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I had a couple of polls that I wanted to try out on www.combatopinion.com but first I wanted to run them past you folks. I don't want people thinking that the results are meaningless because of how the question was worded.

Question: Based on what you know about CMBB do you think you will you continue to play CMBO after CMBB comes out?

() Yes, there is no reason not to.

() Yes, CMBB may be better but I love the European theater too much to give it up, and or I am not that wild about the Eastern Front.

() Yes, too much money for not that big a difference.

() No, after playing CMBB I don't think that I could put up with the limitations of CMBO

() No, I really prefer the Eastern Front anyway.

DON'T ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE! I will post it on Combat Opinion. I do want to hear what you think of the wording of the question. Did I leave any options off? Are any of the options misleading? Etc.

[ February 08, 2002, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Eric Alkema ]

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Problem is it's all speculation.

CMBB will either be:

* mind-blowingly better than CMBO in all ways

* different but more-or-less the same to play

* different in an unpleasant-to-play sorta way

* unplayable on any but the very fastest platform

* not released because of MadMatt's mysterious connection to Enron

I think the money's all on number one up there. But nobody really knows.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

* not released because of MadMatt's mysterious connection to Enron

We here at the FBI have investigated MadMatt and found that he is in no way connected to the Enron scandel. This harmless man just runs several crack houses and is a known gun-runner and pimp; but he has no connection to Enron whatsoever. tongue.gif
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I said I had two questions, here is the second.

There are a few games going on that try to simulate a larger scale conflict but use Combat Mission to resolve the tactical level battles. How interested are you in a piece of software that would do this? (I am talking about software that would allow one or more people to issue orders to battalions, regiments and whatnot and would include supply, weather, air power and the like.)

() I love it, I would pay as much as the cost of a PC game for such a thing

() That would be cool but I wouldn't pay the cost of a complete game.

() Campaigns run by human GMs are just as good if not better so no need.

() I am not interested in playing anything larger scale than a CM operation.

Again, DON'T ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE! I will post it on Combat Opinion. I do want to hear what you think of the wording of the question.

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And now for the first serious answer :cool:

Yes, I will keep playing CMBO because I like the Western theatre and don't know the first thing about the Russians.

I believe the software you describe more or less exists. Looks like the guys playing in the Meta Campaign have a tool that allows them to move their units on the strategic map.

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For the first question, I would add something like: Yes, the system requirements may be too high for CMBB. :(

I don't know if they will be or not, but it will probably be the ONLY reason I don't play it...until I get a better system... :mad:

[ February 08, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Toran ]

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Oops, I think I figured it out. I am guessing that that was Dutch, not gobledegook. I am also guessing that you were thrown off by the last name. I have been told that my grandfather spoke Dutch when he was a kinder but that is as close to being exposed to it as I have ever been.

As far as joining Blukrain (as I guess you were talking about, yeah, sure. I'm not all that good at CM though.)

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Not wishing to be branded a heretic but I will play CMBO for a long time to come BUT I will definitely get CMBB. If I was completely honest I would probably have been happier if the Eastern front had been done first and then the Western with the new engine/features. Mainly because I know more (a little at least) about the Western front and think I'll get a greater buzz from using Brit/US forces than those depicted in CMBB. That said CMBO is brilliant and I'm sure CMBB will be too. I also think a thread mentions something about BTS re-visiting the Western theatre in the future. If CMBB is that much better than CMBO and then the Western front is done again IMHO that will DEFINITELY be worth having.

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