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Will the AI ask for the Human's Surrender?

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During a game vs the AI there may come a time when the AI has overwhelming strength.

It would be interesting at this point in time if the AI could ask the human player to surrender, in a variety of different popups:

1) Do the Allies yield to the superiority of the Axis alliance?

Do you surrender? Yes/NO

2) The Axis alliance warns the Allies the should they fail to lay down their arms and surrrender that their people will face the the consequences.

Do you surrender? Yes/No

3) The Allies demand the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers.

Do you surrender? Yes/No

4) You cause is hopeless, your armies defeated.

Do you surrender? Yes/NO

If the Human player surrenders then the game ends. If the human player declines to surrender then the AI will not make this offer again and will continue the war with great vigor.

When should this be activated?

1.When Germany surrenders to the Allied AI

2.When Russia or the UK surrenders to the Axis AI.

[ August 16, 2004, 03:58 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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hmm Honestly Edwin that doesn't make any sense. If the game ends then what would be the bennifit of surrendering? Unless your playing for points or something and there is a bonus to surrendering as opposed to being utteraly destroyed.

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When I play a human in SC, they may ask me if I want to surrender if I am hopelessly outplayed and my opponents will sometimes surrender when they have made a grave error, even though it be early in the game.

More to the point, I was thinking of the system being able to maintain a win/loss record vs the various AI levels and the upcoming player Mods, similar to the feature offered in Civ3 and other strategic games.

The surrender option would allow the AI to record a win where the human player would normally quit the game.

Naturally, it would be best if Rambo and some other players recorded the appropiate audio comments for the AI's surrender demand and the system selected one of these randomly to play. :D

[ August 16, 2004, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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NOW!!!...since HAL-9000 was mentioned...what about the 'AI' having a 'PERSONALITY' reflected or emulated if possible by the actual leaders of the day???.

What could be worse than an 'AI-Entity' with no feeling or vindictiveness or self servience!. Perhap's sound-bytes could be recorded for just this purpose.

Just think of it...Joseph Stalin Laughing at Hitler...as he is telling him that it is time to SURRENDER KOMRADE or i bid you DASIVADANYA (Goodbye) (I don't know Russian much at all...so expect spelling mistakes).

You get the idea...put some life into the AI...this will energize the game a little!. The AI could send insult's and threat's to the human opponent's.

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since HAL-9000 was mentioned...
Ummmm, you have these computers

Confused... Hal 9000

Is that yes-no, one-zero Spook who's become

A souless Ashcroftian bureaucrat...


... now situated in a deep dark enclave

Somewhere far, far under

A smokey-top mountain... just,

Fuming and glooming away! :eek:


On the other hand,

Signifies... Hubert's Amazing Logic,

Which is mainly benign and benevolent

And is merely interested in foiling

The most determined SC friends & foes. :cool:

Yet, no-one can... quite

Master or remotely understand it. :confused:

Not Zeno, half-way to the May-Day parade.

Not Stephen Hawking, Parallel Universe grokking.

Not Kubrick even or the Katzenjammer Kids,

Nor, that hard-clap psychotic chap

Freaking away

At the Big Orange Clockworks. :eek:

Nay, it's a rare, blue-moon kind of day

When... ANYONE can... ken... H.A.L. ;)

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More to the point, I was thinking of the system being able to maintain a win/loss record
Sounds like the real question is whether you can quit/surrender any time you want to and get summary results, like you only get at the end of a completed game in SC1. SC2 plans to offer such a feature. smile.gif
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You get the idea...put some life into the AI...this will energize the game a little!.
I really like this idea, so long as the AI comments are infrequent and not repetitive.


When the the AI takes an undefended city:[Cairo] it may (20% - 1 in 5 events) make a random comment:

1) Human, you left [Cairo] undefended.

2) Foolish Human, you left [Cairo] undefended.

3) You should really guard your cities, you left [Cairo] undefended.

4) Have I not taught you anything, you left [Cairo] undefended.

5) Your forces are streatched too thin, you left[Cairo] undefended.

6) Pay more attention, you left [Cairo] ungarded and my troops took it.

7) Careless human, my armies have seized [Cairo].

Note: These sample comments use templated scripts with the name of the captured city the ony variable.

Perhaps, 10 templated AI comments for each of the following events:

1. AI captures ungarded city

2. AI destroys enemy HQ unit

3. AI caputures capital of major nation (Paris, London, Moscow, Rome, Washington, Berlin)

4. AI sinks carrier

5. AI destroys air unit

[ August 18, 2004, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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