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Modeling Aircraft Carriers

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To my still pretty naive eye ACs seem weakly modeled in SC2-WAW (I love the game don't get me wrong). As far as I can tell their air is treated as fighter air. Therefore when they attack ships they tend to get fairly damaged (very expensive) while doing moderate damage. It does not appear that they get combat effectiveness upgrades like tactical air from antitank. What about doing something symmetrical with them though to what is done ith TA and upgrading their air attack on ships when naval tech improves (torpedos in other words).

Probably not thinking clearly here (I do understand that they improve as Advanced Air improves but doesn't seem like what happens with tac air). IF going to have a global WAW scenario do we need more modeling of the devestating impact of carriers in WWII naval combat??? Or for that matter land based air when could find the ships?

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My feelings is that instead of an advanced aircraft upgrade, they should have the naval warfare one.

This should increase their target values for NA and reduce the corresponding damage from air attacks to simulate better taskforce cooperation(operational procedures & weaponry) in air defense and carrier operations(damage control, launch & recovery).

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A simple solution for right now is to increase carrier's attack factor against naval units, increase percentage for naval attack and defense - that is how I mod my carriers as the present CV naval attack borders on comical.

On another note, sub attack percentages should also be increased.

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In the Atlantic, where there were plentiful airbases Aircraft Carriers wouldn't be as important. In the Pacific where a base may be 1000 Miles away you can see, the range on those aircraft were limited... What could a Me-109 do? Or a Zeke? 300 miles there 300 miles back, that was probably in a straight line if... I doubt they could do that sort of range... So in the Pacific Carriers were vital to deliver units right up there, refuel, refit and attack again. I think another power of a Carrier is the fact it's a fast first strike weapon. That if anything could be reflected in SC a first strike capability and then after detection depending...weakening capabilities

Taranto-Pearl-Midway all these were surprise hit and runs. Well at Midway it was supposed to be turned out the tables were turned on the Japanese.

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I think the most logical upgrades for carriers would be advanced air, naval attack and asw. I think these fit their general role best.

They weren't suppose to engage in surface combat so the naval upgrade seems wrong. Ground support wasn't what they were designed to do as most of their bombers were made to kill ships.

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I think actually this is probably the tech that has the least variation throughout the war as applied to carrier aviation, LR.

Of course there are exceptions, Zeros had a 1900 mile range, but in most cases carrier air groups had a 1000 mile max range. If SC tiles are equal to 50 miles, I believe sea tiles are greater, then taking into account, loitering to form up, time to find targets and adjust search patterns, not to mention actual combat, perhaps all carriers should have an inherent 5 tile range, no LR upgrades.

As far as ground support, the size of a CAG pretty much excludes an appreciable damage pattern to corps and army size units, its fine as it is in comparison to other SC air units, the AT tech is not applicable.

The CTVs for a carrier should revolve around DE, DM, AA, NA, CA, UA, BD, ND, CD and UD enhancements through tech research. So in summary the carrier techs should be AA, ASW, and NA, if only three are possible.

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Originally posted by arado234:

MartyWard I think there would be some Japanese that disagree that the Ami. carrier bombers werent designed for ground support.

Your other comments all seem right.Do you think there should still be an upgrade for lonrange capability?

I guess it depends on how many slots are available for upgrades. Is 3 the max?
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