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Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg v1.01 Patch Released!!!

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Sombrero, dude, now Egypt is a no go for UK. those commonwealth troops are just cannon fodder smile.gif

Ferry those troops to the UK, you're better this way.

Ref 'surprise, surprise' - I really played sloppy, but if I am in the mood maybe I will continue this one just to see what USA can do. Game isn't over, I am just pissed cuz I was lazy and did some n00bish mistakes.

I played some dude for half a day before Yoda grabbed me smile.gif Played till 43 or something, went for the nice long game, game ain't over yet but lvl 5 tanks will take care of that tongue.gif And this is with Spain Axis, some other minors massacred and Axis navy patrolling the high seas. My opponent did a good job getting ultra techs for the red infantry so even those super tanks have problems in low supply areas. I liked a lot how he played his reds (defence was nice), xcept for some ill fated counterattacks smile.gif

Damn those reds engineers, fortified half of the map !

BTW I ain't up for no game now, I am at the office - some ppl gotta work for their living ;)

Maybe tonight if Yoda won't be around to finish our game. Cya on ICQ later on.

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I managed a forward defense in one game. I had bought all the red corps and had them up front with an army on each 4 cities all supported by HQs and level 1 IW. The Axis plowed through but not as fast as it was historically, since Stalin left less troops than what I did with little to no support.

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Egypt will always be a no go for UK vs. any decent Axis player, he'll send the proper troops to take it.

Don't send the commonwealth troops to UK, they surrender once Egypt falls, keep them to do make it a "little" hard on the Axis, hehe.

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That was me you played Hellraiser. smile.gif

I'm a big fan of the forward soviet defense at first to slow the Axis as much as possible until winter. Afterwards, I adopt a flexible, in-depth defense and I try to avoid decisive battles unless I choose them. My counterattacks that game did not go well, but I have had a fairly good record with counter-attacking in the sector where he just pulled troops from to attack somewhere else :D That usually throws them off balance. I love playing Soviet defense. smile.gif Also, with infrastructure lvl 5 you can operate troops at dirt cheap prices like a few mpp... makes it REALLY easy to relocate.

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Hehe...problem is that at this stage Axis gets over 500 mpps and has a decent prod tech. Russia alone is no match for axis if she's forced to fight alone, no matter how nice you play. I am waiting your second front - the attempt in north africa was a diversion :D

The forward defence was ok - you got a reasonable amount of troops and, very important, some techs - it delayed me a while. Had I not been lucky with techs as well, game would have been completely different smile.gif

The only notable minus (which happens to me a lot of times :D ) was your boredom - if the allied player is forced for a long time to defend only, he will attack somewhere just for the sake of moving some units tongue.gif

The navy war and Spanish affair had a big impact as well. I am sure next time we play you won't let me seduce Spain anymore smile.gif

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Originally posted by Sombra:

Regarding boredom: Would it be possible to move over the map while waiting like in SC1? Or some kind of windowed mode and you can do something else while your opponent moves his units?

Yes, this would be a great enhancement of the game, since it's quite odd to look at the screen doing nothing for minutes.

Ciao Frank

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I really have no problem alt-tabbing and pulling Sombra's leg on ICQ :D

You just gotta be back before your opponent finishes moving else you risk a lost connection, retrieval error or something.

I wrote about some more stuff after this patch, I will reiterate:

- french syrian corps cannot pass thru the Suez Loop - is that a bug or France ain't allowed to use the loop anymore?

- the annoying thing with naval units changing facing when a hidden unit passes by, is still here.

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