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Thanks Battlefront !

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Maybe minor to some, but damn, it's good to see a real, paper manual again.

I detest pdf manuals. Yes, heard all the reasons, and don't buy a single one of them. It's a cop-out smile.gif

For that matter, after years of buying their products, I haven't bought a single one of their recent ones, when another company switched to pdf.

Thanks again ! Charge extra, make it optional, whatever, but keep those paper manuals coming smile.gif

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Originally posted by Pantherbait:

I detest pdf manuals. Yes, heard all the reasons, and don't buy a single one of them. It's a cop-out smile.gif

I don't think it's always a cop-out. In the case of a small company with a product that is foreseen to have a small production run, the cost of producing a printed manual can drive up the cost of production dramatically, enough to cut seriously into sales. That would make a project that is economically marginal completely unfeasible, no matter how excellent the game itself may be.

That said, I admit that I too detest PDF manuals. I find myself wishing that I lived in a world where the hard realities of the marketplace were mitigated enough so that products which were "merely" excellent had a chance to survive and thrive.


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There is at least one dissenter to having a hard copy manual about the house. He's a parrot and obviously hates CMBB as evidenced by his attack of said manual. Luckily the manual was saved from total destruction by an in attentive owner with a quick reaction time. That same owner learned much about CMBB from the AAR of this quick battle.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Isn't it funny that they always claim that pdf's keep the prices of games down, but the prices always seem to go up.

Thats what they say ... but they mean PDF's keep production costs down and profit margins up.

Now if the profits were going to the game designers / coders then I have no problem with that .... but when the profits go to a lame german software distribution company (name withheld :D ) then that annoys me.


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Back during my Beta work I had lobbied for a pdf manual to replace the paper one. BFC hunted me down, dragged me into an alley, and beat me to within an inch if my life for making such a suggestion.

Now that the stitches have been removed I must say they had a point.

[ October 09, 2002, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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