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Nordic Liberation

Concept: Liberate Norway, is a three phase plan: Goal 1: Bergan, Goal 2: Oslo followed by Goal 3: Garrison Plan.

Goal 1: Capture Bergan (2 plans - 1 with 3 units, the other with 6)

#NAME: Bergan Liberation Force

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2

#COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK)

#TRIGGER= 20 (1 in 5 games if Norway is conquered)


#SIZE= 3

#GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy(Bergan)




#FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Scarpa Flows)

#FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Manchester)

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [1] - Norway is allied to UK and Surrendered to Axis

#TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] Sea tiles on route to Bergan not threatened.




#CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,8][3,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 3 or more axis units within 5 tiles of a sea tile off the Bergan coast.

#CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,1,][1,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 1 or more Axis units within 1 tile of London.

#NAME: Bergan Liberation Force #2

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2

#COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK)

#TRIGGER= 5 (1 in 20 games if Norway is conquered)


#SIZE= 6

#GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy(Bergan)




#FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Scarpa Flows)

#FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Manchester)

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [1] - Norway is allied to UK and Surrendered to Axis

#TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy [2] Sea tiles on route to Bergan not threatened.




#CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,8][3,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 3 or more axis units within 5 tiles of a sea tile off the Bergan coast.

#CONDITION_POSITION= x,y [1,1,][1,99][1] - Plan will be canceled if there are 1 or more Axis units within 1 tile of London.

Goal 2: Liberate Oslo

#NAME= Oslo Liberation Force


#COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK)

#TRIGGER= 75 (75% if Bergan is controlled)

#PLAN_ID= 1 (Build up Offensive)

#SIZE= 6





#TACTICAL_CONDITION= xx,yy (BERGAN must have tactical advantage over Bergan)

CANCEL_RATIO= 2 (Plan is canceled if cannot achieve a ratio better than 2 to 1)

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [1] - Norway is allied to UK and Surrendered

Goal 3: Guard Norway - once Norway is liberated it must be guarded.

#NAME= Oslo Protection Force

#TYPE=2 (Recurring check each turn)

#COUNTRY_ID=1 (1 for UK)


#PLAN_ID= 0 (Garrison Plan)

#SIZE= 3


#GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy(Oslo)

#GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy (Bergan)

#GOAL_POSITION= xx,yy (Mine Tile)


#FRIENDLY_POSITION= xx,yy (Bergan)


#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 32 [2] [100] [0] - Norway is allied to UK and Liberated. If Norway has surrendered this event will not occur.

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5[1][100][0] - If Germany has surrendered there is no need to garrison Norway and this event will be canceled.

[ February 17, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Originally posted by Retributar:

'grand strategy and AI are not compatible.'???.

They are compatible or can be if the right-person is doing it!. Edwin P. has some really great-idea's on how to tackle this situation!.

I wished 'Hubert' could use him to 'MAKE IT SO'!.

You have to understand that ALL of Edwin's AI improvements AND more could be added, but it would take years for the AI to finally feel 100%.

Luckily, the scripting will be in the hands of buyers and 1 year from now will have an AI that could be twice better than what HC had, it does not mean HC did a bad AI, but at some point he just has to spot and release the product.

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Hubert has structured Sc2 so that the program and scripted AI files are seperate. smile.gif

This feature will greatly facilitate the evolution of the SC2 AI.

It makes it easy for Battlefront, SC2 websites and players to offer AI only downloads. Futhermore the AI scripting parameters that HC is offoering are extremely powerful and flexible.

I expect that there will be several levels of AI downloads available for players after SC2 ships;

1. Bronze - AI scripts created by players and shared by email.

2. Silver - Scripts created by players, reviewed by others and listed on SC2 Sites.

3. Gold - Throughly playtested AI scripts judged by HC as being worthy of being added to the standard SC2 AI.

Perhaps, Battlefront will consider offering certified AI downloads on their site and/or creating a forum for SC2 AI related discussions.

As for me, after SC2 ships I am considering creating a web site/blog to discuss, critique and share techniques for building a better SC2 AI.

[ February 18, 2006, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Actually this used to be game-genre on it self. Cant quite remember the game name, but you had to semi-code your robots behaviour and then sent them into an arena facing robots of other players.

Only thing you would need for this to work is the option to easily import different ais for axis and respec. allies.

Bwaah.. anyway.. it was just a thought. it is a good and quick way to test an ai script though.

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Good idea, Victor. Though, I prefer to direct the battle myself, not just watch it unfold. But AI vs AI competitions would be most interesting.


One cool feature of HC's AI script is the use of plan identity.

Plan identity is determined by #COUNTRY_ID, #PLAN_ID, and #GOAL_POSITION. A country can only have a

; single plan based on this criteria and will be assigned the first valid plan regardless of duplicate

; script entries (even if the remaining control '#' values are different).

; Note: This will also allow you to set up a variety of plans with the same identity but different control '#' parameters where the first 'event' satisfied will be the fist plan assigned (for added variability).


What this appears to mean is that you can create a number of duplicate plan identities (same country ID, plan Id and goal position), with different triggers, and the AI will execute the first one, and only the first one that is triggered.

Each of these duplicate plans can have a different number of units assigned to it (ie Size), different conditions and different Cancel_Ratios.

This will allow for a large amount of variety in the AI response to player actions.

Sometimes you, as the human, might see a probing attack and other times a massive assault on a single goal position.


It will be interesting to see how the the activation of scripts for production, research and diplomacy can be related to these AI scripts so the AI can execute a grand strategy, not just a series of intelligent independent actions.

[ February 18, 2006, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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A few quick notes on the AI and AAR #2:

1. Will there be flags for Historical_Condition, and Neutral_Condition game settings?

Example: Historical_Condition= 6 (for Italy)

In this game, we also selected the US historical entry option so I wasn't concerned about the political effect of an Allied DOW (on Italy).
This would allow you to have the AI actions change based on these game settings.

2. I wonder if the AI collects Intel information with FOW on?

The Italian navy is moving around in the Med, trying to gather some intel I guess
Example: Neutral Italian AI spots 8 UK Naval Ships in Med, therefore it knows at at most 1 UK ship is in Atlantic (based on 9 ships total in the Report Screen). With 8 UK ships in Med Italy moves Neutral Fleet to Adriatic, Germany sends subs to Atlantic.

3. Great idea for Offensive Script

UK DOW'd Iraq in January 1940 and advanced tanks out of Syria. It takes another turn to capture Baghdad, which falls in March.
4. Another good ID for AI.

UK moved its bomber to Malta, primarily to see what the Italians are up to.
5. The importance of linking Diplomatic Scripts and Offensive Scripts is illustrated by this:

My French strategy was to focus on diplomatic efforts to sway Turkey. UK's attack on Iraq has a negative effect on Turkey, so my intent was to at least counter this
6. How can I withdraw Allied units to UK from France? Transport AI Script when Tile X is threatened?

I managed to get my corps out of Bordeaux
7. Interesting, purchase Diplomacy chit based on activation percentage.

Looking at USA activation, they're still down around 30%. Lend Lease won't start until 40%. I decide to buy a diplomacy chit to speed things up,
8. Can the AI respond to threats? ie If X is enemy occupied by enemy unit activate offensive/garrison script.

Iraqi rebels caused damage at Mosul, so now I've decided to send a garrison to keep things under control.

[ February 19, 2006, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Edwin and Victor are right.

With AI scripting, there will essentially be a "group development" effort of the AI extending over several years.

Whatever new "gambits" come up in HVH play could be scripted and added. Players could also use the AI to practice against established or emerging HVH tactics.

In short, HVH play will likely develop ideas first, but they can all be added to AI.

Couple that with a +1 or +2 experience bonus and you'll have some real challenges that could extend for a long time.


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From AAR#2:

I could probably be doing better in Russia if Axis had focused more on Africa and the Atlantic, but this is definitely an Axis land strategy game. The western Allies challenge is deciding where and when and how to get back on the continent, and be able to sustain something. I'm not there yet. In the meantime, Axis digs in and continues to upgrade.
This paragraph raises three important points that is relevant to the AI:

1. Deciding on a strategy - in this case for the Axis a land strategy focued on Russia, and to have this decision be influenced by events and cooordinated with production, diplomacy and research scripts.

2. In the Allied case deciding when and where to invade - either the Mediterranean or Western Europe. It appears that the AI can handle this, although I can't figure out from the current notes how to coordinate the triggering of related American and British plans.

Perhaps have a trigger where the UK conquers Ireland. Then have scripts for both countries where if Erie is Allied Controlled the AI invades Europe. If Erie is not allied controlled then the AI invades via the Mediterranean. A bit convoluted but it should work, unless HC has something better planned. ;) To get the timing right, perhaps.....

Note: A problem with this convoluted implementation is that the human player will always know what the Allied strategy is. So, time to put my thinking cap back on.

3. When to shift to defensive operations.

In May, USA joins. Germans and Italians immediately attack Switzerland and take it.
Another good strategy, that can be scripted for the AI. Essentially, the AI may attack Switzerland if both USA and Russia are at war with Germany.

UK and USA start a bombing campaign in the west. I led off with a carrier attack against his bomber, which drew off interceptors from the Ruhr, and followed that with two air strikes on the bomber. That left my bombers clear to make their runs unopposed.

Will the AI be smart enough to do this on its own?

[ February 20, 2006, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Edwin, the AI bombed Dresden on its FIRST turn of play vs. me, in ALL the games I played.

Actually it pretty much bombed everything in site, Dresden, Benelux port, Brest port and City and now and then a touch on the Bordeaux port.

This was with just one bomber and one plane.

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Blashy, many thanks for the update.

Good to hear that the AI has entered play testing.

I am really glad to see that the AI 1) uses the bomber it has and 2) constantly changes targets when using bombers. A big improvement over SC1.

I presume that changing targets makes it harder for the human player to counter bombers and will force him to allocate air units to intercept them or spend MPPs on AA research and upgrades.

Perhaps, the bomber has far more value in SC2? It looks like it from my readings of the various posts. It costs less, does damage to the underlying resource and gains a greater range bonus with each increase in LR tech. All in all a much needed change. Thanks HC.

[ February 20, 2006, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Tagwyn, I agree, but out only when its ready.

That aside, I am still trying to think of how to create hard core strategies, as per Blashy's post, using the script editor.

What's a hardcore strategy:

AXIS Example: Land Campaign, Mediterranean Campaign, Battle for Atlantic Campaign

ALLIED Example: Strategic Bombing Campaign, Med Campaign, Nordic Campaign, Russian Rockets, Allied Intel Campaign, etc.

Essentially, its a coordinated blending of Operational, Production, Research and Diplomacy scripts. Any short comments HC?

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Blashy: "tanks get a bonus defense on cities, you'll pay a high price to remove it, better use AFs to take out its entrenchment or you'll be loosing alot of hitpoints from your offensive unit."
I wonder if you will be able to tell the AI to use a specific unit type to garrison a city?
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Blashy: The reason the Russian ended up with less units is because the Axis used all their available diplomacy to keep the Russians from joining and in doing so, the lower the join % the lower the mpps, so Russia was not as prepared due to the Axis telling them through diplomacy "we won't attack... we promise!"

I wonder if HC will include this strategy in the AI's arensal of strategies to select from. :rolleyes:
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Summary of Questions on AI scripting;

How to link the triggering of AI scripts, research, production and diplomacy scripts for a nation and across allies?

Ability of AI Scripts to be influenced by information from the Reports screen.

Ability to specify a unit type(s) assigned to a goal. Example: Armor unit garrison Stalingrad or Bomber unit stationed in Ireland (Eire).

Ability for AI to select between two plans with different goal positions – i.e. either Nordic Liberation or Operation Torch

Order engineers to fortify specific tiles. (So that Russia will fortify tiles around Moscow)

AI Script activation conditional on AI level.

AI Script greater and less than readiness level [ so that Axis does not launch Sea Lion when Russia is at 90% readiness ]

AI Script response to threats. (postive response trigger as opposed to negative trigger)

Multiple levels of priority for scripts. I.e. A level 5 A.I. script will steal from a level 4 script but not from a level 6 script, and ability to change these priorities; level 1 thru 9 based on variable conditions.

Directing units to move around Horn of Africa if threat level in Med or size of Italian navy too high.

Ability to assign % of Air Units to Eastern or Western Front, or all bombers to UK.

[ February 24, 2006, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I'd like to have the ability to attached my own programmable stubs into SC-2 to manage the A.I. I was thinking along the lines of using TCL language, with runtime enviornmental variables. A matrix memory should allow for this. I have a couple of ASIC chips to do the dirty work, but will need some DRAM to make it portable.

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