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I liked Big Dog's comment on how you can finish SC2 in this lifetime. LoL! I liked HOI's detail but it got to the point where you almost had to micromanage. The other downside was that it was realtime, which eliminated any chance of doing pbem. With limited spare time that meant it was only good for me against the AI. So, I will definitely get the bundle once it is out... BvB

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Originally posted by asgard:

2) You can't stack, but if you place your extra naval units adjacent to the port, they would still be suplied(level 9). So having naval battles near your ports= advantage because your units would be better supplied than the enemy. the only limit of ports is that you can repair or upgrade one naval unit per port per turn.

Wow, this is kind a weird. I bring the Scharnhorst to port and the Gneisenau has to stay at sea? I understand many things are abstracted, but this is just plain weird to me. I can see that given the scale of the game, stacking of land units is out. But ships? Is the Scharnhorst an abstraction of a flottila (a number of ships)? Germany had more ships than these two cruisers in 1940.
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You do not pile second upon second,

Minute atop minute,

The diurnal hours - STACKED

Like clock-work bricks

In some - steeply-stepped stairway to Heaven,

Do you?

No stacking!

Who on this here fast-waning Planet would want?

Such a clumsy cluttered, wrought

Up wrangled tangle and bogged

Clogged kind of congestion - as that? :confused:

Click & click,

Click and click and click and - click!

Seeking for what?

One tiny?

Secretly hidden game piece?

Through endless, interminable,

Stacks & stacks

Of minutes or pixels

Or stick-figure depictions?

It's ALL... only... abstraction.

WW2 is... done been fought,

The blood and viscera spilled forth

Soaking the ground sullied insensate,

60 years done and gone and now, just

Settled dust,

In that bottomless bin of History.


No matter HOW you play it, or

Sing it or song it or bring it

Or essay it,

With dice,

With arcanely ordered, tandems of random

Ones & zeroes, zeroes

And ones,

Whether it be about

Hannibal riding along side-saddle

Up on a lumbering, lop-ear elephant,


In this particular instance,

The - usually - guten burgher Deutsche Volk

Convinced by - a hectoring Idiot

Inartistically screaching - hey you!

Most superior Dudes... yes you!

Can indeed be! Foolish

Stiff-limb, dumb-strutting animals!

Or any another young, someone-loving Soldier

For that matter,

Just surviving it out,

In a desert or a jungle or amid

Green-folded fields of furrow & flowers,

Ah, yea, it goes.

On and on,

Second by second,

Minute by minute,

Hour by hour,

It's all of an all,

Which War and why and when. :rolleyes:

Nary a moment's Peace in between

The next night fraught

With daemon-begot dreams... now

AND - then... the merest of... abstraction.

Well how do ya do - lucky for us! smile.gif

Hubert himself is not enny - ab-straction.

He's the real thing alright,

And has created THE best WW2 Grand Strategy,

Turn-based and Euro-earth based,

Intro-spective, intra-ultra, multi-contestable

And vast and long-lasting

SRO, stomp! the boards,


Spec-tacular! :cool:

Well, you'll get to play for yerself - soon.

Play and play and play and play,

Minute by minute, hour

After hour, day - ah - s'gotten late?

Driving the lady the mistress

The latest mate anyway - antic & crazy!

Weeks and weeks even! and you'll - maybe - never!

See the sun or some other sorta fun, nor,

Nay, for better or for worse,

Our (... currently) un-crowded moon.

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