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Nordic Wannabee Tournament - Redux

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Madmatt requesteth, so Madmatt receiveth - not that he left us with much choice by locking up our humble little thread. But on to business...

Wreck wrote:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Yo section 3... my status. In short: everyone owes me a turn, as I see it. So I am wondering what two of you are talking about.

The specific breakdown:

Commissar: no problems, mate. Let's try to set a TCP date sometime.

Lopaka: I have gotta get up 01 on my drive. Same deal as above. <hr></blockquote>

Mr. Wreck now I'm not sure if your mind is failing, but was it not you that requested TCP/IP? And was it not I who have written you several times regarding times I was available or requesting that you let me know when is good for you? If you want to play PBEM, which is my preference anyways - say the word. If you want to play TCP/IP then SPECIFY A TIME!

And don't worry I'm not annoyed - just bemused.

Still waiting...


[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Lopaka ]</p>

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Yes, I would also like a time.

Wreck, since you dont hang out at the TH chats anymore (swamp is getting very lonely, you heartless bastage!), Ive been having trouble tracking you down. Ive tried here, in thread, but you seem to respond once in a century. So Ill guess in advance and say Im looking at a window of opportunity for TCP/IP play at the 14th of January.

OK, really, Im available anywhere between 3pm - 11pm, on many but not all weekdays. Times listed are East Coast U.S.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Orginally posted by Sgt. Kelly:

Why did our thread get locked and not the "real" Nordics ???? <hr></blockquote>

Simmer down you from the not so brilliant as Section 3, Section - although a very reasonable section, I'm sure. All the great threads get locked. It's like a Rite of Passage. It is proof of our greatness. It is something that the other Nordic Tourney thread dreams of obtaining. With enough tutelage from this great thread, they might just get there some day.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lopaka:

Simmer down you from the not so brilliant as Section 3, Section <hr></blockquote>

I agree. IMHO, Section 3 is the most Aryan of sections of them all. I'm blond and my eyes are slightly blue, so there! I just hope we don't suffer the same fate as the last "Aryans" who showed up...

Yep. Just a fancy bump on my part.

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Lopaka -- yes, I did want TCP, and I mean to get around to scheduling it with you eventually. Just been a bit busy around the weekends lately. Meanwhile, I figure it would not hurt to bounce a few turns back and forth.

Sunday afternoon is looking good for me.

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Aha! I thought my mildly abusive posts might elicit some response from you Mr. Wreck. I will consult the pseudo-girlfriend regarding the potential for Sunday. I will also work on bouncing back a turn.

I had slight trepidation in sending you a turn back because I didn't want a situation to arise where one of us had seen more than the other and have also had a chance to dwell on it before the TCP activitiy began - I'm even worse at TCP than at PBEM CM. As long as we end up on the same foot, I'm game.

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Any children in this thread please close you eyes for three words: Goddamit! Goddamit!! Goddamit!!!

Ok, you can look again.

WTF - Did Wild Bill rewrite to code to make my stupid, freaking troops act as incompetently and moronically as possible? Someone's going to have to explain to me why all my units want to be on the same spot. They're all trying to play King of the Mountain. Only problem is there is no mountain and none of them will be king because they'll all be DEAD! Damn them and him and Steve and Charles while I'm at it.

ok I'm better now.

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Actually Warhammer, our little battle is a completely different but equally disturbing blight upon my existence - damn brewing up/sight obscuring [redacted]!

But more importantly, with this post, I may be finally joining the fraternity and losing my lurker badge of ill-repute...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Well I'm amazed to see Scandinavians quoting Hollywood suffixes in a vague attempt to sound 'cool'. Please guys, you kicked my old country's ass, don't lower yourselves to that as we'll feel even worse about ourselves :D <hr></blockquote>

Huh? What on earth are you referring to?

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Wreck wrote the following from the previous locked thread.

"Yo section 3... my status. In short: everyone owes me a turn, as I see it. So I am wondering what two of you are talking about."

Just to clarify, it seems the common denominator for all the games in Section 3 that are held up are you Herr Wreck. I have sent you my game file titled "aftermath 11.txt" on 3 occasions over the past 2 weeks and still have received no reply. If indeed you have not received the file then it appears that there may be a problem with your email perhaps, as it doesn't appear to be just me that is having problems with having their games proceed when playing against you. If the problem is due to too many other commitments then that's fine as well but perhaps dropping a line explaining that to be the case would be appreciated.

As for the other guys in Section 3, my email system appears to now be fixed so we should be able to get underway again without too many hitches (he says with his fingers crossed).


Jim R.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

As for the other guys in Section 3, my email system appears to now be fixed so we should be able to get underway again without too many hitches (he says with his fingers crossed).


Jim R.<hr></blockquote>

Just to clarify Reichmann, you do have a file from me, right? I hope I don't owe you anything so we can get to the gaming faster :D

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Section 3: My normal e-mail is out of commission for ??? Please send items to leetleb@hotmail.com until further notice - that includes anything that you may have sent recently that I have not responded to.

I assume I will have trouble with large files, but at least I can respond via e-mail and let you know the status of things.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The Commissar:

Just to clarify Reichmann, you do have a file from me, right? I hope I don't owe you anything so we can get to the gaming faster :D <hr></blockquote>

Got it, you Aryian type you. smile.gif Just haven't had a chance to respond to it yet. Hopefully will be on its way shortly.


Jim R.

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Well well well. Email problems it was, for me. Good old verizon. My email there was supposed to be being forwarded to my older address. And it was -- some of the time! But sometimes, inexplicably, it was not! Those frickin' losers. Thing that burns me about it is I am rewarding them for their ineptitude by moving over to my verizon account as my main account. In fact I am about to deactivate dc.net.

So: section 3 guys I should be getting back to you soon enough. If y'all (other than Commissar, who I am still tormenting) do not hear from me today, then it is because I think *you* have the turn, and you should resend it.

And please use leonard.dickens@verizon.net, not leonard@dc.net. I think all of you are, already, so it should be no problem.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wreck:

If y'all (other than Commissar, who I am still tormenting) do not hear from me today, then it is because I think *you* have the turn, and you should resend it.


Wreck, I told you, send me a PBEM. I don't want a TCP game anymore.

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*Cue "Jerry Springer Show" theme music*

Jerry: Hello and welcome to the Jerry Springer show, the Nordic Wanabe Tournament edition! Today we have a very special program for you, and as always, there will be fighting a plenty!

Please welcome our first guest Commissar to the show, everyone!

*Applause as Commissar walks into the studio and sits down in his chair*

Jerry: Commissar is mad at Nabla, the designer of the dreaded 'unbalanced' scenarios in the Nordic Wanabe tournament. Commissar claims that Nabla is a 'no good dirty scum-sucking -beeeeeeep-*

Commissar, why are you so mad?

Commissar: Well Jerry, I have this game going in the NWT (Nordic Wanabe Tournament). And in this game, that no good bastard Nabla gave me all green troops, see? I just wanna confront him about his decision of giving me green troops to work with.

Jerry: So tell us, what is so wrong with your Green troops?

Commissar: Well you see Jerry, they're basically no good, low down, sons of bitches just like the -beep- Nabla. All they do is ruin my plans by doing really stupid things like revealing their hiden positions and getting blown to bits. Its really making me -beep-ing mad.

Jerry: Any examples you would like to give the audience?

Commissar: Oh, Ive got plenty! There was this one time when my green Stug was getting shot at by a Brit Sherman. The Sherman's shots weren't going through the Stug's armor because it was at an unusual angle. So I told it to back up into nearby cover. You know what that Stug did, Jerry?

Jerry: No, Commissar, why don't you tell us?

Commissar: Instead of reversing like I told him, the Stug actually turned 180 degrees around, and tried to fast move in the direction I ordered him to reverse into.

Jerry: So I assume that Sherman penetrated the Stug's weak rear armor and killed it, right?

Commissar: That is correct. And I know its all Nabla's fault for making him a stupid Greenie.

Jerry: Well, let's bring Nabla into the studio. Nabla, come on out!

*Audience boos as Nabla walks into studio and walks toward Commissar*

Nabla: Hey, -beep- you mother -beep-er, you're just too -beep-ing stupid to use Green troops correctly!

Commissar: I'll show you -beeeeeeeeep-

*Commissar leaps out of his seat, grabs a nearby chair, and launges at Nabla with it. Before he can get into reach, the security grab him and try to hold him back. Cussing and screaming, Commissar manages to toss the chair at Nabla*

Nabla: Owww! My -beep-ing foot you goddamn -beep-!

*Nabla picks up the chair previously thrown at him and attempts to clobber Commissar over the head with it. A security guard gets into the way and recieves a face full of hard plastic. After the security manages to subdue both of them, the guests take their seats on opposite sides of the stuido, glaring at one another*

Jerry: OK, Nabla, tell us your side of the story.

Nabla: Well, you know that saying "Play Green troops. The key to realism in CM"?

Jerry: No, I dont.

Nabla: Well its in some guys signature. Anyway, these scenarios were supposed to be unbalanced. This Commissar guy is just flipping out like some -beep- for no -beep-ing reason.

Commissar: Hey -beep- you man! I have a -beep-ing reason!

Nabla: No you don't, you're just a -beep-ing whino!

Commissar: Why you -

*Commissar makes a dash for Nabla, but the security manages to tackle him on the way*

Nabla: *standing up*Yeah, and what, and what?!

Jerry: OK, let's all just calm down. We have a secret guest here with us today! Please welcome Unt Dork, the TC of Commissar's Stug!

*Applause as Unt Dork enters the studio, proceeds to stumble over a chair sitting plainly in his way, and thumps face first into the floor. Laughter rocks the walls of the studio while Commissar covers his eyes with his hands and mumbles something uninteligeble*

Jerry: Heheh, *cough*, alright Unt Dork - you ok? - what happent back there on the battlefield?

Unt Dork: Well, Jirry -

Jerry: It's Jerry.

Unt Dork: Uh, sorry, Jerry. I was like...driving, right?

Jerry: Right.

Unt Dork: OK, so I was driving and then, uh, there was this tank shooting at me, right? So I was like - whoa! There's a -beep-ing tank shooting at me!

Jerry: And what happent afterwards?

Unt Dork: So like I was saying, I was like Whoa! So I get a radio messege from my commander *unt Dork looks at the Commissar, who is glaring at him now* to get the -beep- out of there. So I was like, hey man, my commander says I's gotta leave, so I better do it as fast as possible! Everyone knows that the "move Fast" command is the fastest way to get outta somewhere.

Jerry: So you ordered your driver to turn all the way around so you could move faster?! Wouldn't it make more sence to back up and expose only your strong frontal armor?

Unt Dork: The front armor, is like, stronger? I didn't know that. I like, did a lot of LSD back in the academy...

Commissar: Look, he's obviously a goddamn moron! The only person who could have put him in charge of a tank is that dumb sack of -beep- across the room!

Nabla: Hey, you're the dumb sack of -beep- who expected him to get results! If you were any smarter you woulda kept him hidden where he could ambush the enemy!

Commissar: Hey, -beep- that and -beep- you! I'm so tired of your -beep-! You shalda done this, you shoulda done that - here's a tactic for you! You better -beep-ing duck!

*Commissar takes off one of his steel toed boots and hurls it at Nabla. Everyone sees it coming but Unt Dork, who catches the boot toe first straight in the kisser*

Unt Dork: OOOwwww! Mah -beep-in mooth! Uou nockth mah feef out uou -beep-!

Nabla: Oh yeah?! Take THIS!

*Nabla rips a fire extinguisher from the wall and swinging it around by the hose, goes for the Commissar. Misjudging his aim, the extinguisher catches Unt Dork in the back of the head at full swing.*

Unt Dork: Gaahh...ugghhh...gurk

Jerry: My goodness! It looks like Nabla just cracked Unt Dork's skull! He's not moving - HEY, CHECK HIS PULSE! - yes, YES ladies and gentlemen, it finally happent! ONE OF OUR GUESTS HAS BEEN KILLED ON THE STAGE! My ratings will be through thr roof!!

Commissar: Hey, that wasn't a bad swing.

Nabla: Thanks, Ive had a lot of practice. Fending off guys like you every day takes a lot of work.

Commissar: Listen, I have a few other troops leaders that I'm not too happy with. You figure you could -

Nabla: Oh yeah, yeah, no problem. Here's my business card.

*The two guests walk out of the studio, in peace at the moment*

Jerry: Well folks, for once we seem to have a happy ending to our program. Everything is once again laid to rest, and our two guests seem to be on friendly terms for now. What the Commissar doesn't know however is that the next turn he gets in his Inbox will feature the destruction of yet another component of his well laid scheme.

Tune in tommorow for more Nordic Wanabe Tournament violence!

*cue "Jerry Springer" theme music, credits*

[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>

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