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Gordon Molek

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I can't think of anyone better to have his name put in a subject heading; it often appears in them, but usually attached to a plea for help with CMMOS.

This has (hopefully) said many times and places before, but with each update in my email inbox, each mention by SuperTed at CMHQ, and each oblique reference to it on this board, I am constantly reminded of how much this dude has done for us.

The creation of CMMOS, its maintenance, and its ongoing customer service support is a job in itself.

Overlooked, perhaps, are the steady stream of winterizations, the constant revising and expansion of the rule sets for CMMOS into broader categories - now including terrain and sound as the latest (?) additions to what was at first simply for armour and uniform modders.

He introduced us to the old Squad Leader treat known as "Team Rumble"

Anyway, just wanted to put up a word of thanks to a humble member of the CM community without whom, the community would be vastly different.

Perhaps Gordon, if you have the time, you could spell out some of the coming attractions you've got in store for us in coming weeks? I feel guilty getting all these updates from you via email when there are so many "out there" who would be interested in same. Sorry I haven't been more help in the testing department, but I do appreciate being part of the loop.

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hehe ;) .

Far be it from me to hijack a thread begun by Dorosh but since this is about Gordon I think I'll speak up. (Probably get a kick in the nuts from Dorosh for doing so though.)

He's a good man. Competent, friendly and, most importantly, honourable. Not only a boon to the community but also a credit to it. There are too few like him.

I not only use many of his mods but I also am about to unleash a special mod of his on the Pengers ;) . Thanks man. Hope the thread fills up nicely for you while you're away. ( He's away for a week beginning this weekend.)

[ June 06, 2002, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Fionn ]

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Well, hopefully he'll see this post when he returns. I also appreciate his hours and outstanding work for this game. As said already, it wouldn't be the same without him. My many sincere thanks to you Gordon for all the super mods and mod reworks. I am glad however that I don't have to give him a dime for the many many many times I used or enjoyed his work but wish I could. One talented dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Far be it from me to agree with Dorash, but I too would pay homage to Mr. Molek. He's done a lot for the CM community. And he's a good guy to boot. He's set out to become as good a player as he is a modder...and if that happens, look out Fionn! ;)

You'll get him next time, Gordon! After I whip your butt, that is. :D

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gordon:


I would not want to step on PawBroon's toes. The vast majority of the projects that are in the pipeline are pretty much on display at MODs & MODers

Thanks for that Gordon.

But Mike wouldn't know, he never browses teenagers sites.

:D </font>

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Gordon is one of the most patient and selfless people I have ever encountered. Truly refreshing in a world where everyone seems to be out for themselves and nobody else.

Just about everything that I have learned how to do in CMMOS he has calmly explained to me, sometimes several times. And he doesn't even blink when I have a tantrum or, god forbid, try to think something through on my own (he did mention something about comic relief once...). And for an embarassingly long time he was making almost all of my disabled icons for me without a whimper, until I finally (after several embarassingly abortive attempts) got the hang of using the saturation button in Photoshop.

Besides doing all the things he does so well, he has set himself up as chief flak catcher for CMMOS. I shudder to think of what his e-mail inbox must look like. Then again, most people would only know that if they read the readme files, but nobody reads those things anyway...

From time to time Gordon threatens to retire and work on his imminent Buddhahood. CMMOS has come a long way in the last nine months, and its not hard to imagine that at some point in the next year it will have covered all the things in CMBO that need to be done. Let's just hope that by that time he won't have burned out to the point that he will be unable to enjoy the collective applause and adulation. Too bad there's no such thing as CMMOS groupies...

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I have seen Gordon's contributions over the years heavens its years now! and he is one of the handful in my book that have made CM what it is. He has achieved a rare state because others have also built on his work and efforts. So his effects to the game and the community go well beyond just the immediate. Well done Gordo, here's your gold watch, Now get back to work!

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Yep I would have to agree, he is a man with the patience of a Buddhist monk. I must say he is one of the few people i have seen on the forum who has never "raised his voice" in anger on any topic. His "behind the scenes" motivation to keep things going is truly inspirational.

I tip my hat to you mate.

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Well, at least no-one's come in here bitching about him. Doing work ( either behind the scenes or in full public view) for Mods, articles or CM sites is thankless work which often garners more trouble than praise. This is precisely why so few modders ( and other contributors to other aspects of CM) stay the course and contribute long-term. Most realise it is thankless, get a few snippy responses and decide to stop wasting their time.

That's just the way of things. One thread isn't going to change the pattern that has persisted for many years.

Good quote from Drizzt which I always liked " Those who can DO. Those who can't either mostly stay quiet or bitch about how badly the guy who COULD, DID!" ;) .

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Gordon, thank you so much for CMMOS. CMMOS is more than a mod, it is an essential part of CM. We cannot thank you enough.

Philippe, my thanks go to you too. You have taken the CMMOS tool and used it's potential, producing collections of terrains, vehicles, sounds etc.

Thank you so much both of you!


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