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Why The Germans Lose At War (Book) + JJR @Armageddon & JJ Goes, Returns, and Leaves.

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Blashy...what a revelation!!!! You just got it, we should all be responsible for our own actions, paying the appropriate consequences.

The drug thing, the addicts can't resist.

So let's build some camps where drugs are dispensed for free. Let the people come there voluntarily if they want drugs, they get all they want, but you have to stay there.

A beautiful encampment, with adequate facilities to farm, manufacture safely, very mundane tasks if they wish to stay.

They get enough, they wise up, or there will also be a big nice graveyard where they paid the consequences for their bad decision making. And the ones that stay get to gaze out across it everyday.

Sure, the taxpayers will have to subsidize it to a certain extent, but it may be cheaper in the long run than letting them exist in society, endangering the competent of your species.

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Those hard drugs you speak of still exist and are still used but now without medical supervision or even pharamist information.

This makes them even more dangerous. Might the person become addicted. I do not know. I am not a person who really believes in additiction. I know in my case when I was young I drank too much but decided I didnt want to live my life as a drunk and have not drank now in 40 years come this December. I smoked cigarettes for 26 years. Decided they were bad for me and quit. Havent smoked one again.

Addictive maybe but that is a state of mind you and only you can overcome.

Most importantly does the making of drugs illegal make the people with additive personnality less likely to use an additive substance and I think we see that it does not.

But if we placed our focus instead of jail and criminal to education and medical I believe we could make much better headway then we do.

I really hate laws that make things illegal that are not a crime. Rape, murder, theft these are crimes. Riding your bike, driving your car, smoking a marjiana is not. Making them crimes only frustrates and confuses the system with made up problems.

Freedom means you must allow people to make there own mistakes and let them pay for them.

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Some if not most hard drugs are addictive and it is not a state of mind, it affects you physiologically and your brain chemistry along with your nervous system is so altered that you basically just live for that next fix and will go to any lengths to get it. Even the nicest person you've ever known can become violent and would commit a crime to get that fix.

So all the supervision and information will do nothing as it is not a state of mind.

I'm for anything that does not have a consequence of hurting other life being legal but there will always be a few things that just can not be made legal because it simply can not be controlled.

SeaMonkey, they should make people who smoke having to pay for their medical bills that could "possibly" be related to smoking, even if they are not sure it is the cause but could have been. If you pass the message this is the consequence and people still smoke... that person is an idiot.

Same with alcohol you get hurt drunk driving you pay for all the costs related to the accident.

I'm sick and tired of always talking about more jail time, hit people where it hurts MONEY, this is a capitalistic world when your pocket book gets hit it really freaking hurts and especially if it is long term. Then we can put hard crime in jail for the long haul in military style jail.

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Doesn't matter Blashmon, you said it yourself, if addiction is truly individually uncontrollable then the economics won't have an effect.

There is no easy answer for this as some people just have a compulsion(s) they can't seem to overcome.

Everyone is a bit different, some have the will, some don't and I don't have a clue what is the catalyst to differentiate.

I have done every drug in the book(voluntarily and not) and have walked away, lots of things are addictive, not just isolated to drugs and your specie seems to be without the ability to practice self-denial to any extent.

Targul, just like for every action there is a consequence or opposite and equal reaction, there are no victimless crimes. The definition of crime is what initially is questionable.

If humans could come to an understanding of the prophetic conclusions to their actions, however remote the connection, then possibly they would not embark upon such irresponsible behavior.

Of course that takes deep contemplation and a forsightedness that very few of you possess.

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@Kuni --- Here's a nice thread about crime in the big city. Criminals are criminals. Problem with you Socialists, you want no accountability...guess that's why you don't believe the Bible. So according to your Commie beliefs, once a poor man becomes rich, he'll quite being a criminal because money causes happiness? Get a clue.

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No Rambo you are right too, always two sides of everything.

What I lack though, is the complete failure of America to view everything in black or white wether it's foreign policy or crime rates.

I mean it's no coincidence that the majority of the people in american prisons are blacks. And that got more to do with social issues than blacks beeing more evil.

And if you understand that basic fact, that also means a country should not only focus on guns and harsh penalties, but also carefully examine why crime are rising. If one will do that it will clearly show that poverty among other things give side effects.

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Kuni, that would be based on the assumption that someone in the government actually gives a rats arse about deep social issues.

As long as you have enough money to remain a consumer ain't nobody going to worry too much about you.

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Well, as we search for root cause of "why people & countries" go down the sewer, there can be rules, and exceptions to those rules.

Poverty in money is a factor, that can't be totally ruled out. Does contribute to your destiny somewhat. Would you rather be born to the Royal Family or be the 17th kid in a poor India family. That is just a top layer look.

Now look at the poverty of family. The United States now has 1 in 3 children born, out of wedlock. The family unit has been underattack for quite awhile, now as a nation, we are reaping what we have sown. It's not about having a role model. Tiger Woods ain't going to raise your kids by driving Buicks in commericals. Kids need the nuturing of a mother, and the leadership of a Father. Yeah, there are exceptions, but overall, it's that simple.

Lots of psychos come from good families, and lots of winner come from the single parents. But the bottom line, the cookie cutter for a Nation is with the family.

The USA is lost spiritually...and this doesn't even mention the problems within the hearts of the spiritual leaders.

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@Kuni --- I was just thinking. You know what. Having money has nothing to do with it. Research the records from the Great Depression in the USA, we were completely bankrupt. We didn't have the looting, murder, & other crime rates of today. Yet when Katrina hit, everybody went beserk. Has nothing to do with money, has everything to do with the heart.

And when they were looking for their King...they didn't see David as the one. Remember, God doesn't see like a man sees, for man looks at the outter appearance, God looks on the heart.

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No JJR, God is in the heart. It is here that man looks when faced with the perils of his existence.

This, above all, sets him apart from all other living organisms, the ability to ponder his ancestrial beginnings and future.

He now has the tools to mold the environment of his future generations long after his own demise.

Unbelievably, he will thrust himself in harms way to continue the hopefulness of his own specie if even they be totally unacquainted.

How great an achievement is that?

There has been a history of that throughout man's residence, from all walks of life, from many geographical locations, it is undeniable.

And in modern times, it still continues, the legacy is written in the annals of history of hero's sacrificing themselves for the freedom of others.

I know many of you question the motives of leaders of these fine heros that send them sometimes seemingly blind into harms way, and yet they continue to go.

Into the cauldron of evil, time and time again, ignoring the dangers to oneself, they march. How can you not admire that.

And remember when they perform that ultimate sacrifice, they are not concerned with the motives of the leaders that sent them, their minds are upon the safety of there loved ones and that of the ones they do not know.

They come from many lands for many reasons, but there is one common thread that binds them to their destiny, the salvation of their brethren.

They simply have God in their heart and its really of no significance if there is an omnipotent being or not, because the spirit dwells within them and that makes it real.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Problem with you Socialists, you want no accountability...guess that's why you don't believe the Bible.

An interesting take on a book about a guy who it says shared everything he had with everyone else ........
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Yes, the Carpenter does share. The book has alot about money, would you like the ones about the slothful? About him who doesn't feed his family is a infidel?

Stalin, your problem is simple, you want to take a couple of verses & go extreme. That's mosts people's problem with the book. It says for the rich to feed the poor their crumbs, round not the corner of the field, paying tithes, etc.

Discounting a book by hyperextending one sentence w/o context, is foolish.

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I dont' ahve a problem John - it's not me who quotes the occasional verse around here - I mention the character of the central person in your religion, noting that he shares all his possessions with who ever needs them and it is you who mentions something vague about verses about the slothful.

I don't recall his asking if someone was slothful.

Perhaps you could quote me that verse?

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Nothing wrong with helping those who can't help themselves. We are to care for orphans, widows, crippled, etc. The problem is with those that are able, but won't work.

1 Timothy 5:8 (KJV)

8But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

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Oh yeah...Timothy....the letters from Paul where he also says that women should never be allowed to boss men around.....a real good example of the finer writings of the apostle....

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Well if we are here to phrase the bible, I have some questions for Rambo:

I wanna sell my daughter as a slave(exodus 21:7) - what do you think would be a fair price?

Leviticus 21:20 clearly states that I can own slaves of both sexes from a neighbouring country. A friend of mine says this only apply to countries outside the EU, is he right?

My neighbour who works at a grocery store insist on working sundays. According to Exodus 35:2 he must be slain, is it up to me to do that?

Can my friend's children play soccer? According to Leviticus 11:7-8 we must not touch the remnants of a pig. Is it ok if they play soccer with the other kids or must they stay here and play with a football made of plastic?

We have a farmer here who insist on harvest different seeds on his land. According to Leviticus 19:19 that is a sin. He also curse a lot and his wife is no better, all dressed up in clothes of different materials(polyester, cotton). My question is:

is it necessary to gather the whole village to stone them(Leviticus 24:10-16)? Can't we just burn them at the stake like we do with those who sleep with their relatives?(Levitivus 20:14)

Would be glad if brother Rambo could clear this out, as I understand that you know everything. I would visit a priest myself, but as I have to wear glasses I'm not allowed to approach the priest and God's alter(Leviticus 21:20).

once again thanks.

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First off, discussing the bible between believers and non-believers creates an endless circle of fairly fruitless discussion.

Second, you’re quoting all Old Testament scripture. You can’t understand one (OT) without the other (NT), and vice versa. It’s as simple as that. Underscores why these kinds of discussions tend to go nowhere, one side thinks they can argue against the Bible without really knowing it…and believers keep on believin’ regardless what is discussed.

Next topic! smile.gif

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Actually you can understand one without the other as they were written by different people and the NT comes mostly from much older religions than the OT.

If you read older religions, Egyptians, Persians, Greek for the most part you'll find all the storyline of the NT in them, especially the Egyptian religions.

The only difference is those religion were not literal about their writings, they were stories told to help people spiritually while the bible writers copied those stories and try to sell them as actual history which is totally untrue.

And the people who made those discoveries are not against religion, they are actually Christians and believe strongly in religion but have learned to understand that the writings are not history.

But then again, most hardcore religious folk would never believe the contrary even if there was irrefutable evidence (which there is).

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You’ve just proven my point Blashy. You and I are speaking about two completely different meanings. And the circle goes round and round… smile.gif

Things such as the Holy Spirit, divine truth and the Mysteries of God aren't matters the two opposing sides can rationally discuss.

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Seems we have some wisdom here...the bottom line is simple.

@Stalin Organ --- You have done some reading, this is good. Your knowledge of a letter written to Timothy from a man name Paul in this case. You like to receive an answers, such as the "not working infidel", then quickly change subjects again. The "not working infidel" was clearly answered within context & you seem to understand, this is good, but now you are trying to throw out (discount) the whole letter because of something else Paul wrote to Timothy. I can answer what you are implying easily...Ministers aren't dictators or to "boss them around". Ministers are to be the "least". So trying to say the Bible is so men can boss around women, is totally a lie. Christianity shows the woman as equal. Been to church lately? You'll see x3 as many women as men there. Case closed, don't even try to make Jesus out to be "anti-woman" & we are to dominate them. Lead at times, Yes, but where your want to go...well, is a wrong.

@Kuniworth --- In the words of Indianna Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark,"Haven't any of you been to Sunday School"? Dude, understanding the Old Testament Laws is simple. It's the Old Testament. Are you a Jew living in the Old Testament? smile.gif The Law wasn't given to Christains, the Law wasn't given to Gentiles. So why was the Law given? Ultimately, to reveal every man's failure to follow it..."thus, we are all sinners"...that simple my friend. The Old Testament is Old for a reason, because the New is better smile.gif Kind of like appending to a computer program, a better upgrade.

Remember, in order to see the Kingdom of God, Ye must be born again. You must be born of the Holy Spirit. And there's only one way, the straight & narrow path...broad is the path to destruction.

@Tim --- You have posted wisdom my brother.

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