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Stop moaning and fight properly!

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I've seen many posts about how men will go to ground far too quickly compared to CMBO.

However, if you play this game the right way, with lots of correct tactics, this does not happen.....

Take Cemetary Hill for instance: If you want to rush across the open terrain to rush some buildings, like you could do with CMBO then your in deep trouble....but if you use your support weapons in close conjunction with infantry movement, as was supposed to happen, then its a different story.

There is nothing more exhilarating than seeing your troops close in on enemy positions having worked damn hard to get them into that situation.

Challenging? Yes

Unrealistic? No

I played a complete novice at CMBO and he tore through my well placed HMGs with nothing less than an old fashioned WW1 infantry charge from 200m away!

There is no room for novices anymore....learn to play my friends! And play to learn! :D

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Originally posted by Mercury:

There is no room for novices anymore....learn to play my friends! And play to learn! :D

Hey, you know what? Back off. Those of us having difficulties enjoying the new game said our piece, BFC listened, and they have made mention that portions of our concerns may be addressed. Can't ask for much more than that - end of story.

For myself, I never said I didn't know how to play CM:BB, I said the way I now needed to play isn't fun for me. There's a differance between that and "moaning".


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I think the feller has somefink there. No, the one what started this thread. Never the lurker, I too have voiced at least a limited opinion on some of the CMBB aspects which are much more refined from CMBO. However the more experience I gain with BB, the more I start to get a feel for the differences and how to use them to my advantage. I just hope BTS doesn't tweak things too far with the patch.

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I belive that all of us who now have no problems with the way CMBB handles infantry have gone through the growing pains of learining how to use infantry all over again. If you are new to CMBB just be patiant and practice all the tips that are given on this forum. They will all pay off in short order.

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

I just hope BTS doesn't tweak things too far with the patch.

Agreed. As to the original post, no need to be a jerk to folks who are still trying to learn it. It's different. I like it much better and hope they don't give us a return to the CMBO infantry model. But there's no need to rub peoples' noses in it.
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Agreed. As to the original post, no need to be a jerk to folks who are still trying to learn it. It's different. I like it much better and hope they don't give us a return to the CMBO infantry model.
I for one can not go back to CMBO with all of the improvements! I enjoy the new infantry model very much as well. I am not against a few tweaks and am confident BFC will find the balance some people are after.
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I wasn't having at go at any learners!!

If anything what I said lets you know that there is hope! Just adapt and practice and you get your rewards, that's all.

The more novices there are out there the more opponents there are and more power goes to BTS's elbow.

We are ALL learners anyway. The beauty of this game is that no matter how many times you play there is always something new to figure out!

And so what if it was my first victory over the AI, I've not been able to defeat its masterful use of armour for the last two years, why would that change now? ;)

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having never played CMBO, I've nothing to compare CMBB with but RTS titles, and I must say that CMBB wipes the floor with them.

If an MG42 was shooting at you, would you keep runnig 200M towards it? Would you hell! You'd hit the dirt faster than a suicide jumper!

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