 3 so far and came out better in each one. Now I understand you know absolutely everything but you are also a complete and utter fool whom I will not explain things too.

Be gone fantatic. Those that can do those that cant tell us how to.

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@targul --- Bottom line, finally the truth comes out. You made a claim, which was false. At least you admitted you didn't know the buy price. Far as the sell price, that wasn't in question...your false claim of .50 was. But, it seems you have reliquished that statement. This is a good thing, the truth.

Far as bankruptcy court. No kidding, I'm more the familar, have advise a couple of friend's friends in regards to it. Within the realm of stock, go take Finance 101 class, they tell you all about the value of stock on a pinksheeted Kmart.

Far as religion. Suddenly you play innocent? Yeah, right...you make a false claim of being an ordained minister yet you don't believe the Gospel. You claim to be raised Christian & reject it...calling it a lie. Well son, call it what you want...at least my god isn't made of clay with water spouting out its belly.

For those reading this little scrimish...remember truth. The man makes a claim, it's rebuked as not being true. Now he makes this partial "oh, not really sure thing"...then he runs to cover about the sell price. Just goto the IPO price of Sears who bought Kmart.

Don't ever try a bait & switch tactic. Making a false claim then running to a different argument. It's this simple...a half truth, or not telling all the truth...is a lie.

-The American Dream

-The Legend

-Everybody's American Hero

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By the way, back to the real subject before I was interupted by Kmart. Pick your spots in the market, I made a simple, obvious play...it was posted before it happened, you could have picked up 2% in 45 minutes in the market, I got more smile.gif

Now, far as sport's investment. Roger Federer finished off James Blake quite easily today: 6-1, 6-4.

Call that what you want, I call it easy money. When Federer plays certain players, only an ankle sprain or heart attack can stop him. I made 20% on this 5 to 1 lay. Dough is dough. Guys, be a winner, make jack.

"Don't worry Gordan, you're with a winner" --- from the movie classic, Wallstreet.

-The American Dream

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Betting sports is also another great way to make some jack. For instance, I've been making some nice side cash riding Roger Federer against certain opponents.

A christian advocating gambling....now there's somethign you don't see very often!! :cool:
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Christians love prophesy of prediction. The sport's investment could be a little fleshy, we all have our weak points smile.gif

Anyway who doesn't think the stock market is gambling...well, has never taken a hit.

By the way, I'd love to have an "Ultimate Fighting" between Buddha & Chucky. Don King Enterprizes presents live from the Valley of the Dolls, "Buddha vs Chucky"!



[ August 19, 2007, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Christians love prophesy of prediction. The sport's investment could be a little fleshy, we all have our weak points smile.gif

Anyway who doesn't think the stock market is gambling...well, has never taken a hit.

By the way, I'd love to have an "Ultimate Fighting" between Buddha & Chucky. Don King Enterprizes presents live from the Valley of the Dolls, "Buddha vs Chucky"!



I don't bet all that oft,

And especially!

ANYTHING Don King puts his

Rustle-up-a-scam hands on,



I'll lay - just the one saw-buck

On - Chucky!

I'll brag a bit, like Targul likes to do

(... esp RE: war service, which, IMO,

NO real combat Vet would

EVER do :rolleyes: )

And say - got me a 2nd degree

In "religious studies,"

And I have concluded:

Buddhism is more yer "detached"

Slum-around sorta thang. ;)

Mostly rich white women who can AFFORD

To pretend that

You ain't a'needin' nuthin' much,

Other than attention to the Self.

That's cool.

So long as it don't form the primary

Sine Qua Non

Of yer actual lived life.

Though, they do got that there

Bodhisattva, IE,

Spiritual advanced "entity"

Whoso rejects Nirvana in order to

Assist the afflicted right here!

On fast-collapsing! Earth.

Kinda like "good works" done

By a few of the Christians,

And most of the Jews. :cool:

Trouble being... you just don't see 'em

Hangin' about these quick increasing

American mean-streets

So much? :confused:

Leastways, I ain't.

[ August 20, 2007, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@DDave --- Very profound, your wisdom shines within the Hi-Kuoos. Your personal security system of red flaggin' BS is duely noted. How do you spell "Do-ly"?


As in... most of my 3000 some odd posts

Are dull as plain old dish-water?

Done gone down the drain?


One thing I have learned,


Stick by yer guns.

Literally and figuratively, hey!

I ain't no gd freakin'

Bleedin' heart liberal!


No matter... what.

Do that, as you yerself tends to do,


You'll die a contented man.

Or woman, as the case may be!

We be - PC all over the place!


[... like G Washington, I CANNOT tell

no lie... it's "duly" ;) ]

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Ok gentleman, I'm getting a bit irritated. :mad:

I have had to endure another a religious discussion, a stock market discussion, various personal arguments and through it all I still have never gotten the promised holiday. :D

However, I should at least comment that not to let us down, in jest or not, the Rambo "Buddha vs Chucky" may be in the running for poorest taste, derrogatory and prejudicial post of all time. If we kept track, statistically he may hold the title to the top five or ten such posts. ;)

edited for smiley inserts

[ August 22, 2007, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Yogi ]

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