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Maybe it's a bit early to be talking about mods before the game has actually been released but with what we know about the new editor already it's pretty obvious that there's going to be lots of them(or at least I hope there will be).

Now, I'm not so very good at modding games, sure with the SC editor it was pretty easy to make a scenario for my own use but that was it.

From what I've heard there are some pretty good modders in this forum and I've already heard some of you talk about what mods you would like to make,etc..

Now I would like to ask all of these members to upload their mods when they're done,so(and this is going to sound very cliché) that we all can enjoy them.

I don't remember who ,but someone asked for more information about certain wars and revolutions, because he wanted to make a mod about them but needed some background information.

Spanish Civil War

Spanish civil war

This site doesn't show any maps but tells the story of the Spanish civil war and always names the places and the date ,so if you take a map of spain and compare the info, I'm sure you can create a fairly correct map.It gives a lot of information about foreign volunteers and German/Italian intervention(numbers,tech levels,supply,etc..).

The Roman Empire.

When I read that someone(again, I don't remember who) was going to try to recreate this I wondered how the hell he was going to do it.Even if you scratch the planes and the tanks out,no Roman ship sailed as fast as modern war ships.And what about America? Some kind of native empire or something?

Seems like the right theater though, I always wondered what would have happened if the Romans ever got to Russia or if they had annexed the entire UK.

The Roman Empire.

Map of the Roman Empire.

The first site tells a lot about the Roman Empire,its expansion,its decline,its military and its social situation for in case you want to add some scripting events.

e.g.:-Roman citizens killed by barbarians= senate doubles military budget.

-prosecution(?) of christians=partisan corps in Jeruzalem.

The second site is a map of the Roman provinces with info about each of them.

Russian revolution.

The Russian Revolution.

Russian revolution in dates

The first site is actually part of a site about WW1 but tells the story of the revolution and of Lenin, the second site gives all important dates (important in the context of the revolution anyway) during the revolution.In my opinion this one gives a much better view on the revolution than the first one.It's also very nice if you want to add a scripted event.

The Russo-Finnish war

Russo-Finnish war

The best site I could find on this subject.It very generally explaines what happened.Though it concentrates on the reasons and the repercussions of the conflict there's a bibilography at the end that ought to help you out.

World War One

WW1 document archive.

general history.

WW1 tanks

The first site is a pretty good one.

At first I was taken from one link to another but eventually,you always arrive where you want to arrive. It gives a very good view about the international situation before and during the war, I would use this site to recreate the diplomatical situation and the tech levels.

The second one looks pretty commercial but can be very useful if you have to look something up quickly.

The third site I added because someone(This is where my amnesia falls in again :confused: )stated that he would ban tanks out of a possible WW1-scenario.This site shows that the allies(incl. Russia) did use tanks, especially at the end of the war(no more russia).Of course it wasn't as decicive as in WW2 but I'd say it played a pretty big role in the allied victory.Big enough to be included anyway, even if it is with certain restrictions(very high-priced,max. tech=1,Max. number,etc..). As for AT-technology, it was in this time that the mortar was invented,which hightened the attacker's chances of succes from practicaly zero to possible.

I hope this information will help increase the historical correctness of the mods and will encourage people to make and upload them.

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The Roman Empire.

When I read that someone(again, I don't remember who) was going to try to recreate this I wondered how the hell he was going to do it.Even if you scratch the planes and the tanks out,no Roman ship sailed as fast as modern war ships.And what about America? Some kind of native empire or something?

Seems like the right theater though, I always wondered what would have happened if the Romans ever got to Russia or if they had annexed the entire UK.

That was probably me and thanks for the links.

My initial thoughts were:

First -

Armor becomes Cavalry

Armies become Legions

Cruisers become Galleys, no battleships, subs or Carriers.

No Air Units

Spotting Range for all units is 1. Each Turn is 1 Month.

Movement for transports is reduced with greater readiness reduction for each turn at sea.

No operating units.

North America, Norway and Sweden will not be included in the Map.

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Seems all right, but my point was that you can't expect a legion to move at the speed of a modern army like in SC1/2.So I would propose that all infrastructure outside of the Roman empire is dropped to zero and in the Roman empire pretty low as well because although they had pretty good infrastructure,it was nowhere near that of the 20st century and it would not be very realistic to see a cavalry unit cross the alps in one turn.

Of course they don't have to go too slow as well because then you would have a pretty dull game.

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The Roman Legion was trained to march 20 Roman miles a day with full packs!...also they had to set up a fortified camp at the end of each day as well!.


"The Roman legionary, whose total personal kit weighed about 40 kg (88 lbs), including 18 kg (40 lbs) of defensive kit. In the days of Julius Caesar (d. 44 B.C.), the defensive kit included 10 kg (22 lbs) of mail, a shield, a leather shield cover to protect its paintings, and a helmet. Weapons included a heavy pilum (javelin), a gladius (short double-edged sword), and a dagger. Other items included a dolabra (a kind of hoe), a pick-axe, a turf-cutter, a sickle or saw, two heavy wooden posts to be part of the night camp's defensive palisade, a net with three days' food rations, a leather water bottle, a bronze cooking pot, a wicker basket for moving the spoil from the camp's perimeter trench to the defensive ridge erected just behind the trench, a change of clothes, a shaving kit, a first aid kit, and sundry other things carried in a canvas bag with leather strengthenings."

[ June 24, 2004, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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If anyone has a website on the Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars then by all means link to it here. That has always been a favorite area of study for me but seems a bit underrepresented on the WWW.

Regardless, I absolutely plan on making an SC2 mod for this era. It sounds as if the diplomatic models will be versatile enough to simulate the greater fluidity of political alliances during the period.

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--- "Morale is as to Numbers as Three is to One!."-Napoleone'.

---"No Plan Survives Contact With The Enemy!"- Napoleone'.

'How i would love to see a Napoleonic-Mod...and a Roman Empire Mod with correct units and expanded [Larger Maps].'

* Download 'Copernic Agent Basic' to help you with your searches ... its quite a good tool.

Here's my current collection of saves...will add more as i can...










http://perso.club-internet.fr/ameliefr/E-index2.html (Napoleonic Screen Saver Available Here)







http://www.cdgroup.org/forums/tbs/civ2/viewtopic.php?p=2997 (CIV II - MOD) [if you have the CIV II game...you can download

1) MAIN Files 1---[ http://www.cdgroup.org/upload/tbs/civ2/GNB4_MAIN_FILES1.zip ]

2) MAIN Files 2---[ http://www.cdgroup.org/upload/tbs/civ2/GNB4_MAIN_FILES2.zip ]

3) Additional GAME Files---[ http://www.cdgroup.org/upload/tbs/civ2/GNB4_Additional_Files.zip ]

4) SOUND 1---[ http://www.cdgroup.org/upload/tbs/civ2/GNB4_SOUND1.zip ]

5) SOUND 2---[ http://www.cdgroup.org/upload/tbs/civ2/GNB4_SOUND2.zip ]

*** Queipo de Llano & fantomas ...If either of you are truely trying to develop a NAPOLEONIC-MOD for SC2 and don't have this game...i can try send CIV II to you...Otherwise i will not...as considerable effort is involved sometimes in sending these games!(Let me know at this posting or amgi3@comcast.net or both!).***

NOTE-WELL!!!: I got the game to work...though the game-interface & game mechanics are quite-ANTIQUATED,...it will take some familiarization with the game before it can be played with any justice!.






http://www.napoleonsims.com/battles/battles.htm (Under Construction)

http://www.napoleonguide.com/histchan_lof.htm (Animated Napoleonic Battles)





Uniforms- Miniatures / Figurines...Idea Pool for Units

https://www.ballantynes-walkerburn.com/acatalog/index.html?https%3A//www.ballantynes-walkerburn.com/acatalog/French__Figurines.html&CatalogBody [Then Click 'Site Map' & 'Sections' to see the full spectrum of Products]





[ July 04, 2004, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Pablostuka CDG Site & Civ II Administrator - Location: Barcelona, European Union... Quote: " Here is the 3.0 version of my best scenario: The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Now I am 100% satisfied with the final product, so I consider it FINISHED".

CIV - II SPANISH CIVIL WAR MOD Some Ideas to look at!.







[ July 05, 2004, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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What tools if any will there be for editing or designing NEW-UNITS for the current game and new Campaigns/Scenarios ?.

I would like to see a Unit-Editing Tool in SC2 so that i could use it to greatly assist me in designing new units...instead of using the existing units and pretending that they are something else.

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Retributar - many many thanks for all the good stuff on my two favorite military eras after WWII. I am already working up the skeleton of "SC Napoleona" and the Spanish Civil War is something that absolutely cries out for a detailed treatment of its own. Especially if someone can possibly model the effect of that original right-wing talk radio host par excellence - Queipo de Llano.

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What about another MOD-IDEA for SC2...dealing with a breakdown in relations between the Western Allies and the Russians?.

General Patton wanted to re-arm the German Army and proceed to attack Russia while it was still weak after fighting Germany...as he believed that a war with Russia would be inevitable in the long run. He determined that any failure to forestall Russian ambitions would only lead to a disasterous future war.

Even before Hitler's defeat, Stalin openly told a Yugoslav delegation that he was thinking of the next war, which would be fought against America.

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Chew on this Idea you PANZER-RETREADS


WW2 Hypothetical: Mediterranean Strategy,... ' OPERATION PHOENIX '

We all know Germany got into a very good position to win world war II by defeating France in 1940 but then screwed it up by not defeating Britain, thus allowing the later entry of the US into the war, and invading the Soviet Union whilst still at war with Britain. War on 2 fronts.

It is often debated what strategy Germany should have employed to win the war after they lost the Battle of Britain. The main competing strategy in 1940 to the attack on Russia was what was termed the "Mediterranian strategy". This was proposed by Admiral Raeder and the German navy.

The German navy argued that the best way to defeat Britain was to fight an essentially naval and air war against the British mainland whilst seeking to defeat the British army in the Mediterranian/Middle east region and thereby force Britan to the negotiating table by humiliating it and threatening its colonial empire i.e. particularly Egypt and India.

The German navy argued that the Mediterranian strategy had the advantage of combining the military resources of both Germany and Italy. The Italian navy was formidable at least on paper and the remnants of the French fleet were in the Mediterranian. Combined, the German/Italian and possibly French fleet could provide a real threat to the British navy in the Atlantic once the Mediterranian was secured.

Spain would be brought into the Axis to facilitate an attack on Gibraltar thus closing the Western Mediterranian. The Suez canal would be seized and the oil resources of Iraq brought under Axis control. India would be within striking distance after Egypt fell, as would the Caucasus oil fields if Germany decided to attack the Soviet Union at a later date.

Germany easily had the military resources to crush Britain in the Mediterranian in 1940 but Hitler in the end decided that the German army would easily defeat the Soviet Union and attacked Russia instead, expecting an quick victory in 1941. Ho ho ho! Silly Hitler!

Would Germany have won World War II if they had pursued this alternative strategy? Discuss.


Posted by Andrew1999 on 23-09-2003 04:33:

I don't see how this would work. First off, Spain wasn't going to join the war. Second, you're matching Britain's strongest point with Germany's weakest if you go for a surface navy vs. surface navy battle royale.


Posted by paiktis22 on 23-09-2003 04:35:

Bah. Britain never had a chance, eventually it would have folded. Hitler did the mistake of invading Russia (never do that) and trusting the Italians to invade Greece (proven not a good idea either). I'll actually work on quotes by many generals of different countries about this. It's amazing the things they said about Greece. Churchill's "Greeks don't fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks" was just one of many.


Posted by Ted Striker on 23-09-2003 04:40:

Actually, I wouldn't take this to the extreme as invading India woudn't work and woudn't have gotten Germany that much.

However, two things make this plan better than the original that was executed against the Soviets:

1) IF Germany had succeeded in grabbing the Suez Canal, the lifeblood of the British Empire would have been cut IN HALF, cutting them off from India, Australia, oil assets, etc. I think taking the Mediterranean would have been doable, although the German Navy was outgunned, they could have made up for it through the Luftwaffe and also the U Boats.

[ July 09, 2004, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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It was called "Operation Sphinx" and it had merit. By making the UK fight in the Mideast at the discretion of Italy and Germany, the UK's resources could have been sorely stretched and eventually they may have sued for peace. Then it would have been the USSR's turn, probably in 43.

[ July 10, 2004, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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Sorry Retributar, didn't mean to sound condescending, but we have had that discussion so long ago, as many of the topics have been hashed over time and time again. I even made a campaign "Welflotte and Operation Sphinx" many many moons ago about this hypothetical scenario. My apologies to the new lads, but guess what, you guys will get old and jaded also, unless our biotechnicians come up with something. That's assuming there will still be an incentive to be inventive.

[ July 10, 2004, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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R45, would be glad to distribute it to anyone interested, but I must clarify that this campaign only has Raeder's "Operation Sphinx" as a part of an overall modification of the Kriegsmarine's "Z-Plan" into a "World Fleet" (Welflotte). Hence it doesn't start until Feb 44(peace was made after Weiss), and begins with a massive naval battle in the Atlantic with the UK and USA. 1rst phase of Sphinx is to capture Gibraltar (Spain is Axis) so the Welflotte can retreat to the Med(join Italy) and begin phase 2(Suez) and 3(Iraq-Mideast Oil). Operation "Compass" has be initiated by UK's Wavell in Mideast(as a counter) and Turkey has joined Axis. USSR is random but will join very quickly at this late date, so Axis are under the gun to conquer LC and France expeditiously (Poland has already been conquered). So it is played best from the Axis side if you do solitaire. When SC2 comes out, I will do an enlargement (the whole map) to cover a Med scenario based on Op Sphinx without Welflotte. Be glad to post it, but where?

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