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I Have Been to the Mountaintop, and Found the Peng Challenge, And Some Old Beer Cans

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

[irate]Rod FECKING Stewart???[/irate]

Athka-whatever, your flirting with the mundane has sunk to the depths of just plain sewage.

Oh Pansie Leader I can sink much lower than that, now sod off, I wasn't singing for you!
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Lady Emma,

Hmmmm....he looks like that adorable Nick Cage, you say. Perhaps we shouldn't call for his head then. After all, he has nothing against PoolBoys. He just wants to execute them after they serve him his drink. That is probably alright with me, since he looks like Nick.

Squire Athkatla,

My you look handsome today! Thank you for stopping by. I see you really know how to drive that BMW. Would you be interested in a job as my getaway driver? I've so much confidence in my lawyer that I'm thinking of expanding my "business" to include more lucrative activities.

Oh, and thank you so much for the sing/song. You're such a sweetheart.

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Three figures sit around a campfire on a low hill over looking the Olde Ones’ Cabana bar. The first, dressed as a fool, gazes wistfully into the flame singing silly little songs to himself. The second sits hunched defensively over the bottle he clutches, darting furtive glances at his fellows. The last, cloaked in shadow, pokes at the fire with a stick. Occasionally, he casts surprisingly lifelike figurines into the fire… one can almost sense screams carried on the wind

Berli: Here comes another one.

Seanachai: Who is it?

Peng: Who cares? They’re all idiots.

Berli: I can’t be expected to remember all their names… this is the one whose name sounds like a sneeze.

Peng: Sod him.

Seanachai: (passes the bottle of Lagavulin) This should be good! What do you think he’ll do when he finds out we carried off all the decent booze?

Peng: Probably whine like a prissy little schoolgirl.

Berli: I’m more interested in what he’ll do when he’s handed a drink with one of those umbrellas and fruit on a stick.

Seanachai: Are you still upset that I stopped you from killing him?

Berli: Yes I am! How’d you expect me to react to being handed a drink with one of those umbrellas and fruit on a stick?

Peng: Shut up you two, I hear yelling.

Berli: I can’t quite make it out, what’s he sayin’?

Peng: He’s complaining about the whole woman’s touch thing.

Seanachai: Humf. I knew HE was a closet Oscar Wilde.

Berli: Shut up, I think this might get interesting.

A head sails out the window of the Olde Ones’ Cabana bar and rolls off into the darkness.

Berli: There, see? I told you that was the proper response to a drink with one of those umbrellas and fruit on a stick!

Peng: He’s leaving

Seanachai: Damn! Now we’ll have to find a new poolboy for the Ladies.

Peng: Plenty of idiots to choose from. How about that Mike fellow.

Berli: Hmmm, he might do.

Seanachai: How about a jolly sing-song?

Berli, Seanachai & Peng: (with three part harmony and feelin’)

There was a soldier, a Scottish soldier

who wandered far away and soldiered far away

there was none bolder, with good broad shoulders,

he fought in many a fray and fought and won

He's seen the glory, he's told the story

of battles glorious and deeds victorious

But now he's sighing his heart is crying

to leave these green hills of Tyroll

Because these green hills are not highland hills

or the Islands hills they're not my lands hills,

as fair as these green foreign hills may be

they are not the hills of home..

And now this soldier, this Scottish soldier,

who wandered far away and soldiered far away

sees leaves are falling, and death is calling

and he will fade away, on that dark land

He called his piper, his trusty piper

and bade him sound a lay, a pibroch sad to play

upon a hillside but Scottish hillside

not on these green hills of Tyrol

Because these green hills are not highland hills

or the Islands hills they're not my lands hills,

as fair as these green foreign hills may be

they are not the hills of home..

And now this soldier this Scottish soldier

who wanders far no more, and soldiers far no more

now on a hillside, a Scottish hillside

you'll see a piper play this soldier home

he's seen the glory, he's told the story

of battles glorious and deeds victorious

but he will cease now, he is at peace now

far from these green hills of Tyroll

Because these green hills are not highland hills

or the Islands hills they're not my lands hills,

as fair as these green foreign hills may be

they are not the hills of home..

Because these green hills are not highland hills

or the Islands hills they're not my lands hills,

as fair as these green foreign hills may be

they are not the hills of home..

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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Mai Tai's, tea, shopping, GOWNS fr cryin' out loud!

What's the Pool coming to?

At the first mention of doilies, I'm going to get positively medieval on someone.

Oh Burly have a heart, cut the girls some slack.</font>
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Oh Burly have a heart, cut the girls some slack.

They'd probably prefer some Chiffon or maybe Thai silk?

Whichever, it won't take much to make that outfit Roxy's wearing these days,

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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Mai Tai's, tea, shopping, GOWNS fr cryin' out loud!

What's the Pool coming to?

At the first mention of doilies, I'm going to get positively medieval on someone.

Oh Burly have a heart, cut us girls some slack.</font>
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My brave Athkatla, thank you so much for defending me against that MEANY Booberry.


Please, do get "medieval". Start with Panzer Leader or Athkatla. They will defend themselves valiantly, and I will be entertained. Hopefully they will tear you to pieces.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Mai Tai's, tea, shopping, GOWNS fr cryin' out loud!

What's the Pool coming to?

At the first mention of doilies, I'm going to get positively medieval on someone.

Oh Burly have a heart, cut us girls some slack.</font>
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Originally posted by Roxy:

My brave Athkatla, thank you so much for defending me against that MEANY Booberry.


Please, do get "medieval". Start with Panzer Leader or Athkatla. They will defend themselves valiantly, and I will be entertained. Hopefully they will tear you to pieces.

Yeah, uh huh. Is this where I'm supposed to cower in fear? From the likes of Pansy Breeder and Argle-bargle?

Ohhh, I don't think so.

Either one of your boy toys is more than welcome to send me a set up.

We of House Croda (Major credit cards accepted! Open late for your convenience!) regard them as amoebas. Tiny and gelatinous. And tricky to spell.

On another note: Athy, of course it was low and underhanded. After all, it was me!

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I know we Ladies Of The Pool must stick together, but I have fond memories of Hakko he was dressed from head to toe in leather and looked just like Nick Cage, he sang Love me Tender and I almost melted.

*sigh* Guess I'll just have to toss a coin.

"This whole world's wild at heart and weird on top."

"I'm a robber and a man-slaughterer and I haven't had any parental guidance."

Besides, those 'Pool-boys make great practice dummies.

Roxy, for the record, I work for no man, especially not Jo Xia

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Scene: Upon the blasted heath, overlooking the Olde Ones' Cabana Bar. A low fire crackles. Three figures huddle round its warmth passing a bottle between them. A weary figure enters the wan circle of light. He is carrying an empty glass with a paper parasol and a fruit kabob.

Hakko Ichiu (for it is he): Wotcher, lads. Here, Peng, I saved this for you. (tosses fruit kabob at Peng).

Peng: Feck off.

Hakko: In a good mood, not to say spirits, are we?

Berli: Why'd you have to...

Hakko: Jealous, Berli? You know you wanted to. The Falling Cherry Blossoms bit was just for a flourish, of course.

Berli: Dibs on Mike for next time.

Hakko: If you like. Just as long he doesn't bring me one of these froo-froo drinks. They're only fit for the likes of Seanachai, who'll drink anything.

Seanachai: Fairy!

Hakko: Ooh, she's one to talk in that cap and bell outfit. Anyway, I'm not here to argue. I'm here for a real drink and a bit of a sing-song. One for the Ladies this time, eh, and a fine, cautionary tale it is. Come on, lads, with feeling:

So come all young men, come listen awhile,

I'll tell you what happened at Firelock Stile,

When a stump of a nail catched hold of her clothes

She fell down, and did expose

Her old Rump-a-tump tooral looral laddiedy

Rump-a-tump tooral looral day.

A gay young buck was standing by

The sight of her quim so dazzled his eye

She said "Young man, I feel amazed

To see a young gentleman stand and gaze

At my Rump-a-tump tooral looral laddiedy

Rump-a-tump tooral looral day."

She said "Young man, if you mean what you say

And twenty bright guineas in gold were to pay,

If twenty bright guineas in gold you did pay,

Then, young man, you can fiddle away

On my Rump-a-tump tooral looral laddiedy

Rump-a-tump tooral looral day."

That very soon he gave consent

And into the woods together they went

While he pre-formed and she pre-tuned

The boy and the beauty kept time to the tune

on her Rump-a-tump tooral looral laddiedy

Rump-a-tump tooral looral day.

Now six weeks being over, as I have been told

She gave him some fire to keep him from cold,

To keep him from cold, both night and day,

And he cursed the young damsel that learned him to play

On her Rump-a-tump tooral looral laddiedy

Rump-a-tump tooral looral day.

Now all young men, come listen awhile

I've told you what happened at Firelock Stile

Or else, like me, you'll rue the day

You go into the woods to learn to play

On her Rump-a-tump tooral looral laddiedy

Rump-a-tump tooral looral day.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Oh, bother...this will never do. Mike would need extensive training I see. Beer for the Ladies, indeed.

It's too easy to get out of extra duties around this place!!
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

"I'm a robber and a man-slaughterer and I haven't had any parental guidance."

Roxy, for the record, I work for no man, especially not Jo Xia

Well,well...what have we here? Step inside warrior Hakko. Let me fix you a drink...a man's drink, served by a Lady even. I wish to learn more of your murderous exploits.

You say you "work for no man". How do you feel about doing a job for a Lady? There are some MEANIES around these parts who need a small amount of death and dismemberment visited upon them. I think you might enjoy the work. Let me explain.....

[ August 18, 2002, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Grog Dorosh,

I AM a Lady and I'm NOT your PBEM opponent. I'm your Combat Mission instructor, remember? Why else would I play the same training scenario with you 99 times.


Don't be so certain you've avoided poolboy duties. The Olde Ones may force us Ladies to accept you whether we like it or not. Remember, they like to kill poolboys. If they want you dead bad enough, you will be the poolboy.

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Hmm....someone's been Miss Construed here.....and since y'all Ladies of the Pool claim to be the Miss's then it must be you.

Did I hear you a'rightly?

You think I should be afraid of death?

Assuming of course that any of The Olde Ones can even remember how to use the knife, let alone where to find it, they probably can't remember the prayer for the Hallal killing and they certainly aren't strong enough to actually use it to hurt anything!!

No - if they want me dead they'll have to do more than just provide a fancy title and have me hang around a bunch of women by poolside - they'll actualy have to try to find a man to do their killing for them.

Now since you ain't one, and they ain't one between them, who's it gonna be??

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Grog Dorosh,

I AM a Lady and I'm NOT your PBEM opponent. I'm your Combat Mission instructor, remember? Why else would I play the same training scenario with you 99 times.

So you can win one? ;)

You're just showing off for the other boys now - you never bold my name in your emails. Hmph, even.

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