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Will it be affected by USA neutrality? ie a Neutral US would allow Japan to concentrate its forces against China or Russia? An America at war would draw off Japanese Army forces that could threaten Soviet Siberia.

Or could it be affected by Russian relations with Japan? ;)


If Japan is 50% pro-Russian then Siberian Transfer can occur. Thus a reason for Russia and Germany to spend diplomacy chits on Japan; a nation that does not appear on the map. One to accelerate a Siberian transfer, and the other to prevent one. Of course, each Soviet Diplomacy chit purchased means less MPPs available for purchasing new combat units.

- Since Japan is not in the game this second idea will most likely not be included in SC2. :(

Idea: Off-Map Japan

a. USA could spend Diplomacy Chits on Japan to increase chance for Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, thus Brining the US into the War.

b. Russia could spend Diplomacy Chits on Japan to improve relations with Japan

c. Germany could spend Diplomacy chits on Japan to encourage it to attack Russia.

[ March 22, 2005, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Yep, that Murmansk convoy route was proving

To be just too successful,

Getting them Shermans and 2 1/2-ton trucks through

The heaving ice packs and howling winter winds,


Since Hitler was an amateur artiste,

I'll bet most Historians didn't even know!

He'd proposed a secret new underwater weapon!

Which would - maybe, save the day!


Lucky for the Allies,

This plan never got off the drawing board! ;)


Yes, there will be a Murmansk Convoy route.


A convoy from Fury HQ in Toronto

On over to a beat nightclub in Liverpool,

And a Lend-Lease convoy route which can be

Adjusted by USA Player.

And a convoy route from the Mideast to Britain.

And perhaps a convoy carrying vital oil

From Iraq, should Britain somehow

Manage to subdue or otherwise annex

That very vexing bedouin kingdom.


YOU! As complicit game designer may draw in ANY

Other convoy route you desire

(... so long as it originates and ends

in a major or minor nation)

With the "convoy scripting" now available

In that new and unprecedented Editor. :cool:

As I have mentioned, it is VERY easy.

With full and complete instructions

So that ANYONE might do it

In a matter of mere minutes.

Just access the script dialogue with one click

And type in a small series of lines

Following the explicit examples provided.

For instance,

I have created a convoy route from Venezuela

To USA, worth ~20 MPP's

Which the GErmans may try to interdict.

Using the usual sleek slew of U-boots

Or... Wunderbar! that luminescent

Volkswagen, but of course! smile.gif

[ March 23, 2005, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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I'm sitting here reading all these things on lendlease over the years, tends to make one wonder did the Axis recieve any? In the way of goods like Metals, oils and other such things.. Was it enough to reflect in game?

As Axis subs targeted UK, US and Russian lendlease if the Axis possess a sea route resource should it also be able to be targeted?

Say for instance North Africa where or the MidEast

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