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Ok I surrender what goes here? Before WaW and the patch I used to be able to put up a decent fight for my mother Russia against the AI Germany, but now I am getting creamed by the Axis. No matter what I try, buy corps, armies first or tanks and planes first, fight at the border or back up and use the scorched earth policy, my Russian planes cant fight my tanks get destroyed without a good fight my armies are obliterated in seconds whether behind a river or not, the Italian army knocks out my best troops[did not know they were that good in WW2] I have no money to buy anything with, I have tried industrial tech. and production tech. Even if I take FOW off it does not matter, German subs now sink everything in sight early on before they even become a 2 or 3, my destroyers get clobbered even at a 1 early on. My planes could not shoot down a Spad from WW1. If there is one thing I would love to know how do you experienced players defend Russia under the new AI and how do you increase their MPP's


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Try getting ASW up for the UK and US. Don't even go looking for subs till you do. And when you do, make sure the fleet travels in a pack. Boot them, don't spatter.

For the USSR, speed bump the Axis. Put a Corps in all the forward cities, choose whether you are going to defend Moscow or Stalingrad, then wait for the Siberians. Don't go overboard on tech, but try for IF, AT, HT, ART and AA.

Then max the convoy runs to the USSR and build like a SOB with all those decadent capitalist mpps. Remember, time and numbers are on your side, so delay, delay, delay. Bleed the Axis everywhere you can, then get set to go on the offensive somewhere in 43.

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Which fighting punch would that be? The one they had in 41 or the one in 45? You know, the one that was utterly reliant on imports from the West?

All Russia had going for them throughout WWII was territory to trade for time, some good tanks, and a willingness to take horrific losses.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Try getting ASW up for the UK and US. Don't even go looking for subs till you do. And when you do, make sure the fleet travels in a pack. Boot them, don't spatter.

For the USSR, speed bump the Axis. Put a Corps in all the forward cities, choose whether you are going to defend Moscow or Stalingrad, then wait for the Siberians. Don't go overboard on tech, but try for IF, AT, HT, ART and AA.

Then max the convoy runs to the USSR and build like a SOB with all those decadent capitalist mpps. Remember, time and numbers are on your side, so delay, delay, delay. Bleed the Axis everywhere you can, then get set to go on the offensive somewhere in 43.

Thanks Lars those suggestions were a big help, the anti-tank the artillery at plus 2 and the anti-aircraft batteries helped stem the axis push

in early 43', I always went for troops but they got clobbered, now all I need is a good general to push them back to Germania! [not me that's for sure.]


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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

Hey William,

Glad to see you are still at it and that the AI is giving you a decent challenge... looking forward to hearing about your conquests over the AI smile.gif


Those conquests Hubert are probably going to be rare, great job on the AI. I did just beat the axis AI in late 45' But I played without FOW and deleted the script that allowed Rommel to land in North Africa. I won't do that again but I had to get my ego back on track. Lars comments were right on! I always went for troops instead of aa, at and artillery upgrades. I tried to invade Norway and the reaction of the AI was excellent in transferring troops into Norway and kicking my butt out. With FOW off the AI axis sub war is easily handled by me but with FOW on the sub war is devastating against England.[and me]


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