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Hmmm. I'm thinking it might be time for another team rumble.

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So, if you're feeling the same way, let's chat about what might make a good CMBB team rumble topic.

A game or operation? Time frame? Forces?

I was thinking of having 2 COs, who actually exchange the turns (rather than having a GM input both turns). Other than that, it's open season.


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HA - you said you weren't interested in running another one!

I think a Stalingrad (or Berlin) op might be ideal, though I tend to find the City fights a real slog (though I've played a couple of really well designed city battles, one from the CD and one not, they don't tend to leave any room for maneuver).

So come to that, I would suggest something on a large map, with small, light forces (no superheavy tanks), with lots of room for maneuver and individual heroics... Say something like your Ambleve valley map but with lower relief, and multiple routes for the attackers. Perhaps a meeting engagement type of battle?

Perhaps a Berlin map big enough to allow the troops lots of room to move in (most of the Stalingrad scenarios I've played are simply packed with units that simply shoot at each other for x number of turns).

How about a bunker escape scenario, with Martin Bormann et al making their way out of the city? ;) With the Soviet players each out to capture The Bunker? (With none of them knowning precisely where it is?

And bonus points to the first player to ascend to the top floor of the Reichstag to raise the flag, of course....

Isn't there a great Berlin map up at the Depot? Or would that choke most machines?

[ November 19, 2002, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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If there is any space I would be interested.

If not I would be interested in what you do as I have an idea of getting some players together at one place over a weekend to do something similar.

If you have any documents explaining how it is run then could I be cheeky and ask for them so I can read through how you did the previous event.



P.s. MD's Ideas sound fun.

[ November 21, 2002, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]

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