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Pacific Theater mod now available for download


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Speedy, I gave some thought about a post on CMBB forum but the theater redress is based on CMBO and I felt that I would be informed to post the comments here alone. Maybe I am wrong. Good news is that there are over 330+ downloads now for the Pacific. It is getting a gread deal of attention already.

Lawyer, for screenshots go to the Combat Mission World site, link below but for now how about this:



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Originally posted by MikeT:

Speedy, I gave some thought about a post on CMBB forum but the theater redress is based on CMBO and I felt that I would be informed to post the comments here alone. Maybe I am wrong. Good news is that there are over 330+ downloads now for the Pacific. It is getting a gread deal of attention already.

Lawyer, for screenshots go to the Combat Mission World site, link below but for now how about this:



That artwork is fantastic! Congratulations gentlemen.
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Tanks A lot you had more than a small part. If it wasn't for you there would have been no Pacific. Those trees you created made it all possible.

Other unsung heroes of this are David Singer who did the uniforms, Juju did the weapons, and Japanzer in Japan create some vehicle mods without being asked. He also checked out the Japanese speech files and made some recommendations for changes. I could have never done this myself.


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Great job Guys, played the first island landing scenario and I haven't had so much 'fun' invading since D-Day. I could almost smell the coconut sun oil :D

Some issues though (bear in mind I unzipped and organised ASAP) and installed the mods using MCM3 v1.6 into an already well modded Mac data folder (copy).

1) Lower levels of beach come up as wheat fields (pos' previous modded Hi-Res Norm Beach mod pulled up 1st)

2) Sounds - on a Mac will need converting to be combatible

3) Haven't got to the tanks but on a quick inspection when unzipping there were two different Jap tanks sharing same bmps.

Please understand I was in a rush and will double check these tiny issues when I have more time. Good timing while we wait for the postman smile.gif

[ September 15, 2002, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Mike, just wanted to add my kudos for the mod. Even though I will be getting CMBB, mods like this will ensure CMBO stays one of my favorite games for a long time. Truly a great team effort by everyone involved....keep up the good work (and scenario development) ;)

p.s. are there any more DFDR scenarios and if so where might they be? :rolleyes:

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There are two different tank zips, one essentially low res and the other high res. Japanzer submitted the high res one later one and I just had to throw it in.

grunt-GI, I am not sure about more DFDR scenarios. I do have more Pacific ones that I just ran out of time with, that is personal time since real world is creeping on me. I have considered some theater mods for CMBB but might give it a few months before I try anything.


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Nice one, gents.

Hats off to all for getting this one out the door.

Looking forward to using that 14" arty (and air support) on the landing zones!

One question: has anyone tried a QB using this mod? Are there certain conditions that favor an "accurate

" QB without much mod "artifact" from the original game?

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Well due to the way CMBO is designed my mods don't lend themselves to quick battles. Not all vehicles lend themselves to be the equal to the types of vehicles that the Japanese used for instance. I had always intended the battles be limited to carefully considered and specially designed scenarios. A handicap yes but there is no real way to make s complete theater change.


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Well, that makes sense.

Can't blame a guy for dreaming, can ya?


Would it be possible for QB's, if they were *extremely* limited in force selection? Oh, now that I think about it, the AI handles terrain, so customs scenarios are the way to go.

Thanks again,

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I seem to be having a problem with the wheat bmps. I assume that wheat bmps 697 to 702 and bmps 634 to 639 are supposed to be shallow water. Mine are still wheat. I get the impression maybe there is some bmps missing because I can't find any bmp's in your mod to overwrite these bmp's.

Everything else seems to be in order.

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I just started my download and am proud to have played a small part in playtesting a few aspects of this massive undertaking. I'm really looking forward to playing the full version.

I would respectfully suggest that you reconsider your decision not to post on the CMBB board. Here are the reasons:

1. All the traffic is over there now.

2. They don't really have much of subtance to talk about--after endlessly rehashing the demos--until the full CMBB comes out.

3. People who are excited about CMBB are excited about a major re-dressing of CMBO in a new theatre of operations. Well, that also what the Pacific Mod is.

And if anyone gives you are hard time, you can tell them we said so.... :D

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I have been waiting for the pacific mod for some time and I am glad that you have released it. I do feel quite dumb however. Now that I have downloaded the files, well, what do I do? do I unzip them into the CMBO directory? Do the files replace the ones there? Is there a separate directory created for these files? There are no instructions and I don't want to lose the files and mods I have in CMBO. Can someone tell me how I play the pacific mod please?


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T-Man, if you install the mod over your existing game it will write over it. You have essentially two solutions:

1) back up and zip all the bmps and wavs you want to save then install the Pacific. Later on you can reinstall the bmps and wavs which will write over the Pacific.

2) create a second CM game, if you have the HDD space. Simply create a new folder, assuming Windows here, and call it CM Pacific or something similiar. Then copy the entire contents of your existing CMBO game and paste that into the new Pacific folder. Create a shortcut to the combatmission.exe application, which starts the game, and move that to the desktop.

Next install the Pacific mod components into the Pacific folder.

BTW, I made a serious mistake with the Pacific. I failed to include all the files. Some are not important, they are for the Iwo Jima map and there are no scenarios for that. However some are critical. They are the shallow surf zone and shallow jungle streams.

Contact me at desertcmt@attbi.com and I will email you the new files.

Sorry about that.


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