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RAMBO WINS!!! [AAR] Stalin's Organist (Allies) vs Rambo (Axis)

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Guest Mike

Only 2 dead armies? Excellent - means I have a few hundred spare MPP's this turn - the Russians are up to 360/turn, having spent all their early income on IT and PT, and not wasting any on ASW, Gunnery Radar and subs!! ;)

I may never get the Siberians unless I let John get a bit closer to Moscow!! ;)

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Guest Mike

I'm in New Zealand - it's currently 2.20pm on Monday here, so I'm at work - it'll be 3 1/2 hrs before I get home :(

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Yah, right like arse kicking and justifying killing over 100,00 (figures are conservative - estimated 300,000 is the believed number) Iraqis and torturing them in believing King Bushwack. He should be tried for war crimes. I am ashamed to be called an American. This is genocide! Stop swagging not unless you volunteer to go to Iraq yourself. Please Dave, no limericks also.

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Guest Mike

I have no idea who Col Jessup is, and even less interest in yuor rant Aesopo - this is an AAR thread, with a little light banter going on - please butt out!

Just googled Jessup - shoud have realised, but I've no idea why JJR chose to post that here!!

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Guest Mike

Yep smile.gif

It wasn't 2 dead armies - it was a dead corps, a dead army and a dead partisan! The Corps and army are coing back properly equipped this time - they had been hasty replacement units that didn't have all the latest gear but that's not a problem any more smile.gif

Germany loses an infantry army in the Caucassus, and a Tank group is spotted there - he's got a Lw and a HQ still there, so it behoves us to keep the area fairly well garrisoned!

The Black sea fleet bombards Odessa.

The remnants of the Baltic fleet tries to bombard Riga but fails to inflict any damage, and cowers outside Krondstadt - it daren't go to port 'cos the Finns will destroy it, and yet there's this big Germanbut no action anywhere else - but there's this big German battleship lurking in Helsinki...oh well, c'est la guere!

German motorised garrisons withdraw from PAris & Antwerp - we think they're moving to the Eastern front for a summer offensive now the weather is better.

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May 1942 ---

-High Command is furious over the loss of an experienced Army in the mountains of Georgia due to supply, couldn't get the unit back over the river. The Russians send Corp & Army across the river in pursuit, mistake, they are waxed.

-Battles continue on the Russian front.

-Lennigrad has an Army & several Corps in front, we battle the Corps, but don't only damage them.

-Central Russia, we kill a unit. There's an Engineer unit in a fortress, we don't dare attack him from the ground. Axis Air Units covering the general area.

-South Russia, we do nothing, mud.

-DOW on the Swiss. We damage the army in the capital (what's its name?), down to 5. Weak attacks because of weather.

-German Navy cannot find the U.S. Navy. RN has been rather dinged up earlier in the game, so I'm not concerned about them.

-RAF takes potshots on my French ports.

-MedSea is an Axis pond. We control everything (Malta, Egypt, Tunisa, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Greece, etc.)...but we don't have "The Rock", Spain, or Vichey.

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Guest Mike

Now I know where the corps from hte Belgian coast went!

Spain gets upset by the invasion of Switzerland, Axis attacks in front of Smolensk leave a couple of units exposed - a German army is destroyed, a corps knocked down to 1 pt (damn!)

Reinforcements appear in the Caucassus - I can do that much easier than John can! smile.gif

Black sea fleet pounds Odessa again - there's a German army holding it as all his allied garrison units are busy invading Switzerland!!

American bombers fly to UK (well that's a no-brainer!) & RAF bombs empty Antwerp.

It's July 42, and the weather is good again - expecting a big German push in the Caucasus, and at least a little activity in the central front!

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Guest Mike

German tank group appears near Lenningrad, and attacks between there and Smolensk destroy several Russian Corps, but replacements arrive, and hte Siberians are here too smile.gif

Germans continue to withdraw in the Caucassus.

Switzerland falls, and the British take the opportunity presented by lack of German garrisons and hte absence of the Kriegsmarine off somewherein the Atlantic to invade Belgium, take Antwerp, swarm across the Netherlands, and liberate Benelux.....for the benefit of...... the French??!! :confused: :confused:


British, American bombers & French partisans co-ordinate attacks on German positions around Paris, Yugoslav partisans fend off weak attempts by Hungarian troops to stop them and march into Germany.....lots of places hte Germans need to garrison this turn....sadly they probably have enough allied trooops to do it! :(

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Army Group North has surrounded Lennigrad, but we do not attack this turn.

Small attrition battles in Central Russian, think I killed a Russian Army. Kind of feels like a boxing match, both looking for a clean hit, while trying not to expose. Russians do have shovels & like defend their cities.

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Guest Mike

Various blue units and 1 Italian & 2 German Corps Garrison the industrial areas arough Belgium.

Siberian troops and reinforcements operate around Moscow, Smolensk and Kiev - only 1 attack tho - Army Group North looks like it's a long way from it's supply, so the Russian engineers venture out of their fort to attack a HQ - but they are instantly replaced of course smile.gif

The Finns have advanced on Lenningrad and get shown that they really should stay in their fortifications!

Russians advance into Iran, more British units pour into Belgium.

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Guest Mike

Advancing to attack the German HQ left a gap in the lines - German mechanised units swarm around the Russians in front of Smolensk, KO the engineers and HQ, isolate another army and capture the city - bugger!!

On a positive note it did cost him his stranglehold on Leningrad for a turn, and several units were reduced to very low strength.

In the Caucasus the Russians advance into Iraq, attacking a corps positined in front of hte northern oilfields and reducing it to 2 points. German armies concentrate around Baghdad, and the LW is nowhere in evidence.

Finnish units retire out of contact.

the Axis DOW's Vichy with amphibious landings in Nth Africa and at Narseilles - 2 level 0 tank groups with mech 2 take Oran or Algiers or whatever it is while the Regia Marina pounds the port but fails to destroy the battleship there - mind you it's only got 2 points left!! :(

An allied Army lands outside Marseille & attacks the fleet in port, as does the Italian submarine, reducing it to 2 but the Sub takes a couple of hits. the French fleets counterattack the Sub, knocking off a couple more points for the loss of the cruiser unit, which was only 2 points anyway!

British units capture the French mines and knock another allied army down to a couple of points.

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Hey folks, it's me Liam back from Montreal Canada, been there for about 8 days with my Girlie...

While I was up there I crisscrossed Hubert's HomeTown... Stopped in and telepathically told hime to hurry up on the patch!

I see that John is having a tougher time than initially expected in this game. Seems now he's Minor Grabbing and Reds are not quite as strong as needed... Western Allies sound pretty pathetic

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Guest Mike

I've been away a couple of days...

Germans make a big effort this turn, killing several corps and armies and advancing to the outskirts of Moscow - they haven't got Kiev yet tho, and it is at he cost of a lot of units at 5 or less strength points.

British corps on the French mine is destroyed, as is one othre in belgium - the situation is untenable so the garrison of Brussles heads back to the UK and the bEF garrisons the city. UK and US bombers hit the French mine.

Marseilles holds aout against the German allied army and the Italian fleet.

In the Caucassus several Italian units appear around Baghdad - initial reports are that they are very poorly equipped. The German corps in front of the oil field retreats to rebuild. A German army occupies the oilfields, but is destroyed by the advancing Russian hordes - the oilfield remains unoccupied unfortunately.

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Guest Mike

The Germans destroy the UK Garrison of Brussles and recapture the city. Kriegsmarine cruisers appear in the Irish sea, battleships and subs in the Channel - could this be a belated Sealion??!! Subs attack a UK carrier off Belgium and inflict severe damage but don't destroy it. RAF & USAAF bombers hit the cruisers.

USSR takes Iraqi oilfields & hammer an Italian corps outside Baghdad. Italians line the Tigris expecting an attack from the direction of Iran but are outflanked to the north.

Germans move up to Moscow - kill a HQ there but don't attack the city. Partisans move towards Riga, distracting a Tank unit.

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September 1942 ---

-Russians are invading Iraq. Just lost an experienced Army on the oil well, not good. Italians operand in some units to block capital. Supply is an issue, should be for the Reds too, but he has 2 Air Fleets, 2 Armor, and plenty of supporting infantry.

-German Army advances on Moscow, Russians lose another HQ. Multiple units killed, no real damage taken by Fritz.

-Lennigrad is left alone. Finns walk home.

-LF picks of Russian in the Swamp.

-British can't take the power on the ground in France. We kill several corps, they are kicked out.

-Marseilles still in VF hands, will take a couple turns to get some power pieces to finish the job.

-Fritz's Navy heavily damage UK-carrier near Brussells, down to strength-2. The rest of the Buntas sail upto Manchester, looking for ships. I'm sure he'll take some pops with RAF on them, but it was worth the risk.

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-Moscow sacked.

-Supply sucks in Iraq. I'm back out somewhat. Probably a bad move, we shall see. Italians back off towards Kuwait, the Reds have a good chance of take Bagdad.

-German Navy runs back home, I control the sea, RAF has the sky. The ground game is dominated by the Axis in France.

-VF pinged again, eventually.

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Guest Mike

Baghdad is captured and Iraq surrenders, putting all the Italians out of supply and unable to be operated out - I suspect a few will get out anyway but it's not a bad day for the Comrades in the south.

Sadly Comrade Ioseph has to catch a late plane to Stalingrad tho.

Russian partisans attack an air fleet in Riga, more partisans appear in the Prippet marshes, and things aren't going toooooo badly despite the reverses. Russian production is well up.

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Guest Mike

Germans from Syria try to break through to the Italians - succeed in destroying a corps, but lose one of their own and an army reduced to 1 pt.

Kiev finally falls, but there are more partisans to try to hunt down.

Neocolonialist Italian infantry oppressors of the peace loving Iraqi peoples get roughly handled by brave Soviet liberators.

US reinforcements to England hit a sub when they fail to follow the course set to them by a cruiser, but at least we manage to sink one of the German battleships this turn.

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Guest Mike

The US army and its escorting cruiser are sunk by subs and a cruiser, and a weakened Russian tank group is destroyed by the Germans in Iraq.

The Germans swing south from Moscow and take Kharkov, but leading with an airgroup dosts them half it's strnegth when it is clobbered by a lurking bunch of KV-1's.

In return the Russians destroy a tank group in Iraq and hammer the Italians again.

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