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Rambo tournament final game: Hellraiser (axis) vs Colin (allies)

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Ok guys and gals, the final game has started!

Turn 1

Axis push into Poland, troops operated west for LC/Denmark turn 2 invasion; sub raiding.

Colin do some damage to the armour in poland and try to bring more troops towards Warsaw.

Turn 2

LC and Denmark join the Axis big happy family; Warsaw has 3 Axis units adjacent.

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Yup, they do indeed...

Turn 3

Axis units already have 3 tiles surrounding Paris. The City of Light itself defended by an army,their armoured unit was upgraded and retreated behind the river. Also, the M line has collapsed, french defenders retreating 2 tiles back. Axis airfleets operated nearby, if we get clear weather, Paris has high chances to fall next turn. Judgind from the disposition of the french army, Colin did not expect such a quick thrust towards Paris.

Poland falls, Runstedt and some other pieces operated west.

Mud sets in, hopefully the weather will be clear during my turn.

Romania shifts towards axis by 8%, Italy gearing up for war due to axis units near Paris and allied abandoning some Med positions (I spotted the tunisian french corps near Paris).

UK receives their desert armour group due to Axis being adjacent to Paris.

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Not really.

The allied player can expect such outcome if he doesn't occupy certain tiles from the first 2 turns. Early abandon of the M line is not necessary as well. If the allied players wants France in the game till spring, of course.

But an early fall of France has some positive aspects from the allies as well - USA readiness jumps, so MPP wise, the differential is not so high in Axis' favour.

Nevertheless, if you ask me, I preffer to get France in 39 than in 40 - no for the cash but for a better timetable ;)

What is clearly improved over SC1 is the importance of the french campaign - in SC1 was extremely important (you could lose games there) but in SC2 it has no significant importance in the long run. The war is neither won nor lost in France.

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Don't let HellRaiser fool you, if taking Paris was part of The Axis plan and went against the Allied longterm plan then the game is going well for him. An aggressive Axis will now have a great boost to his iniative, but he is right in that the game is not lost or effected so greatly... the Allies can now wait to see if the Axis Blunder. You must guard your tiles and sacrifice your units as France, I have lost it early enough times against a determined foe... Allies have so many options though and Axis some less

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Liam - I agree. I'm not planning on revealing my strategy this early, but the Allies aren't demoralized. The weather was just perfect for him, mud inhibited and French counterattack then it cleared right on cue for the Axis to storm Paris. Poland and France both surrendered immediately.

Basically, I shouldn't panic and wait for an opportunity, its a long game and sooner or later he will catch a bad break.

[bTW Hellraiser - waiting for a turn - you got mine? Apologies, I will be away a while soon, so you might not get a quick kill :D ]

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Yeah, Adolf ordered the creation of the Afrika Corps under von Bock - first incursions on african soil resulted in annexation of Tunisia;

RAF bomber spotted in Malta - Axis consider the possibility that the UK will not give up their african foothold without a fight.

Romania shifts again , 7% this time, their joining % being over 90 -> they are mine smile.gif

Waiting for Hungary (85%) ...

Massive german investments in research start to pay off.

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Von Bock's Panzerarmee Afrika (we no tanks down there but it's a cool name nonetheless) continue west - terrified arab inhabitants witness the victorious german troops goosestepping near the mosque in Algiers...

Romania says 'I wanna be your biatch' - waiting for Hungary to say the same line so I can use those minors as garrisons...

The rest of the world enjoys a dangerous calm...not for long...

Turn sent, waiting for Colin to come back from Italy to continue.

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