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Weather, is it too strong? A little boring?

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But in russia mud and snow are what caused alot of mobility problems.You cant take that out of the game.Ive talked to german vets who fought on the russian front and they told me that the mud and snow were so bad that it caused massive wear on all moving parts,Sometimes there would be colums strung out for 50 to 60 miles unable to move at all for days because the fuel trucks were stuck or the roads were mined and you couldnt travel off road because of the mud.Vehicles would sink up to thier axles and thats it you cant move.I say leave it how it is its the same for everyone.I agree about the affects of mud in the west because the road systems in europe were alot better.Most roads in russia were nothing but dirt tracks that became unpassable except for tracked vehicles when you got a sudden rain storm.

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// Deactivate lurker mode

Just a few tweeks to the naval weather would be nice. For example, some ideas:


  • FOG - Reduce naval movement in half, spotting and attack ranges, and attack values also cut in half.</font>
  • SIZE - Rough seas or storms don't have to encompass all of the Atlantic. By reducing the size, playability could be enhanced by allowing users to steer around weather systems.</font>
  • SYSTEMS - A storm system (ie. rough seas, fog) could originate at tile XX,YY (determined randomly), and is SML size (small, medium, or large storm system). On the following turn, this system has moved ZZ tiles.</font>
  • SEVERE STORMS - Donated by white caps on the sea tiles, these storms are the only ones that damage ships. Severe storms can also suddenly stop a ship's movement (ie. suprise encounter) and either cause severe damage (supply reduced, morale and readiness reduced, physical damage), or it could cause minor damage (supply, morale reduced).</font>
  • DURATION - During shorter turn times, allow the storm systems to stay a bit longer while they move around. Distances travelled for storm systems are reduced.</font>
  • LAND EFFECTS - A Severe Storm event that effects coastal tiles creates mud like movement effects for land units, winter/ice like effects for air units (grounded).</font>
  • VARIABILITY - Weather systems can have fog on the outer fringes, rough seas inside, and severe storm tiles in the middle.</font>

Just some random thoughts regarding weather at sea. Resuming lurker mode...

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I'm not trying to eliminate or undermine the weather, would just like more varieties! There are only 3 kinds of weather, rather elementary. The areas covered are a little too drastic. The whole ocean is messed up at the same time? Should ship movement be modify or something?

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