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Navarone Scenario ready for Beta-Testing!

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Hey, if you would like to give this one a drive around the block I would be much obliged. Drop me a line. Here is a screenshot. It is kinda big, but not outrageous, and there are some NASTY surprises, maybe even some stufff you never thought were possible!

Here is a shot of the mountain fortress:


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Well, Murph, drop me a line and I'll shoot it youre way. I am not sending it to a site until I have all the kinks worked out. THat's what You're for...

By the way, the battle is perfectly suited for PBEM or TCP play, and also works well as the Allies. It will work as Axis, but the AI isn't too good on the assault.

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i've only played to turn 10, and it's a tough one.

? Spoiler ?















man those guns are tough. my 81mm and 60mm's are not having much success digging them out. the 240mm strike didn't yield any results either. my only thought is to rush the town on the right flank, but i have no idea what that might have in store. very challenging so far.

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I was hoping someone who tested this (or is still testing it) might be able to provide some sort of AAR for everyone.

The scenario is done, and after I hear back from a few people I will release the battle, both to Spike (with the database) and hopefully to Manx, if he'll take it :D

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Panzer Leader has a great scenario here for public consumption. Enjoy the carnage, enjoy the humiliation. I was down to rounding up stragglers to try and take this mountain crowned with hellfire. One lonely Sherman made it almost to the top, what a view, black smoke and heaps of broken souls...

Gotta go get revenge! :D

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Panzy, I just finished it(I know, it's been weeks), let me just say, F you. This one sucked because of that hill and those damn guns. Great scenario if you like getting your ass kicked. BTW, was it me, or did the 240mm arty strike not do a damn thing. So, you've got my vote to distribute this baby, even if I do hate playing as the allies...

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Sure thing russelmz. The sky might be Magua's I can't remember. I only used some of them, so if it's not then it might be the ones by Surly Ben. Scenario en route.

Oh and Mr. Johnson, perhaps next time you should scout with your heavy artillery, no? :D

Is anyone going to write some AARs for this? Or maybe email me your impressions if you'd prefer? I would really like some feedback before I finalize this...

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Okay, you three I will send the file out, but please, PLEASE give me some feedback after you play. I am trying to finish this one up but I am suffering from a distinct lack of commentary by this group of playtesters you see above.

I would especially like an AAR. Oh, and I am tweaking it a little bit to give the Allies an extra surprise.

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.don't read if you like surprises




there is no way in hell to win this scenario the first time round. ok, when i first played i lost my tanks one by one to the super accurate pillboxes, which was odd since they are not crack or elite. anyway, i didn't play the whole way through because i had a frustrating day and this scenario seemed to be the same way. a few examples were:

o my 76 sherman hitting a panther twice, first shot shattered and the second bounced off. panther whacks sherman on second shot.

o my priest firing at a pillbox when hiding behind a building. self tko.

o smoking the guns then adjusting fire to save ammo. the delay was a few seconds longer than the smoke lasted. thus i had traded 3 of my shermans (dead from a gun that had its view cleared) for about one turn's worth of smoke.

o two of my tanks being able to target an enemy mmg in a heavy building, but not the building itself, so no area fire until i zoomed in and got the 2 pixels that were visible to the tanks.

o sent my jumbo out first. it got hit and had gun damaged before it fired a shot.

that was my first go around. i had smoked the mountain and moved troops and tanks up three ways: the forested area in front of the mountain, the forests to the right of that, and forested area to the left front of the rightmost bridge. while the smoke lasted i had a fair advance, but 400 shells last only so long. after i ran out, i had forces trapped and unable to move in fron of the guns. i tried dashing for cover with my tanks to no avail.

i did find the "safe lane" to the left of the rightmost bridge but was unable to utilize it due to that panther that popped my 76 sherman.

after i lost my last tank, had no arty, and no los for my mortars i gave up the scenario in frustration.

second try. i smoked the mountain again but i used my heavy arty to whack the open air guns in front and behind. i moved my stuarts up the "safe lane" i moved my shermans up the middle in the lanes between the scattered trees and woods in the middle of the map. i lost a few but i got two up behind the light 2 story house. from that position they took out the wooden mg pillbox.

2 others were lost trying to get to the cover of the buildings in front of the light 2 story house. a mmg mounted on one of the destroyed shermans was immobilized with one guy left. he musta sucked in 30 clips from the MG pillbox while lying in that wheat field.

i used my last 4 240mm and 6 VT on the village in the center. it was worth it i think.

well the stuarts were in the safe lane. i moved one up next to the house in front of the rightmost bridge. it traded shots with the shreck before blowing up from a squad in the house (i assume) i didn't know at the time. i moved another stuart up and noticed it was at such an angle the pillboxes couldn't hit me. i got killed by a panther though.

well i moved my reinforcements up, tanks only. lost a few till i only had 3 up in the safe lane. (the priest i left behind) but three 76 armed shermans, one a jumbo, is something to see. (in my mind i hear the sarge from sabing private ryan saying "we're in business!")

they took out a panzer iv g that strolled by with a side shot, then another panzer iv, then the panther. i used them to take out houses where germans opend fire. i lost the last stuart when i moved it arond to surprise the shreck guarding the bridge but it killed it with the first shot. a 100m up hill shot. color me stupid. i wasted the shreck by rushing 2 ht into the marsh he was hiding in. I ENJOYED HIS QUICK TRIP TO HELL HAHAHAHA! ok i got that out of my system...

the ht's flushed out some hiding stuh's and infantry. the 76ers blew up the stuhs as they shot at my ht's and the ht and tanks took turns wasting the infantry.

well with my three shermans killing any infantry that showed itself and with my other shermans behind the house i had used to destroy any buildings they could target i figured i was good to go with advancing. i had been moving my half tracks up and only lost one. with them in the lead i sent the shermans over the rightmost bridge. luckily a unit spotted the AT mines which i avoided. well, i figured, rush the ht's in first and if they don't get killed, send in the tanks to waste the pillboxes from behind. so i send the afv's in and they are runnin' and gunnin'. then they hit the edge of the road up to the guns. IT WAS TOO F-CKING STEEP. IS THIS SOME SORT OF SICK JOKE?????






















anyway, i only had two squads with me in the ht's: a hq unit and an engineer with 2 demo packs. i try and send them up but there were survivors of the massive arty. a green volk squad annihilated my engineers. i reloaded a past save and tried it again with an extra squad. thats when i noticed that a 20mm gun was still working.

ok, that was annoying as hell. i went back to an older save, loaded up the ht with guys and sent them up. i also moved my mortars to los of the 20mm position. i had problems with squad loading and stuff, afvs kept bumping into each other, so it wound up that the hq and eng had to go alone anyway. with no 20mm they did well. both pillboxes gone by end of turn 39. allied minor victory, mostly because i lost so many vehicles (200 to 91 germans to allied casualties but 18 to 10 allied to german afv losses).

the 20mm gun was still working but it was being mortared and was pinned. thus i claim that the guns of navarone are silenced.


IF THERE IS A ROAD LEADING TO A IMPORTANT OBJECTIVE MAKE SURE THAT VEHICLES CAN GO ON SAID ROAD. not to bitch but that was sooooooo annoying. i had three afvs jammed in trying to get up that road and i was going: WTF? when that happened i had 7 minutes left so i had to order my 2 units to run over the ciffs. leave a roadblock or make a rubble tile but please don't leave a road that is actually impassable...

those regular pillboxes are freaking accurate as hell.

what's with the wide open spaces in front of the bridges?

i saw a bridge destroyed. i never ordered fire on any bridges but sometime i looked at the middle bridge and it was gone, wrecked. never figured out what hit it.

some parts of the river look a little odd crooked. is it supposed to be a running creek or something?

i like the jabos. they only destroyed one of my guys once and nailed a lot of enemy half tracks. not much use against the tanks though.

i used jeeps running in circles to distract the guns. it was funny as hell. is that why you gave me so many? :P

is it at all possible to win if you lose all your tanks? my infantry barely had a chance to do anything.

the reinforcements are just right except for the priest. i never got much use out of it, sadly, as it is my fave afv.

even with my knowledge and past saves, i only destroyed the mountain guns at turn 39.

all in all fun puzzle to solve. i went to bed really really late even for me cause i was determined to beat this thing.

but DAMN that road still makes me wanna...

the blood of 6 men (eng half squad) who died needlessly are on your hands! smile.gif

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

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