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american armed forces

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

This dude was in the Army. He helped Gerry after the war & before Reagan proclaimed,"Mr. Gorby, tear down this wall!". You ain't nothing but a hound dog.


Ummm... ever hear the term

Non Sequiter? ;)

rambo jr... in pancake make-up

And silk-black top hat

And set-sail tails,

Assailing! the audience

With nifty - heel & toe,

A 2-step dosey-doe,


A whip crack! :eek:

Then the Crowd gets fidgety, yep,

Commences to get up and - go.



Audie, Elvis,

The Mighty Mouse Marauder,

Who the hell else too!

I'll re-visit my old pal

Ernie Pyle now & again,

Over to the Desert City Library,

And NOT - no, never EVER

Forget to pay my repects


The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Now there's a courageous,

Honorable some one you can

Re-set yer disquiet heart-beat to.

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Is this the Rambo war that I predicted at the end of this thread?

Thing is Minty

You'd have to do yer homework,

And go back,

Let's see... over 4 RAMbunctious years,

And read and ponder and read

On 3 or 4 different Forums,

A couple of which

No longer exist, BTW,

In order to sleightly understand

What is happening here, uh huh, and

What it IS ain't exactly clear,

There's a man with a... well, never mind,

So, hmmmm... you made some other predictions

'At also proved out incorrect, eh?

No mention of enny DEBACLE


UK co-conspired and mired in Iraq, true?

Besides which,

Folks can mostly say what they please,

(... you for one - don't mind - right?)


Of the term... "forum."


It wouldn't even BE such as that, would it? ;)

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Ah too True Desert Dave, too true. Still there seems to be an oil argument kicking off elsewhere.

Getting back to the Thread though. By limiting the number of US combat units but providing the chance to massively increase IT the US forces in SC2 do mimick history by the time they hit fortress Europe. There are also lots of HQs to buy. There may not be that many fighting troops but with plenty of HQs and can be very well supplied and reinforced straight away. It means you can have Ike keeping the beaches nicely supplied but you can also afford to get Patton too, kick some German butt and even if you take big loses can be back on the offensive at full strength very quickly. The average Gerry soldier had to spend a lot more time on the front line compared to the Americans who could reinforce and rotate frontline troops keeping them fresh for the fight.

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Originally posted by arado234:

How come america has such a small army?

The US was fighting two wars: one in the Pacific and one in Europe. It had troops from Alaska, through the West Coast, Panama, dozens of islands in the Pacific, Australia, India, Burma, and, even China. I believe it also deployed troops in Greenland and Iceland, the Eastern Sea Board, Puerto Rico, and other islands in the Caribbean... and I understand it had airforce bases in Brazil and West Africa (bombers flew from Brazil to West Africa to North Africa...

Also, from my readings, it seems all the countries in questions had more troops in real life than actually represented in SC2. I read somewhere that by December 1939 Germany had mobilized something like 90 infantry divisions. If this info is accurate, it would amount to anywhere between 20-30 infantry corps in SC2. Clearly we are not seeing that kind of troop deployment in SC2.

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Germany was sporting a very large military in 1939 due to her buildup and she probably wasn't going to sit on such a buildup for long without dismantling it. She had to goto war... It was Hitler's aggression that lead to it. The USA in contrast like other Western Nations and many other nations during WW2 were completely unprepared and not mobilized for war. That is what we Call War Mobilization and today it doesn't exist quite the same way. During the Cold War both sides existed in a constant state of Mobilization costing us TaxPayers on both ends very vast quantities on Money that bankrupted one side and nearly did the other!

Bank in the 30s and 40s, tiny little Europeans couldn't afford this on the same scale!

Even the USA with the Great Depression and still not the Major Power of the World would only be fully mobilized by European Need for her resources. The USSR similarly, the Motivation and sacrifice of it's people similar to the 5 year plans but even worse than Stalin, the German 6 month plan to eradicate their nation lead the people to build at a rate never dreamed of... THE USA would be the leader Industrially of WW2, and She only sent a small portion of resources to defeat the Mighty Japanese Empire, wasn't the USA 28 Xs more Economically Productive than the Japanaese? So what was really required to destroy that Island, California? tongue.gif

Meanwhile, the Production Might of the NorthEast Factories, churning out thousands of Tanks in comparison with Hundreds by the Reich. This is where Blashy is right. Ultimately the Reich was Doomed and never understood Mass Production. She had to win Fast, Lightning War, the whole doctrine and Idealogy of Adolf Hitler was Correct. Hit Hard and Hit Fast and end the War by the end of 1941 then hit America! That was the only way the Reich would have succeeded with such little Manpower and Industry...

USA took relatively a short time to Mobilize considering the Germans did so from 1933 to 1939, we were prepared from 1941 to 1944 to fully destroy the Opponent on Two Massive Fronts stretching Tens of Thousands of Miles. And America wasn't alone, the UK and her Minors were in the Bag as well

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Yes, but there is a bit more...

Armies for all countries look smaller in SC2 than they were in real life. Take Russia. Russia lost in the order of million men in the first few months of the war. Assuming 40,000 men per corps that would amount to 25 corps lost in a few turns. There are just not quite that many Russian units to go around in SC2. And even if there were that many russian units in SC2, the Germans don't have enough units to cause inflict that kind of damage.

A more accurate description of infantry units in SC2 would be Army Detachments (+/- 100,000 men) and Large Armies (+/- 200,000 men). And, armored units should be called Mechanized Armies. This would give you a better correlation of what you are seeing in the map with historical OOB's (order of battle).

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